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Dragon nest suggestion for newbie/veteran friendly game

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  • Dragon nest suggestion for newbie/veteran friendly game

    hi there, new forumer, old player here. (this will be a wall of text)

    dragon nest is great game, it have awesome mechanic (in my opinion) that despite having op gear doesnt mean player can receive damage from mob everytime. it need dodge, something old game didnt achieve in the past. allow me to review this game abit.

    when i start dragon nest, it was lvl 40 cap, i must say i was impressed with the game. it bring excitement,lots of new skill to use, variety of combination that allow advanced combat system for mmorpg game. when the game progressing, new class introduced, new skill added and extra specialized skill come into play, i find it become less interesting. it was because overall skill rotation is alot simpler, i didnt use as many skill as lvl 40 at my disposal. i use moonlord as main since cap 40, both pvp/pve. i remember i need to use at last gladiator skill line to deal dmg to mob. with awaken introduced, i can do pve without gladi skill at all. ignoring dungeon reward, i find the overall mechanic is simpler, good but too boring to use. i know specialization meant for, but doesnt mean i need to abandon other skill just for specialization only. i hope in future patch, dragon nest team can consider this and bring more excitement for this game, and re-introduce complex mechanic of dragon nest combat system.

    this suggestion is not without flaw, new player will find it difficult to adapt. i reccomend dragon nest team make official basic, intermediate,advanced skill combination video for newcomer so they can adapt with this game and not sacrificing us, player that play dragon nest since long time ago. also, some dungeon mechanic that suitable for newcomer, slow moving mobs with slow attacking speed, and for advanced an aggresive mobs that will punish you severely if you are not careful.

    dragon nest is multiplayer online game, not offline game. i request a dungeon modification not based on difficulty, but by number of player. hard version dragon nest only accesible with player more than two, and contain good reward. it will prevent good geared player clearing dungeon alone, and allow newcomer to improve his/her gear the more he/she play it. i think it will also make healty community. i say more healthy because nowaday dragon nest community is kinda toxic. no friendliness with new player that was struggling with his own gear, even old one will sometime try to tricking newcomer to gain extra money. also attitude like "i was playing longer than you, so you should respect me newcomer" is common and not healthy at all.

    i find that nowaday dragon nest situation, you hardly enjoy the game unless youre max lvl. let's say high end gear, ladder, yellow pvp room, raid, etc all only accesible with max lvl. newcomer still struggling with his gear find it unpleasant to lvl up, especially this kind of player hardly have party.i remember i need to pay max lvl player to help me. it was not fun experience. i do reccomend for new player gain access to instantly maxed lvl,with skill build reccomendation for the class they choose, starting gear and starting money (i think 700G is enough for starter player). this will greatly help new player to experience the fun of dragon nest itself.if he/she want to add more character, they can start at lvl 1 like usual. but atlast they have one max lvl char that he can use at the beggining.

    i do reccomend a reward mechanic that count overall time logged in. let's say if he/she overall playtime equal for one month (for example) he get good reward. i find returnee reward is exploited severely, and in the result make people logged in one day, hibernate it 30 day and using other char, and story repeated. this will make alot of dummy char. my reccomendation mechanic means player rewarded for their loyality to this game, and i think this mechanic is hard to be abused. returnee reward can still be used, but i reccomend to incerase duration from 30 day to at last 3 month (90 day)

    i read all complaints about pvp, they talk about imbalance, dmg imbalance, op class,etc. this kind of conversation is like poison, it kill dragon nest game slowly, but surely. i do reccomend to remove pvp in extreme case to avoid "salty attitude" between player. but if this game mode will remains on dragon nest, i do reccomend dragon nest team will work hard to improve it. adressing each player complaint will make a long list of fixes, but in general i reccomend this:

    -give every class a no-brain,noob friendly skill that act as his lifesaver.
    i play moonlord since lvl 40,till awaken. tbh, moonlord get great improvement at awaken thanks to his no brain skill "awakening eclipse" and greatly improved "cyclone slash awakening". i remember casting cyclone slash is as hard as hell in the it simpler, this cyclone is faster than impact punch (pvp player will know what impact punch is, it was warrior skill). when i was using gladiator, i didnt feel extra improvement like i was using moonlord even with awakening active. i start to feel the imbalance here. gladiator is not newbie friendly, i think some class remain like him. i was not sure the best solution for this, but i hope dragon nest team can balance all class here. balance in my term is that all class can be used with newcomer with same simplicity.

