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Adept Awakening could use a tweak or two. Important suggestions..

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  • Adept Awakening could use a tweak or two. Important suggestions..

    1) Elemental Flair casting time should be reduced. A five second cast time belongs nowhere in this game. It is quite annoying to use and can get cancelled by a lot of mechs/skills/quick-DPS-windows/boss jumps and boss sprinting.

    Increase action speed or reduce cast time would be helpful. Crusader got 2 new skills and both are a lot quicker and jump has a better iframe effect with similar/more dmg.

    2) Volcano Jump - This skill is perfect as it grants a needed iframe / cancel / gap closer however it does not generate bubbles nor provide damage. Again, crusader got 2 new skills and we got 1 basically because this isn't and shouldn't be used as a DPS skill.

    Additional Note: This contradicts what I said above about not using volcano jump as a DPS skill, however what the hell is the point of 5% BURN DMG??? Same with most burn damage is way too low in this game, like frost fangs is even worse totalling 23,885 burn damage per ult cast (98 sec buffed).

    3) 20 Bubble is great but feels too sloppy and slow to achieve due to lack of bubbles gained vs out- Doesn't feel right to have 10 extra bubbles, a skill that cost 9 bubbles, and a loss of overall bubble gain at the same time. The bubble system itself is cancer because you have to spam and spam before entering any dungeon and even during the dungeon itself. Let's just do the math:

    +10 Bubbles are added.
    - 5 Bubbles removed from super slop cocktail.
    - 1 Bubble removed from coolant.
    + 2 Bubble gain from new skill used twice (however you should be SAVING this as your iframe, especially because it's hard to see as an adept).
    -9 Bubbles for using Elemental Flair.

    ^ Does this make sense to you? We are probably the only class that has to still branch off the other tree to generate more bubbles which is flawed. There is no place to put the SP elsewhere.

    We lost our ability to generate bubbles quicker, therefore volcano jump should generate 1 bubble per cast and 2 with the passive. We can also provide bubbles back to coolant or cocktail. Either that or reduce flair to 6 bubbles. Both are a good/quick fix. Most adept are forced to go into poison/phys tree somewhat or fully to just generate more bubble because it is quite annoying to generate bubble now.

    4) Coolant + Cocktail dmg is mediocre and inconsistent:
    I'll dumb it down for you.
    -> Does not share the same cooldown, therefore you have to wait to use the combo which makes no sense, and if you do not then you have to wait another 10+ seconds to use cocktail again with it. This makes absolutely no sense.
    -> It does about 30-50mil dmg averaging at about 45mil on golem every 30 seconds ISH if combo is used twice consecutively.
    -> MAXING COOLANT is almost irrelevant to the damage because you're going to explode it prematurely anyway.

    My fix would be an additional 50% damage if coolant is maxed or just give it a 50% dmg boost from 350->400% and obviously reduce the cooldown of cocktail to match coolant since they are a COMBO now.

    5) Bubble Brain Revamp: Well, it's the same thing now, except it's spread out to 20 bubbles. The problem is we EAT bubbles so this is quite stupid IMO, it should just be a flat increase, that's it.

    Thank you.


    Edit: Want to add that making the hands (arctic squish) more transparent or outlined as they fly over your head would be great because I literally can't see playing this class half the time.
    Last edited by GoodRiddance; 02-13-2017, 11:14 AM.
    IGN: Serqet (Adept)

  • #2
    Edit: Can we get an animation change so that it doesn't take a full second to START to cast flare which has 0 super armor I believe and no iframe in the pre-cast animation.

    The end animation shouldn't be so long either but I don't care about that as much.
    Last edited by GoodRiddance; 01-27-2017, 09:26 PM.
    IGN: Serqet (Adept)


    • #3
      IGN: Serqet (Adept)

