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Vietnam IP banned?

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  • Knee
    commented on 's reply
    TashaGodspell look at the date...

  • Vaddix
    commented on 's reply
    VN will be IP banned in SEA as long as Dragon Nest VN server exists

  • TashaGodspell
    commented on 's reply
    then play fortnite its free

  • Bagiras
    how long this game stop ban IP Vietnamese, is 3 month right now but still cannot login the game

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  • Lucifer
    Originally posted by Ryouuuu View Post
    goodbye SEA , ty for 4 year . i love you Dragon Nest
    My sig says it all ahihi :c

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  • Ryouuuu
    goodbye SEA , ty for 4 year . i love you Dragon Nest

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  • Mackenyu
    I am even more enraged after watching her answering. So basically it's obvious that this prohibition is indeed a deal between CC and ED though it still does not explain these following questions
    1. If CC were to plan to take back the Vietnamese players from DN SEA , why would they even tell us transfer our accounts to ED ? CC should have made an official announcement informing us that us Vietnamese players wouldnt be able to play in DN SEA sv so as to prevent such disturbance that we're having now.
    2. The accounts of Vietnamese players that are currently in DN SEA but cant be accessed are left unused and wasted. The money we've spent and efforts we've made to obtain gears, costumes and many other things, we're just gonna let them go to waste?
    3. This is like scamming all of our accounts and money. We're scammed. By both CC and ED. This is entirely their fault

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  • Ryouuuu

    Is this the end of Vietnamese players?...

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  • nvLite
    commented on 's reply
    thanks for having the vid Kuri!

  • 2lanh
    "I’m pretty sure you guys have received the explanation from Cherry Credits after submitting 1 to 1 inquiries. As a developer, on our side, we service Dragon Nest on very different regions with different servers so it is one of the business contracts that we cannot just open one server for everybody. It’s not right so that’s why since we’re servicing the game, we cannot write the rules here because so many companies are related to these issues. We cannot just do it on whatever way we prefer. I know it’s really harsh, I know it’s really heartbreaking but it’s not an easy issue that we can just say yeah just get into our server, SEA server. It’s not so easy. I hope this answers your question." - PM Tasha[/video]

    So I spent like a fuck ton of money on SEA ever since cap 24, and now I get treated like this? Sugoi CC, sasuga Eye, you sure can manage things.
    I miss when Kang was around instead of this thot.

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  • BabyKuri
    PM Tasha addresses the issue during her Live Stream tonight.
    I hope this can suffice as your "official explanation" from Eyedentity.

    "I’m pretty sure you guys have received the explanation from Cherry Credits after submitting 1 to 1 inquiries. As a developer, on our side, we service Dragon Nest on very different regions with different servers so it is one of the business contracts that we cannot just open one server for everybody. It’s not right so that’s why since we’re servicing the game, we cannot write the rules here because so many companies are related to these issues. We cannot just do it on whatever way we prefer. I know it’s really harsh, I know it’s really heartbreaking but it’s not an easy issue that we can just say yeah just get into our server, SEA server. It’s not so easy. I hope this answers your question." - PM Tasha

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  • Lissadesu
    commented on 's reply
    Apparently, she stated that this is due to the conflict of interest between companies that host DN. So by this logic, will other regions be banned from dn sea in the future?

  • Lissadesu
    Rekt, Tasha just confirmed it =))

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  • Eroise
    What is wrong with ED..!? (or maybe it's CC being greedy for the last time, or both.. like, WHO KNOWS!??)

    ok seriously.. Can't they at least provide an official statement about this sudden Region Blocking? We have been playing in SEA for years already, even before Dragon Nest VN came. The least they could have done is to notify the players. But, they DID NOT. And also, keeps the players hanging, without a single word from them ED since this issue was brought up.

    Is this CC (v.2) all over again? Well, at least in CC we got some quite helpful mods back then. What about HERE??

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  • Ryouuuu
    bump still silent Tasha

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