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Vietnam IP banned?

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  • KeroKero
    Im from indonesia and still can play at this server. Weird? And whats wrong if we want to play at this server even our country have its own publisher. Its our right to choose to play here instead. Please consider it again ED :3

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  • Damien
    commented on 's reply
    That's right, but let's put this "donating money alot" aside, what we Vietnamese players are geting frustrated right now is the way they ban us because of the intention of protecting CherryCredit's server. HAHAHA, what is with that explaination?!!!
    So if they state something like that, they should BAN all the IP of those countries that have their own DN's publishers. Guess what, they still allow Indo, Taiwan, NA, Japan, etc players access SEA server. In our country, it's called "Tự vã vào mồm mình í"
    Last edited by Damien; 09-18-2017, 10:33 PM.

  • Damien
    commented on 's reply
    Indeed, the way they encounter and announce this new are just showing how CC is manipulating us and forcing us back to VN server. That's not the way a publisher should do for gamers as well as affect gamers' benefits and satisfaction. I guess all the people who are involved to this must clearly know about that, but guess what: They did it already.

  • kyotom
    Then who will protect player? Since most VNese oldbie players have played this game for 4-5 years then get banned ip because of transfer data, transfer publisher.
    Sir we donate lot and lot of money and time in building our character then just can't play because of transfer publisher.
    SEA = South East Asia not only Singapore, Malaysia and Philippinse.
    one more thing, whenever you got "SCAMMED", will you trust again?
    That all i feel about all actions of publisher, from begining of what you call "Hang Rồng" to "TLM" then now is "SEA".
    Do What You Think Is Right.

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  • zArAthena
    Originally posted by Mantou View Post
    As Vietnam region have their own publisher, hence naturally there will be an IP Block to protect the local publisher.

    Same goes for Indonesia, Russia etc where they IP block the rest of the region that have local publisher
    Thank for your answer. But is this Mantou's own reasoning or official statement from ED?
    The reason "Protecting the local publisher" is uncalled for. There are a lot Vietnamese player plays on SEA server way before DN VN open. And when DN VN open, there is no statement about IP Ban for Vietnamese. People still can play in both server for a long time already. Many VN people spend a lot of effort and money into the game, and now suddenly get IP ban. How is it fair?
    I am pretty sure this move will not "Protect the local publisher" at all. DN VN is dead server. The reason why DN VN become dead is because of CC poor and neglected management. Those VN player in SEA who forced to quit will just quit for good and play another game. There is no chance they move to DN VN after all those BS ED and CC bring to the game and community.
    Last edited by zArAthena; 09-18-2017, 06:53 AM.

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  • Damien
    commented on 's reply
    Oh Mantou, darling no. Russia, Taiwan and Korea DN do block other countries' IP, but their IPs can easily access SEA server and NA server.
    If we follow that theory, VN server does need to block other countries' IP aside being able to access SEA, in it?
    SEA server, as far and long as we know, does not block other countries' IP. Let's say, is it a strategy that CC make together with the help from Eyedentity to get back the VN gamers in SEA?
    If that is a case, it can be seen as being so treacherous, dear CC and Eyedentity Staffs. What y'all do are showing how disrepectful and manipulating it is toward the veteran VN gamers right now. I bet it will never work out and both of the publishers, CC and Eyedentity will be the one who lose us all, eventually.

  • nanalouis
    wew to pull VN players back to a dead sever?? Bye !!! I'll still cont to play DN SEA anyway

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  • Makoto

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  • X1989
    So to protect the local publisher, they blocked IP to VN players who have played in SEA years before the VN server came out, without a single explanation or an official announcement?
    Is this how a company behaves?

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  • Makoto
    commented on 's reply
    Have nothing to say!! Bye ed bye cc , daed gem!!

  • Makoto
    commented on 's reply
    LOL, so funny, u try to protect DN VN really,

  • Damien
    commented on 's reply
    Ok so the announcement that has been GRANTED. I guess it took 1 week (since the day you and I kept bumping the thread asking for the answer lol) for Eyedentity to discuss with CC if they should declare this information. Nice try, Eyedentity.
    And for the sake of SEA veteran players in Vietnam, CC, honey, we do not have an intention to go back to THIEN LONG MON server, and will not.

  • Lissadesu
    Originally posted by Mantou View Post
    As Vietnam region have their own publisher, hence naturally there will be an IP Block to protect the local publisher.

    Same goes for Indonesia, Russia etc where they IP block the rest of the region that have local publisher
    Is this suppose to be an official reply? By that logic it should not be called DN Sea anymore. A comment above stated that Indonesian can still play DN Sea normally. Even if it's the case, there should be an official announcement (and this should have been made during the transferring period). Those are not just accounts, a lot of money are put into them. Depends on how things goes, it can be a serious legal issue.

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  • Mantou
    As Vietnam region have their own publisher, hence naturally there will be an IP Block to protect the local publisher.

    Same goes for Indonesia, Russia etc where they IP block the rest of the region that have local publisher

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  • Mantou

    As Vietnam region have their own publisher, hence naturally there will be an IP Block to protect the local publisher.

    Same goes for Indonesia, Russia etc where they IP block the rest of the region that have local publisher

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