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RE: Backlash on ED

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  • RE: Backlash on ED

    Dear all,

    Here I am, offering my 2 cents based on a neutral standpoint.

    I have extensively discussed ED’s decision with my guildmates and also my friends who have unfortunately been excluded from the latest notice (non-SG/MY/PH).

    PS: I hope this hasn’t been shared yet; I didn’t manage to scroll through all the threads regarding this.

    Firstly, it is critical that we identify ED as a full-fledged corporation that is bound by legal statements. That said, in view of their sudden release of the notice (couple this with NA), a backend agreement must have been made to make sure their operation standards are in line with their TOS. We, as players, often identify ED as an intermediary and may seem more personal to us than they actually are. ED is governed by their TOS and workflows, and their vision for the company is projected for the long run. Surely, as most people agree on, that the decision to exclude some SEA countries is questionable, but I seek your understanding that we do not see what’s behind-the scenes of ED. S**t may have happened internally which resulted in the drawing of such lines with the other countries.

    This brings me to my second point. With the knowledge that DN Indo exists, albeit not as active as the current DN SEA, DN Indo is operated by a third party, much like how DN SEA was by CherryCredits. Although this speculation may be far fetched, but it’s logical for these exclusions to happen (at least for Indo) because: why else do we have DN Indo for? If there’s DN Indo for Indonesia players, why hop to DN SEA? Yes, I agree that DN Indo may be (are) less populated than us, and would not be as immersive as DN SEA due to lack of player traffic, hence they would prefer playing on DN SEA.

    *I am using DN Indo as an example. There are alternatives for players from other countries to reach DN SEA*

    Question to ED: Taking reference from your acquisition with Cherry Credits, are you able to take over DN Indo?

    There’s a good chance that an external pressure is acting on DN as a whole. Otherwise, the notice would not/should not be this sudden.

    Guys, I’ll urge you guys to take a step back and (painfully) try to understand from their perspective. What we see is a ridiculously short 1-month notice of termination. What we don’t see could be months of internal battling to even arrive at this junction. If this means a financial blow to ED, surely they would be against it. As much as we don’t want our peers to be disconnected from us, I’m sure they wouldn’t wish for this to happen too.

    My guess is, this battle could have been ongoing for years, unbeknownst to us. They may have been closing one eye to allow non-SG/MY/PH to join us FOR YEARS. It’s a struggle for them as a company, to have to concede defeat, after allowing us the freedom to mingle internationally for so long. Let’s unite as players and try to understand both sides to this.

    I sincerely hope ED can shed some light on their part, and to offer (abit more) transparency and accountability.

    Players, please understand that this decision is way more painful to ED as a company than to us. They are dealing with their rice bowls, while we are dealing with virtual frustration. It’s harder to make such decisions than we think it is.

    I’d like to add that this should have been implemented years ago, or as soon as this had to be done, not unless this was only discussed recently. On a positive note, we made friends that transcended geographical boundaries for so many years.

    Please let me hear what you think after reading this.

    Thank you for your time.

    Last edited by PancakeCo; 10-02-2018, 04:15 AM.

  • #2

    Just Recently,

    ED Hosting multiple Tiered Gacha Events so people would spend tons of $$ on the server, and What do the Cash players get?

    Urges players to watch the Twitch stream for great Tiered rewards, What do we get??

    The Bling Bling Gacha event that promised a "Genesis Ring", What do we get?
    A different "Genesis Ring" that is LV95 and is totally UNREFINABLE

    I understand that there might be forces they cant control, but I cant help to think that they're constantly underhanding us the players, especially with the recent examples that I gave.


    • StarBright
      StarBright commented
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      I agree to this very much. sad tho :<

  • #3
    I understand your point of view. But the reason why there is a public uproar in the first place, is that they are not telling us anything. For years they keep up in the dark with their so called internal struggle, If they want us to be more understanding they should have shed some light and explain what is happening. Because yes this is just a game, yes this is just virtual stuff. But we invest our TIME and real MONEY. Others will say "well you choose to do that" yes because we have trust in this company and we want this game to run further down the road that's why we did. Now our trust has been betrayed, and that's what the majority of players feel.