    -give official pvp guide
    dragon nest combat mechanic didnt allow to kill enemy with single hit, it require skill combination. and i agree it was difficult for newcomer,and takes time. but how this newcomer train themself without a guide? i do reccomend dragon nest team coordinate with old pvp player and make official pvp guide so this newcomer can learn,and enjoy the pvp

    -give more damage for basic left click hit
    guardian,paladin,barbarian,ripper,gladiator is an class example that use basic left click button to prolong combo,or linking between skill. i found that even with awaken patch, this basic hit is still low damage. i mean imagine martial art tournament, if you learn something new, you also improving your own power. in dragon nest, if i have better skill + awaken, taht's mean my normal left click hit is stronger right? but it didnt applied here, normal attack still as low dmg as usual. i do reccomend dragon nest team to consider this too.i doubt it was easy to use on real pvp situation, but if this one have high dmg, every player will adapt how to use this. i think in overall it will reduce most of imbalance thing on dragon nest pvp community.

    -improving player teamwork and more fun
    teamwork is essential for nowaday game. some take it extremely, some may not. but it was good if there was a situation where people work together. 1st, is a game mode smiliar to raid mechanic, one player gain extra damage,lots of hp, and other are grouped and try to defeat this one. i was imagining pvp style of "ghoul mode:game of thrones" in pvp situation.

    -new pvp room that act as lounge room and fix community of pvp
    also new pvp room, combining spectator slot and pvp slot. it looks like arena in the middle and safezone around it.people can choose to challenge other player on safezone and fight on middle arena. whoever win cannot brag too much cuz people watching there and they was exist there. and it was possible for other to re challenge him. loser may looks shameful, but other better player can give advice to him/her. if it was lag abuse,runner, etc that was unfair game, the community can judge each player attitude, and become the control itself. it will avoid trashtalking,alot of trashtalking. and i think in general will improve pvp greatly

    i think this all i can write, kinda tired though, but i hope it was useful. i put my hopes high cuz now sea server is maintained by it's developer, i think any kind of good advice will be read here.

  • #2


    • #3
      We have a section for this but anyways, it will eventually get moved.

      1.- I agree with what you say about skills. I feel like the gap between each build has widened so much. In the past you could have a not so optimal for damage build that favored your own style and what was fun to you that wasn't so much disadvantaged against a build that was made minmaxing for damage. The Awakenings and Instants are both too convenient and powerful, I remember when EX wasn't about not neccessarily making a skill more powerful damage wise, but different, so some people would choose to not activate some EXs if the changes didn't suit them. Nowadays the gap is wide everyone and their mother uses the same build otherwise they would be far behind. Hybridization being discouraged by the current system, while it helps class balance A LOT, it's also hurting creativity.

      But I don't expect any mayor rework to the classes right now because Awakenings and Spin-off classes are not done being released and Machina and Lencea are still deep in the queue.

      2.- Back then Abyss and Chaos was based in the number of members of the party. Eyedentity has decided not only to favor people who only plays in Easy mode, but also decided that everyone must play in Easy mode and we must like it. he difficulty we had in the past never making a come back.

      While I agree that Dragon Nest it's a multiplayer online and has such it should be designed with multiplayer being the top priority, I disagree with blocking content unless you meet certain number of members in the party. This is ok with Nests for example or the now removed Dragon Fellowship. But regular PvE dungeons? This is too much, people should still be allowed to level up and advance quests at their own pace. Some people like to run one dungeon and then go afk to eat a snack and come back and do other two and so on, forcing them into a party where they have to sit for hours because they don't want to fuck over their partner just discourages people from playing, not the other way around.

      3.- This been said a hundred of times and just like above, they don't seem to care. The game is painful to level up now that there's not higher difficulty, no low level nests, you just one hit KO everything, and we don't have the EXP boost of other servers. I don't level new characters and I find it impossible to convince new people to stay. If they don't wanna change it back to what it used to be I don't get why I have to put up with 93 levels of this, just let us start with a 93 character. Chronicle was a good idea and it should be expanded upon so you don't end up missing like 90% of the main story quest and all the unique parts of the story of each class, and made more accesible.

