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A late awakening suggestions

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  • A late awakening suggestions

    Hi there~

    hmm... i was thinking about the possibility of Eyedentity read it... as i never seen any kind of "communication between developers and players" (apart of when they did a questioning about screamer revamp... long time ago). And write some ideas i had to awakenings for classes which havent it yet (lancea, machina, assassin...).

    Tbh, i had drown some illustration while was writing on my book... but im not skilled on drawings so i feel shy on it :v . Also, I know that it's a late suggestion, but i feel that i need try, at least, and see what u guys thinks too. so here we go (careful with my bad English, as it can make ur eyes bleed)

    -------------- MACHINA -------------

    ---Defensio ---

    Active Skill 1 - The Defensio does a short animation and the player choose which stance mode to enter, by pressing right or left click.

    right click: Put the knuckle gear in front of her body, opens it, and rush forward dealing DMG per hit. The rush animation is similar to "Ducking". Pressing right click finishes the run, and deals 50% of skill DMG.

    Left Click: She downs to her knees and put the knuckle in front, to protect her body. the knuckle will create a "virtual-yellowish steam barrier" that blocks 100% of incoming damage. This instance uses Defensio's steam points (bubble .. whatever ) to effectively block incoming DMG. When successful block, will cause a "heat effect" on knuckle and it will consume 3 steam, generating a "cooling wave" buff. This buff will heal HP based on her Defense.

    -This mode can be canceled by pressing right click.
    - While in defensive mode, can't move to any direction, but you can jump as well.
    - stance will least by 25, or until all steam be consumed or be less than 3.

    Active Skill 2 - put the knuckle gear in front of her body, opened, and starts charging a powerful beam on the center of it. The charge have 3 stages and each stage consumes 6 steam. while charging, a energy ball appears and grow as it charges. also, a suction effect happens few meters in front and becomes stronger as the stages changes. can be fired anytime by pressing left click.

    awakening passive suggestion: Beat Down - the charge time becomes a bit longer, but it increase the DMG and AoE as it charges. If the skill hits when charged in the last stage, recover some steam.

    awakening passive suggestion: Beyond the Wall - The successful hit will generate a provoking area thateast for 6s. when jumping backwards, throw a average field that gives HP shield to allies that stand there while its active. field lasts for 5s

    awakening passive suggestion: Air Shoving - improve the block animation, making she put the knuckle faster in her front, and increase the block time. When successful blocks, reduce the cooldown of "Repair"

    ~to be continued on comments~

  • #2

    --- Ruina ---

    Active Skill 1: Raise the knuckle to above the head, and starts charging. the knuckle size increases, and fires like a rocket missile after charging. you can choose the area of knuckle-rocket-missile by pressing W or S. when hit the ground, there is a explosion, and the targets in center receive bonus DMG.

    Active Skill 2: Hold the mechanical arm like a bazooka, charges for a very short time and launch the knuckle forward. The knuckle will hit and bounce to another target 5x, as it hits, plants a bomb on targets, and each bounce increases the detonate damage. the bounce hit has a high stun chance, and the character can't move while the knuckle is jumping around. when the knuckle back to caster's arm, the bombs planted will detonate, multiplied by the number of hits given. DMG from bounce and detonation are independent.

    Awakening passive suggestion: Lariat - increase the DMG shorten the distance. While dashing pushes the enemies together, giving silence and when click causes a low explosion.

    awakening passive suggestion: Follow Through - the shock wave stay walking forward during 5s and when pressing normal click, dash to the selected direction (w,a,s,d). the dash deals 60% of skill, and cause knocking effect (can hit airborne).

    awakening passive suggestion: Flying knee kick - distance increase, and pressing right click make the character use a strong claw attack


    • #3

      --------------- ASSASSIN ----------------

      ---Light Furry---

      Active skill 1: Make some seals with hand (le wild jutso) and punches the ground, Then a mid AoE circle appears around him. This circle has 5 chakra spheres (the one from LF's first EX skill) near the edge, and the AoE have two effects at the same time:

      On Allies: the spheres keeps sending light waves that cures debuffs, and the AoE gives a regeneration buff.

      on enemies: the spheres deal damage to the enemies who approaches, and the AoE reduce enemies' attack. The DMG from spheres are equivalent to the EX skill mentioned above which i forgot the name.

