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Is the game client sided or server sided?

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  • Is the game client sided or server sided?

    Yea, just that question. Is the game client sided or server sided?
    Irresponsibility is trusting an irresponsible person.

  • #2
    You don't even know what you're talking about.


    • seejee123
      seejee123 commented
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      lets just say i dont, but why bother saying anything when you dont even want to answer.

  • #3
    Are you asking about items being server sided, or are you talking about game mechanics and hit registers, damage calculation?

    Besides, why are you even asking this question? What's your purpose?


    • seejee123
      seejee123 commented
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      no, i was thinking about pvp lag.

  • #4
    I think the game is PC sided, because it runs on your PC.
    Seriously, what is your question?
    "Internet is full of trolls and idiots."
    - Albert Einstein

    Mail me gold to IGN: Scimitarry


    • seejee123
      seejee123 commented
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      i dont think thats necessarily true. but sure why not.
      and that is exactly my question :v

  • #5
    well, i just had to know. i mean in pvp, everyone had experienced it at least once. You used a skill but midway it got cancelled, but due to lag, your computer could not calculate that your SA got broken so your skill would be registered as that it happened and sends it to the server, which then would in turn send the information to your enemy that they got hit by a phantom skill that did not happen in their screen.
    Irresponsibility is trusting an irresponsible person.


    • yutehara
      yutehara commented
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      Based on this description, it's really hard to say since that's pretty much how online multiplayer have problems with the same thing, be it being client-sided or not.

      In other words it really doesn't matter if PvP is client-sided or server-sided, the question you want to ask if the net-code or server stability is good or not. To which we know the answer already pretty much from the description you gave us.

    • seejee123
      seejee123 commented
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      oh. guess thats just it. thanks man.

  • #6
    Rule of thumb when it comes to Korean MMOs: their code is always 8 times worse than what you would expect. Having said that, Korean MMO developers still rarely cross a certain threshold of asininity. Having an semi-authoritative client (unfortunately a very common practice in the Korean MMO industry) while (emphasis on the while, because as bad as having a semi-authoritative client is, it is still not past the threshold I speak of due to how commonplace the practice is in the Korean MMO industry) sending packets for every single hit in a skill lies beyond this threshold, so you can happily scratch that off your list of possibilities. I would say that this is a server-side issue.

    PVP synchronization code can get out of hand very quickly (I'm coincidentally working on PVP for the WK server emulator as we speak), and that's just a fact of life whenever you do multiplayer networking. The problem lies in the fact that, at least from my own experience, Korean MMO developers do not tend to take a step back and refactor before things start to get nasty. I'll even go so far as to say that their knowledge of OOP design is sub-par to begin with (Wonderking's infamous 632 case switch statement for packet handling, anyone? Although I have never seen DN's server source, I do know from the strings that they have Singleton and several *Manager classes, which is a strong code smell in and of itself). If you've ever seen Korean MMO source code you'll quickly figure out what I mean. This, in turn, is a breeding ground for all sorts of potential bugs and unwanted effects. In short, they bring it upon themselves. There's nothing to be surprised about.


    • seejee123
      seejee123 commented
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      Well, thanks. I got the idea from your answer. Basically what you're saying is that due to Korean Developer's habits of making things easier, they actually end up having more bugs in their relay of packets. Due to that, they end up in a nasty maintenance and to actually fix it, they would have to remake the codes from scratch as those are as what you say, breeding grounds for bugs and unforeseen mistakes that don't synchronize with the patch that they are applying.

    • seejee123
      seejee123 commented
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      wait, so does that mean that the lag we are experiencing doesn't come from the server to client exchange, but rather the inner workings of the game itself?

    • Riugа
      Riugа commented
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      If what you mean by lag is the strange combat phenomenon you are describing and not 'good old latency', then yes.

      If you want to have a feel for what I'm talking about, albeit this is not DN, this is another stereotypical Korean MMO.

      I believe you can take my word for it that this is how virtually every other Korean MMO's source looks like. It is complete and utterly unmaintainable garbage. They try to use C++ but quickly fall back to horrible C practices; the evident lack of clean object-oriented design speaks for itself. Virtually every other class is a god class, with individual sections marked off by begin and end comments.
      Last edited by Riugа; 11-02-2017, 05:14 AM.