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Inventory Expansions for Old Players

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  • Inventory Expansions for Old Players

    Prior to the new level up reward box, it only gave out enough expansions to have 1.5 pages of slots. Returning players are dissuaded from continuing to play because of this difference. It is nearly impossible now to have everything confined to 1.5 pages of inventory space with all the content that are coming out. Please give characters that were created earlier expansion spaces that match the newly created ones.

  • #2
    You can try what I'm doing:
    Saving my free DNP to buy some new inventory slots.

    sn’t your fate,t’s your way.


    • FarfallaN
      FarfallaN commented
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      lmao 30 slots a month seems to actually converge with the time at which they actually listen. Oh, wait...

    • Sekkei
      Sekkei commented
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      That seems like a punishment for returning players when I could be spending the DNP on something else. Shouldn't they be rewarded for having played so long? Furthermore, each old character that wants an inventory expansion equivalent to 4 pages needs 2.5 months to get that? If I had 10 characters, that would end up being 25 months just to get all of my characters up to par.