    • PancakeCo
      PancakeCo commented
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      Dear StarBright,

      Yes you’re right. I’ve mentioned that ED needs to be more transparent regarding this decision.

      Investing real money in the game doesn’t entitle players to expect things from the company.

      Our trusts feels betrayed because we are seeing it one-sided. ED may have betrayed their parent company for years (or whoever they are reporting to).

      I’m not sure how to feel about this whole issue. Rationale of this post is to open the eyes of the obnoxious and biased players.

      Thank you for your views.

      Thank you,

  • #4
    Dear SpeedReign,

    Unfortunately, you are not offering a fair viewpoint. I’ll not reply tit for tat, but there are some things that you have to understand. I’m not looking for salty comments. I’m looking for well constructed arguments/opinions that can differ from mine.

    It unfair to say that the players are losing out more than ED is, I have stated my opinions above.

    Would you then, prefer to get absolutely nothing? Count your blessings.

    Thank you,


    • #5
      The thing is, they lack transparency and accountability (As you've said above). There was no proper explanation for this move. What is actually happening? And what will happen after this move? What do they mean by "ideal and efficient gaming environment"? Your explanations are plausible I'm sure, but without EYEDENTITY actually explaining their side, I wouldn't be able to understand. Not yet, at least. Sorry.

      I'm waiting for a long-ass statement from PM Tasha's Blog regarding this move - which hopefully, there will be one.


      • StarBright
        StarBright commented
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        This is so true :<

    • #6
      your standpoint only much-based on company, not from player beside the "pity" word you put as feel filler to affected player
      okay this is my stand point that probably different to others
      there are several reasons this is so badly taken as company.
      1. sudden and short time decision.
      1 month range to close the gate to the outsider while they have several months or years investing in game is so bad. why don't they give more time like 3-6months or 1 year so player can just leave slowly knowing their time won't be wasted based on what their spent.

      2. they milked us for so many events
      this is related with 1st point that they did several events that make players spent tons of real money to invest their chars. what's the point if their char will be inaccessible within less than 1 month? yeah, if they give much more time, that people will just stop wasting their money and play casually
      I know several (or even many) whales that use red bird (that means VIP top up >300k EC in a month) that are not from P/S/M

      3. DN INA/Indo has agreement with SEA not to IP ban INA player on SEA
      this has history since I have playing from early cap40. INA release the game so late that so many players has jumped into SEA. their gap is around 1 years and different cap level and patches
      also they officialy stated that INA player that play on SEA can still play on SEA server without restriction
      so, people that has enjoying themselves on SEA server already don't bother to move to INA
      and of course I'm one of them (this is personal opinion but INA server is suck on most aspect, so thats why most of people feel more enjoyable on SEA)
      yeah, this is when CC handled the game. but what's the matter? it had been 6 years of CC service and there's no single issue about this and ED just only handle this game for 1 year and screw everything

      4. there's no clear reason or discussion
      ok, the announcement is like 2 days already. how's their response? oh. none. probably this game run by itself and theres no staff, I guess? even no comment on some thread to join discussion or whatsoever.
      OH WELL, ED always like this when it comes the handle of their services for 1 year.

      5. compensation?
      oh hell, hoping they give compensation
      they don't even drop a single sorry to this
      whats the only word they put?
      As always, Eyedentity Games will endeavor to build policies that benefit the users of each server.

      lastly, funny to interpret their current state like a person whose their arm and leg got outsider virus of botting/DDoS/server crash. instead of curing them by doing something, they cut their own arm and leg, hoping it will grow again one day.


      • Alast
        Alast commented
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        Well said. I have been playing since cap 24, have the R2G hat and all... and suddenly I can't play anymore ?

        In years of gaming this is the most outright stupidest move a company has ever made. I will be happily quitting this game now.

      • BabyBunny
        BabyBunny commented
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        I'm interested on your statement of that agreement between DN SEA and DN INA not to ban Indonesian's IP.
        Who made it with who? ED with Gemscool?
        Where can I find the official news?

      • chibidanil
        chibidanil commented
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        it was when under Kang management
        if you can't read then it has limited audience

        "I promised my Indonesian fans that this week, I'll update the status of Indonesia Dragon Nest service. There is a local operator who is interested in licensing Dragon Nest in Indonesia and we, Shanda & Eyedentity, think they can provide a closer service to you. A localised version is expected. However, this does not mean we've forgotten our loyal Indonesian players.