      Chronicle right now does almost exactly what you say, but it's limited and a seasonal event.

      4.- Isn't that the callendar we currently have?

      5.- They are aware PvP right now is a mess but iirc in the latest conference they said they were gonna fix it later, I think after releasing all Awakenings, spin-offs and the upcoming class. My memory fails me but the point it is it on the to do list.
      Last edited by Chocorroles; 11-09-2017, 07:24 PM.


      • #4
        that was fast response, never expected it actually

        Originally posted by Chocorroles View Post

        2.- Back then Abyss and Chaos was based in the number of members of the party. Eyedentity has decided not only to favor people who only plays in Easy mode, but also decided that everyone must play in Easy mode and we must like it. he difficulty we had in the past never making a come back.

        While I agree that Dragon Nest it's a multiplayer online and has such it should be designed with multiplayer being the top priority, I disagree with blocking content unless you meet certain number of members in the party. This is ok with Nests for example or the now removed Dragon Fellowship. But regular PvE dungeons? This is too much, people should still be allowed to level up and advance quests at their own pace. Some people like to run one dungeon and then go afk to eat a snack and come back and do other two and so on, forcing them into a party where they have to sit for hours because they don't want to fuck over their partner just discourages people from playing, not the other way around.

        4.- Isn't that the callendar we currently have?

        5.- They are aware PvP right now is a mess but iirc in the latest conference they said they were gonna fix it later, I think after releasing all Awakenings, spin-offs and the upcoming class. My memory fails me but the point it is it on the to do list.
        2, it was true, i agree with your explanation, i didnt mean to remove single player mode of dungeon, i just ask to add more difficulty, with better reward and only accesible with multiplayer, nest smiliar to this, but too difficult for newcomer,too many restrictions, and still can be cleared with solo good geared char. it was better if we have new player reward like returnee or better than returnee, so people will consider taking them into party even with low skill, low gear thing of newcomer player.

        4. yup, that was the callendar you mean. if you use this that mean you have multiple id at last right?

        5. i read about that, but i think they might struggle where they should start with, at last what i explained above will give then general guide of which fix they should start with at beggining.

        *about chronicle thing, i also think it was good apporoach, and can be improved this way too to help new player enjoy the game


        • #5
          A way I can think of to improve Chronicle would be letting people start right after they pick a class, 93 and your gear sent. THEN put a new npc that people can consult anytime to get a story summary that it's more complete than the one we currently have (one that doesn't omit your class unique story parts for starters), and divided in chapters so you don't have to sit +1 hour to listen to it all, or implement the feature in an existing NPC (like Kathy or Free they would be the most suited for this). Make them like quests and put some rewards at the end, maybe new pictures for the artbook collection or useful materials or a dragon mount. And make the Chronicle playable sections not just press X to win because otherwise I don't see why we have to battle if they are as strong as a piece of paper anyway. It doesn't make me feel immersed or like the interactive part is worth it, quite the opposite.

          It kinda defeats the purpose of Chronicle, I know, but having to watch an extremely condensed plot summary AND having to do it with every character I Chronicle to every event phase with no way to skip it, specially when I already know the story, it's tiring. I'm sure newcomers felt the same after they picked a different character and noticed Chronicle was the same.
          Last edited by Chocorroles; 11-09-2017, 07:56 PM.


          • #6
            i agree this is all true is just sad to hear all of this only true old dn player will understand this... anyone here still miss the golden days of dn when ingame and community is still populated.


            • #7
              Aaaah it is indeed a wall so bit hard to comment on everything. Maybe just gonna state some opinion on one point for now.

              Originally posted by pancimania View Post

              *PVE DUNGEON
              -cut cut cut-
              Kinda disagree here a bit. If gearing doesn't even affect dungeon that much more or less gearing becomes.. pointless. Also, even if you try to force people into playing with others by giving 'good rewards', trust me there will be lotsa ppl doing abuse on this. Some pubs don't even participate in dungeon (esp. DQ), gets carried, and just roll rewards. Adding to this, not all the time everyone plays at times where others are up. You also need to bear the chance of partying up w/ TT pub with this set-up.
              As for people thinking they're higher than newbies, tbh it's not necessarily old players. You can't really fix it, it lies on the people's attitude and upbringing :v.


              • #8
                I apologize for posting new topic in this thread.

                GMs, please bring back the Endless Rounds.

