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Vietnam IP banned?

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  • Lissadesu
    commented on 's reply
    Did you ask them why there wasn't any notification, either before or after the transfer?

  • MeiRin
    If they have said so they would atleast transfer VNese players accounts from to VN server (eventhough the service are sucked), so that the player can atleast keep their money and efforts.
    Btw. Indonesia has their own CC server too and many of my friend from NA are still able to access to the game so why ony VN?
    I would like Cherry and ED team give a more reasonable answer to us please.

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  • 2lanh
    Tsk, seriously?

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  • Makoto
    Grrr, the worst pulisher ever

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  • Ryouuuu
    bump bump they still dont care ))

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  • daitran2093
    commented on 's reply
    oh i see, sorry for the misunderstanding lol

  • Vaddix
    Vietnamese , DNSEA scammed you hahaha. Kek, Jokes aside, Tasha will be livestreaming later, lets just hope she clarifies everything regarding this matter.

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  • Xenocho
    commented on 's reply
    If the question is thrown repeatedly, it will be outright rude to ignore it. Also that would be an answer by itself. All the best in this. I hope they will be fair in considering this matter.

  • box
    commented on 's reply
    He's gone, so that means no need to be concerned of who he is

  • Verbena
    commented on 's reply
    I asked myself for an official statement to release for the players, but I'm afraid I didn't receive one so I am in no position to say anything or to contradict Mantou, who is on a higher ground than me. I apologize for not being of so much help here.

  • Damien
    commented on 's reply
    K, thank you. We’re definitely gonna give it a shot. Let’s see how she will answer this problem. I bet she may ignore it like the way she has been doing in forum tho lmao
    Last edited by Damien; 09-20-2017, 01:20 AM.

  • Xenocho
    I strongly suggest not relying on the forum alone. Try this for instance

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  • Damien
    Okay Eyedentity, so? Do you just let an old CC staff throw a controversial comment like that and it’s done?
    Don’t act like you r an innocent one lmao. We are here just to take back the right we deserve after many years donating and devoting to Dragon Nest SEA.
    PS: we all see the fact that they merge all the threads into this one just to let us cry till we get tired and give up.
    We the Vietnamese call for the SEA community voice right now. Please.

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  • vladd
    commented on 's reply
    yeah.. and dont forget u can start gardening when u leave

  • Lissadesu
    Well, time to do what cc told us, go outside, meet friends, get a life. =))

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