        We have forged an understanding with our potential partner in Indonesia to allow Indonesians playing in SEA service to continue without IP restrictions. We will strive to provide greater value to YOU!

        We pay great attention to your feedback. If you're from Indonesia, please click 'share' to spread this great news! Pls continue to support"

        ps: any mod whos gonna approve my early posts, just remove it. the hell with reviewing posts that made me submit reply several times
        Last edited by chibidanil; 10-04-2018, 05:52 AM.

    • #7
      People can ask for compensation as much as you want but it is not going to happen. If you spend $1000 over the span of 5 years in this game, you are buying $1000 worth of enjoyment that you receive when you spend that money, and the potential to have more enjoyment from your $1000 investment if the game does not close down. Whatever $1000 you have spent you have already enjoyed the hell out of it and no one should be liable to compensate you because you have already enjoyed that $1000. Every game will shut down eventually, do you expect the company to repay back every single cent to every player?

      You can say OH I PUT IN A LOT OF MONEY AND HARD WORK. Guess what? The "hard work" and "money" you put in provides you with utility and happiness and enjoyment that you already received when you play the game. The question now is whether or not you should continue to put in that "hard work" and "money" from this news.

      The main issue now is there is a lack of transparency to the decision made and that can be better improved on.
      Last edited by Icyruios; 10-02-2018, 06:01 AM.


      • PancakeCo
        PancakeCo commented
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        Dear Icyruios,

        I agree.

        Thank you,

    • #8
      Aside of what everyone said above (lack of transparency, milking, etc) what about players that lives in countries that has no Dragon Nest to play?
      Latins cant play on NA server since our region is blocked there too, Middle east players has nowhere to go either, counting vietnam, russian, many others players too. For Latins and probably middle east, russian ppl, the VPN alternative is worst decision due to our high ping. Many of us are in SEA since old caps, and to kick us out of the game for unkown reasons out of sudden is stupid.

      It was better to re-open SEA with ip block already than do what they're doing now, when tons of ppl already spent alot in the 1st year of ED admininstration, which we know that has and still have many issues.

      Dont get me wrong, i understand your point, but i can't just sit quiet and accept this while all my hard work and money will be throw away for 0 reasons.


      • PancakeCo
        PancakeCo commented
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        Dear Nkruma,

        Players only start counting their blessings once shit happens. Worse, some don't even. I'm sorry if it'll affect you

        Thank you,

    • #9
      The customer is always right.


      • Nimmienaticz
        Nimmienaticz commented
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        This should be
        "Right or wrong, the customer always matters".

        Stop the IDEA of "The customer is always right",
        because they're weren't right all the time.

        I am really triggered with this "old sh** phrase".
        Sorry ~

    • #10
      You aren't being neutral, there is no such thing.

      ''that the decision to exclude some SEA countries is questionable''

      Questionable ? Really ? the word UNACCEPTABLE is what you should be using there.

      ''we do not see what’s behind-the scenes of ED'',

      it's their fault and we shouldn't be paying for that.

      ''My guess is, this battle could have been ongoing for years, unbeknownst to us.'', ''Players, please understand that this decision is way more painful to ED as a company than to us''.

      I hope you are getting paid for that... pity.

      you are siding with the company, there is no excuse for what they are doing, sorry to blast your bubble.


      • PancakeCo
        PancakeCo commented
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        Dear Alast,

        'it's their fault and we shouldn't be paying for that.'
        What are you paying for? Entitlement? Purchasing freewill?

        'I hope you are getting paid for that... pity.'
        Unfortunately no

        'you are siding with the company, there is no excuse for what they are doing, sorry to blast your bubble.'
        None to begin with.

        Thank you,
        Last edited by PancakeCo; 10-02-2018, 08:04 AM.

    • #11
      Cake, from my POV you are trying to be the devil's advocate, theres kinda no way to defend someone who clearly knew all along what was going to happen and still milked their players (constantly btw), i'm from Brazil and i play this game since 24 cap, and back then SEA server wasn't even considered SEA, it was treated as a global server and that's why i came here to play, but what can i say? ED have been consistently screwing up everything since they took the administration from Cherry. ED runs DNSEA like a bunch of amatures and i can prove that by they 2 times already asking for people e-mail on public forum.


