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Please remove DOTA like hit attack

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  • Please remove DOTA like hit attack

    I got to experience the new bosses and honestly it's very disapointed, I can see why some would wanted but not for experienced players like me. The old bosses never used that system, we learn through the animation or the skills bosses uses. This DOTA way fight fighting ruins everything, bosses like Ice Dragon would become easy, the animation is not going to kill you but that small hit shape on the floor will and all any one needs to do is jump away from it. That's not how games are played, DOTA has ways to stop people from dodging the hit area, dragon nest doesn't because the game never was desgin like DOTA. It feels very odd when a boss hit me with its sword but didn't count because i was outside the hitbox range of attack, it all seems very poor design honesty and removing it is helping stop people from knowing how to beat any boss in one or two runs.

  • #2
    I'm not too sure what you're talking about to be honest. Are you referring to the addition of indicators on the ground where the bosses are going to hit? The game has always functioned similar to that, but it's just that they're showing you the actual area itself now. I'm not too familiar with where it shows up late game since I haven't even gotten to end-game nesting yet this cap. Does it show up in every nest or just the 'easy' ones?


    • firecat
      firecat commented
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      yes those ones for the bosses or any npc with heavy damage, i call them dota hitbox because dota was the first to use it before lol. on lol you only had players use them but today's is more about heavy hitting npcs and bosses. anyway, no its not the same since players like me had always looked into the bosses animation not the ground for hints. why even look at the ground that's crazy to think the ground has answers to your possible hits. you will see it on level 80 bosses and above. it shows up only on the newer nest or as people been calling them "current nest" until we get an update.

  • #3
    probably because every mmo does this now so they just copy.


    • #4
      The hitbox indicators were actually one of the primary focuses of the dragon nest revamp (aka t5) so this is nothing new, and will probably never be changed since they did this on purpose to make mechs easier to read and react to.


      • firecat
        firecat commented
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        this is why im suggesting to remove it, sure its fine on certain things and i can accept that but on all level 80 bosses, nest and npc. nope that would be too easy to just jump out the way or only kill the boss with a few long shoots or tinkers robots.

      • Echelos
        Echelos commented
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        Oh I understand in a lot of situations its not very necessary but I just mean its like, a core element that ED added to the game and will probably never change. They added it on purpose, they wanted the game to be easier to pick up and play. Yes it makes things a little too simple but that was their entire goal with the change. :/

    • #5
      Originally posted by milktoast22 View Post
      probably because every mmo does this now so they just copy.
      no, mabinogi doesn't have it, Luna Online doesn't do it, Vicures (mabinogi counter part) does not, Fiesta Online has no need for it and you better believe Wartune is not part of the mess.


      • Alchemi
        Alchemi commented
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        You are literally naming a bunch of games that haven't had a actual mechanical update in well over 5 years. So of course they don't have it, the current modern MMOs are all doing it through. For a short list: FFXIV, WoW, Tera, Blade and Soul, WildStar, that just a hand full off the top of my head.

    • #6
      they're copying the more popular mmos. world of warcraft, blade and soul and ffxiv have these indicators for attacks on bosses.


      • #7
        If anything, they should remove it from Hardcore. Considering the fact it's supposed to be more difficult, other than the fact the bosses have like a billion more health and do like a billion damage.


        • #8
          Originally posted by milktoast22 View Post
          they're copying the more popular mmos. world of warcraft, blade and soul and ffxiv have these indicators for attacks on bosses.
          no they didnt copy from them, wow is too slow giving users time to react like shown here:

          B&S allows users to stun the boss, DN boss are immune to stun

          and FF stole DN story just look at this:

          there were no indicators on that video or this one


          • #9
            Originally posted by Amaurus View Post
            If anything, they should remove it from Hardcore. Considering the fact it's supposed to be more difficult, other than the fact the bosses have like a billion more health and do like a billion damage.
            Agreed! Or make an option that allows users to hide it.

