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returning player

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  • returning player


    I failed to transfer my account to Eye, since i stopped playing for 2 years.

    now i started playing again and there are no more nest dungeons as far as i can see, im already lvl 30+ now btw.

    and i'm only seeing 90+ weapons for crafting with the blacksmith.

    does this game still has low level content? if so, how do we get equipment?


  • #2
    The game has no low level content now. All of the contents are focused for Level 95 players.
    For equipment, you can get it by running dungeons in Master difficulty. The rare equipment there will suffice for use in the levelling up process.

    Level up fast to 95 and then gear up. That's how the game model is now.


    • #3
      That's just so sad, i miss those days where you can party up and run various nests with friends.


      • #4
        how do you gear up at level 95? is it by running nests in a party? if so, im not sure if people will accept low geared players in a party.


        • Jeugal
          Jeugal commented
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          Join a guild, guild mates doesn't mind gears cuz they might/can carry you

      • #5
        okay, thanks for the responses. sadly, in my opinion and point of view. I think the game somehow and maybe without knowing it, discourages new players.


        • Skyros
          Skyros commented
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          IMO, you need to research more. Try to find newbie guides here in the forums. As for gears, Neris (Epic) Gears can be bought from Berlin. DN has added more content to cater for new players and the gearing model makes it easier to catch up.
          Re-explore the game and let go of your nostalgia. A lot has changed and you've barely scratched the surface.

        • Xenocho
          Xenocho commented
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          Gears are easily obtainable for newbies and there is progression as long as you work hard, so to say. So please don't jump the wagon and compare to previous versions of the games. There are pro and cons in the actions the developers take, but all in all, no use debating it as they will just do as they like (the only option is to quit if you really don't like it).

          Take note of the current Anniversary Gacha event. There's a full Medea T2 +20 set iirc which you can obtain. Nevertheless, gear enhancement for the basic levels of gear are not too difficult.

          Feel free to ask questions and the forum will assist. There are "guides" for newbies in the forum too.

        • StarBright
          StarBright commented
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          i suggest clear daily task when you reach lvl 95.. the daily task and weekly task gives you gold and points for you to create/make gears... plus you will get 3 tickets for cerberus nest... if you are afraid of nesting Labyrinth offers a wide rage of difficulty you can start at "easy" where many players are looking for CP hunt (community points) also before going to lab nest try out the new "storm of time and space" nest where your stats will be adjusted, no need for gears they hand out stones that gives you buff for lab nest.. end game had many content and you will not feel left out once you reach 95.. as long as you know where to get them good luck! and i hope we can see each other or do nest ^_^

      • #6
        The game currently focusing end-game stuffs, for max level players
        its a pretty good clear objective, as leveling is very easy = content for lower level will be useless when players are max level already

        the leveling spot as pretty much as usual :
        1-10 : Story-Quest
        10-16 : Sigh Canyon (South Calderock's Portal)
        16-24 : Dark Tower Magician Institute (North Calderock's Portal)
        24-32 : Flooded Downstream (South Saint Haven's Portal > Hermalte Port)
        32-40 : Gates to Death City (West Saint Haven's Portal > Black Moutain)
        40-50 : Dragon Follower Base (South Saint Haven's Portal > Riverwort Wharf)
        50-60 : Meteor Crash Site Boundaries (South Saint Haven's Portal > Riverwort Wharf)
        60-70 : Golden Meadow (East Saint Haven's Portal > Anu Arendel)
        70-75 : Flame Canyon (East Saint Haven's Portal > Anu Arendel)
        75-80 : Wailing Wall (East Saint Haven's Portal > Anu Arendel)
        80-90 : Blue Wind Plains (Dark Gate, near West Saint Haven's Portal > Merca's Heart)
        90-93 : Red Waste (Dark Gate, near West Saint Haven's Portal > Rhadames)
        93-95 : Abandoned Wharf (Dark Gate, near West Saint Haven's Portal > Merca's Heart)

        the leveling process is a little harder on 90-95.. but still manageable as theres parties in Saint Haven Channel-1 for 90-95 (when theres a lot of people facing same difficulties = they team up to face em')

        as for end-game content, you can use Hero's Neris from Blacksmith's set (100% success rate to +10 all parts, about 70% until +15 I think? and 50% to +20 I think?.. but theres Enhancement Event this 17 & 31 August 6PM~10PM, that raise 30% chance.. you can YOLO +20 Hero's Neris without Protection Jelly, anything higher recommended to use Protection Jelly lol.. Event :
        the new Division Nest got Easy~Labyrinth 50 Difficulties, theres even bonus imba buff for Abyss and below's difficulties.. you can solo until you are geared to challenge higher difficulties

        lol.. I really typed a one heck of a essay.