      Active skill 2: Raise his hand and throw a huge piercing star that spins forward and stop in mid air, spinning and dealing light damage.

      awakening passive suggestion: Rabbit - Each 7th buff wave, the rabbit cast a Heal wave of **, based on caster's physical attack.

      awakening passive suggestion: Raccoon (sorry.. don't remember its name) - buff critical rate for allies in range, but The summon stays on field for 60s only.

      awakening passive suggestion: rage of light assassin- increase the damage of LF type of attacking skills (awakening ones not included), increase Piercing Star damage and turn it to light element. when piercing Star hit enemies reduce its cooldown and active skill 2 by x seconds.


      • #4
        ---Abyss Walker---
        Active Skill 1: Makes hand signs for about 3 seconds, then put the kunai on the ground. A large (consecration size) field of signs (like abyss Walker sign) is created, and enhances some skills:

        - Clones: reduce cooldown, increase damage and duration.
        - Nigh Explosion: greatly increase its damage and the AoE is extended to the whole field.

        the field induce 15%hp burn each 3s, and the AoE lasts for 15s. when it reach the end, the signs back to the kunai.

        Active Skill 2: put his fist back, gathering dark energy, and jumps forward giving a punch, throwing a abyss dragon that pierces through enemies dealing high damage per hit, 4s flying. (if you pay attention, all skills from AW tree have a dragon-like effect. that's the dragon im talking about... and he looks like a flying snake. there is a mount of this dragon too)

        Awakening passive suggestion: Fake log - while casting skills, press jump and one direction key. when pressing jump button while in skill actions, the character will instantly become invisible and jump to the direction selected. the character will leave at the place, instead of the fake log, a clone which deal some punches and disappear. the invisibility lasts for 3s.

        awakening passive suggestion: Blade of abyss - increase blades DMG and amount. The blade hit will change from single hit to hit per blade.

        awakening passive suggestion: Master of shadow clones - increase the number of clones summoned by 1

        ---Abyss Walker---

        Active Skill 1: Makes hand signs for about 3 seconds, then put the kunai on the ground. A large (consecration size) field of signs (like abyss Walker sign) is created, and enhances some skills:

        - Clones: reduce cooldown, increase damage and duration.
        - Nigh Explosion: greatly increase its damage and the AoE is extended to the whole field.

        the field induce 15%hp burn each 3s, and the AoE lasts for 15s. when it reach the end, the signs back to the kunai.

        Active Skill 2: put his fist back, gathering dark energy, and jumps forward, throwing a abyss dragon the pierces enemies dealing high damage per hit, in 4s flying. (if you pay attention, all skills from awakening tree have a dragon-like effect. that's the dragon important talking about... and he looks like a flying snake. there is a mount of this dragon too)

        Awakening passive suggestion: Fake log - while casting skills, press jump and one direction key. when pressing jump button while in skill actions, the character will instantly become invisible and jump to the direction selected. the character will leave at the place, instead of the fake log, a clone which deal some punches and disappear. the invisibility lasts for 3s and.

        awakening passive suggestion: Blade of abyss - increase blades DMG and amount. The blade hit will change from single hit to hit per blade.

        awakening passive suggestion: Master of shadow clones - increase the number of clones summoned by 1

        Last edited by Arctiic; 12-16-2016, 06:49 PM. Reason: fixing some xt9 typo..


        • #5
          -------------------- LANCEA ------------------

          ---Sting Breezer---

          Active Skill 1: jumps high and conjures the light power on the spear for a instant, then down to the ground, piercing the spear on it. As she down to the ground, a huge Goddess trident (Same size of paladin relic) that deal high falling DMG, falls from above. can be used in mid air. can be detonated. has a long cooldown

          Active Skill 2: Same animation of hovering blade ex right click, and size of dent blow. Throws 3 after images that deal damage per hit, straight line, for 5s and then back to caster dealing 1 hit each which has 50% chance of increase the number of after images by 1. no hit limit, cooldown of 9s and each hit reduce Active Skill 1's cooldown.

          no ideas for awakening passive here, nor chaser awakening ideas xD....