      • PancakeCo
        PancakeCo commented
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        Hey Sen!

        Finally someone who got the purpose of this Let them roll in.

        Thank you,

    • #12
      people are just salty because of the "investments" they made and feel entitled to "stuff" because of said "investments"..

      what is kinda sad would be the "friendships" and raid teams that will fall apart because of the ip ban.


      • #13
        Although I agree on most parts, if ED won't shed a light regarding this matter (like stated), players won't get to understand this.

        I am trying to understand their perspective. But at least, give us the benefit of the doubt, for now. It can be:

        1. They already see this coming, so they placed milking events to at least earn the last time from outsiders. Sounds like scamming? Yes, but do we have power over it? No. We played an online game, and placed money on it, of course we have no assurance of our investment, but to deal with it.

        2. Already stated above

        3. Other regions of DN are complaining because of players hopping into SEA and leeching what is supposed to be their players, hence putting it into legal action or suit

        There are lots of countless possibilities, and there's no assurance that ED is responsible for it yes, but we're also not sure whether ED is to be blame for this.

        bottomline still goes back to transparency and accountability.

        Lying to the player base now seemed that it was a schemed fraud, if they'll not explain themselves.

        I am open to ED's explanation before I quit since I won't be able to access the game anymore after this.


        • #14
          Actually...what's the point of arguing in the forum since ED will just ignore you...

          the decision was not make by 1 person , maybe it was make by a bunch of ED share holder.

          if u needed a refund , send a history of your top up and request refund. if can't , just send a lawyer and gave them a letter to sue them.

          for an easy way to understand , will you maintain a business that not earning money or maybe just earn enough to maintaining the player ?

          this is just my personal though , maybe i was wrong.

          but as we all know , why game sever shut down? because the sever is not earning enough money from player to maintain.


          • Alpha
            Alpha commented
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            Unfortunately, having a refund or compensation would seem impossible.

            Spending for a virtual game doesn't count as an investment; you pay for the quality time /satisfaction/enjoyment you indulge upon while using their services (in DN's case, gearing up your character)

            That is why, the only thing we can do is to painfully accept the fact, and wait for their official statement , explanation, apologies (if there are any).

        • #15
          This is my take on the whole thing.

          If they just decided to close borders on the server it must be for a reason. They couldn't make such an announcement without pondering the obviously heavy consequences of it.

          So far the most likely reason (or the best i could come up with) would be that ED just doesn't have the resources ($$$) to maintain server capacity, so they are downsizing in order to maintain service quality, which would explain their statement: "-to make a more ideal and efficient gaming environment". Since the majority of the population of the SEA server resides in the aforementioned three countries (Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines), the obvious decision would be to cut off the rest of the world. However i don't think they're seeing the long-term consequences of this.

          This brings me to my next point. While it's true that the vast majority of the population resides in those 3 countries, the people who "finance" the server or, as i'll call them, "spenders" are evenly divided between the foreigners (those that play from outside the 3 home countries) and the home group (those that play from the 3 home countries). The game runs on a "Free to Play" (F2P) model, which means that most of the revenue comes from micro-transactions, meaning that it's the people who engage in the acquisition of "cash items" with ED, who provide that revenue. As in any other F2P game, most of the players DON'T engage in micro-transactions and remain playing for free, and the spenders are a small minority of more dedicated players. From what I know and have experienced, about half of these spenders are foreigners (myself included) and the other half plays from within the home countries. If they cut off all the foreigners, they will end up losing at least 40% of their revenue which in turn will also take away at their capacity to maintain an even smaller server. The population they'll have to keep will still be more than what they'll be financially capable of.

          In short terms, they'll shed the weight of the extra players but at the cost of not even being able to maintain the people they CANNOT cut off. In the end it will become a downward spiral until ED decides that the cost of keeping the server active is not worth the profit they make out of it, and they will shut it down for good.

          I think this is it... ED is backed up against a wall and is now burning bridges. What we see now is a desperate measure to keep the server going, one that will only further dig it's grave.
          Last edited by whatupguys1; 10-02-2018, 01:15 PM. Reason: *proof reading*

