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Nexus' Ideas~

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  • Nexus' Ideas~

    I'll finish the rest of the post when I have time~~~~~

    Just some changes and stuff I'd like to see in the game.

    1. Balanced Outfit Stats.
    • The continuous increase of stats on outfits only further widens the gap between players who use money in the game and those who don't.
    • People don't want the game to be pay to win.
    • People will still buy outfits that they like.
    • All outfits of the same grade should have the same stats and bonus stats.
    • I personally think 4 piece outfits shouldn't even be a thing.
    • If each part of an outfit is individual it would let people customise their outfit much more and create their own unique look. (happier players + more outfits bought).
    • Hero sets and event sets are an exception, they will still have their own unique stats and stat bonuses.
    • All outfits that are purchasable in the Dragon Vault should be of the same grade.
    • Epic synthesis outfits should have better stats than any blue / lower grade outfit, as they are harder to obtain and of higher grade.
    2. Option to Auto-Open Entire Stacks.
    • Basically instead of right-clicking an item > press open > press okay > repeat; there would be an option where the game keeps opening the same item until the stack is empty or it gets cancelled.
    • This would be really useful for eggs, mystery treasure chests, pouches, etc.
    • Sometimes people don't want to sit and open them all by hand.
    • Especially with mystery treasure chests; they accumulate quickly and having to open 700 by hand sucks.
    3. Everything Hybrid-able.
    • This is about special outfits such as the space pirate outfit, weapons, wings, decal, tails, etc.
    • Maybe someone wants the stats gold weapons have but prefers the look of their epic synthesis weapons and wants to synth the stats over.
    • Maybe players would like to put the stats from the Pure Royal Viking set onto the Blinding Constellation wings, decal, and tail.
    • Maybe someone wants to use pieces from the space pirate outfit in their outfit, but they can't hybrid the piece to get better stats on it sadly.
    • Make 2 piece outfits hybridable too.
    4. Sort Items Together.
    • When pressing sort items, items that are the same and can be stacked, such as lustres, should get automatically stacked together.
    • This is a pretty straightforward idea.
    5. Tradable Cash Items.
    • Make all EC items trade-able in the marketplace.
    Last edited by Nexus; 12-19-2016, 04:01 PM.
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