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RE: Backlash on ED

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  • #16
    All hope is they don't block middle east.


    • Nkruma
      Nkruma commented
      Editing a comment
      They will block middle east, together with everyone.

      >> ONLY SG/MY/PH areas will be able to play <<

    • Graupelle11
      Graupelle11 commented
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      That's the sad part I mentioned on the other thread. There are PH/Filipino players who doesn't actually live in the country, and one of the place that they're playing from is middle east.

    • atom100
      atom100 commented
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      And those have money to spend, from main 3 countries large percentage are students, little or no money to spend.

  • #17
    "Hey guys! Listen to the faceless bussinessmen /: the ones who recently got arrested over unpaid employement and internship and document falsification over 3 years and is running away with people's money after several major events /: they are the victims here not the users who actually built this community and took the game to where it is with their support and dedication"

    I have got even less reasons to run my fansite and the wiki. IP blocks are insulting when the server was advertised as Global for almost all of it's run and now Latin Americans, Western Asians and Africans, on top of it Singapore, Malay and Pinoy players who don't reside in the region have nowhere to play.

    Shouldn't even be called SEA then because it excludes most of SEA.

    They aren't "backed against any wall" none of these regions are a single country with the same internet regulations. Hell some of these countries don't even have internet regulations that would make them imposible to run the game like Mexico that is a free pvp enabled zone with no censorship.

    Man I come back after months because I have been between sick and busy to this. Entire guilds are getting the axe.

    People still fall for this "online servers are hard to maintain /:" in 2018. This isn't the 90s and early 2000s anymore.
    Last edited by Chocorroles; 10-04-2018, 06:16 AM.


    • #18
      > Is my Account Gonna Locked after november 1st?
      > yes it is.

      - every players logic before/after november 1
      Last edited by arcodotphp; 10-04-2018, 06:36 AM.


      • #19
        first, forget about my english, it was very bad. 2nd, it was wall of text, so bring some popcorn and softdrink before reading.

        well, mostly i agree with this post. I already quit btw, because there is no way to re connect to sea without vpn. But since this post review something about DN Indo, and i was from indonesia too, i didnt think it was hurt to share my personal experience between both server (Indonesia and Sea):

        1, at cap 40, sea is far more populated than ina, true, yet since the merge of sea server which only left 1 server avaiable. Ina still maintain it's 4 main server, with 2 server are it's major population. Old player quit there, but not as intense as sea, as their main reason they quit is because they think they are too old to play game (example, if someone start playing at high school (18 years), the moment they quit is they are at the age to get some job (22 years). some quit because it's boring, some find it dissapointing, but the "dissappointing" reason are not that much, and didnt become main reason player quitting.

        2, sea are hurted so much because of it's policy. i read this post, and read a lot of phrase "this good game kept getting messed up by policy" thing. If they just let this policy thing untouched, i was sure it was not as desserted as nowadays sea server.

        3, from my personal experience, gemscool as dn indo publisher have one critical moment that decide their game will die or not. the event is when fire outbreak happened on their building, causing server get burned, game service unavaiable for entire week, and half of player losing their id. i was one of the player that lost it's id. they apologized, explain the situation, and trying their best to fix it, and as far as i see, they are still exist. they overcome that disaster with simple explaining post, and here i am, still playing indo server, even before sea ip ban, and it makes me wondering, sea can avoid this kind of disaster with simple explaining post, why they didnt do that? gemscool done that, and they still alive now, why sea cannot do the same?

        4, from the last time i join sea, pvp are only limited on some 1v1 room,KOF room, and "yellow room" as their main pvp thing. In indonesia server, pvp are CVC (Cap vs Cap) room. it was a player improvised room, and i find it quite useful in pvp gameplay, why? here is my opinion:

        - Cap always rotated, so every player will get their turn, in KOF, if youre very skillful, u can completely wipe out other team, and leaving player in ur team didnt get a chance to play. in cap version, everyone get their turn, while maintaining same random player possibility, and number of player per room

        - In cap mode, player can join mid game, kof not. this allow player that joined late to get the chance to participate without waiting too long.

        - during waiting period, i can challenge player from other team to fight me, far from cap fighting. player can hone skill, or simply have fun, or other reason. and because round end after some cap dies, this non cap player that fighting have chance to stay alive even if they are in losing situation, physicologically making them more willing to play, even if they are not very skilled player.

        - a non skilled player can get advice from the one that more skillful, because they can watch, and "train" them on the same room.

        - because everyone are participating in this game, if someone gets too annoying, they can directly fight, or simply ganged up that annoying person. In kof if someone are too annoying, other ppl can only just watch, and cursing, or waiting and hoping they get the turn to defeat this annoying person.

        a single cvc room can contain same amount of player in kof, while maintain 1v1 style gameplay. i was surprised of how effective this cvc style game to maintain pvp population, because this cvc room are not only one, but have 8 room in average. if every room support 8 player, this means total 64 player are playing pvp. this cover a lot of player playing pvp without lots of room. and i think devs should make a bit of improvisation to make this one a bit "official" because it's capability to maintain player on their server.

        5, Indo game master (GM) on some occasion appear on their own game, to check their own game. and they make chat, to tell everyone they exist, and watching. sea? i never heard about it.

        u might be curious why i cover pvp aspect here. if we talk about nest and dungeon, DN indo patch are more outdated than other server, with around 4 month delay, maybe more. while sea are getting awaken, we are still waiting here. PVP become an another aspect in DN indo that have ability to maintain player population, and it's work. So if they are smart, devs should see this opportunity to fix pvp situation 1st, making pvp more comfortable for player. Balancing will comes as second priority, because if PVP are comfortable, player can simply bandwagon OP class, and still have the fun with their bandwagon char.
        good game with clever ingame improvisation makes a great game, and great game will make people willing to play, and pay for it. gamer are simple, they have fun, they pay, they didnt have fun, they wont pay.

        I write this comparison, because sea server are in very desperate situation. uproar about "dn is dying" since cap 50 are killing this server, and player didnt said that as a joke, this uproar are very serious, and as far as i see, now sea only have 1 server, while before are 4 server. why i should join some online game while the one that playing longer said "this game is dying" even on forum? and now the ip ban limited player only on 3 countries, making situation more worse. Second, none of developer effort, to make PVP a fun game, DN Indo was quite lucky because this "entushiastic" player that make their own rule in pvp keep it alive. Third, why sea keep making policy that making people quit? true some online game will become unpopular, but this aburd policy are making it faster. this not only affect this game, but in the future, if ED hosting another game, i doubt the one that experience this disaster willing to join again.

        edit: the incident about PT. Kreon gamescool are happening on 2014, too bad i didnt find any good source about it, but it was appear on local news. but because of that fire outbreak, gemscool are forced to sell one of their popular game, point blank to other company PT. garena to fix their building and server. i make mistake about server down, it was not 1 week, it was one month
        Last edited by pancimania; 10-09-2018, 09:37 PM. Reason: adding extra information

