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Suggestion: Changes to Nest weekly limits and Current in-game DNP system

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  • Suggestion: Changes to Nest weekly limits and Current in-game DNP system

    Hey guys

    Edit: whoops forgot to mention DNP! ahah
    so i would like to have DNP linked into Nest content upon clearing. not a large amount, but have it potentially gain MORE than what we currently have going for us which is

    Do nothing/log on = 500 DNP
    i would rather have like a DNP system in which you complete nests and GAIN DNP for doing so.

    let's say.

    level 90s
    50 for normal.
    100 for HC

    level 93s
    75 for Norm
    150 for HC

    now i wouldn't know if Party/Guild Bonuses should apply cuz we all know that sometimes it's .. too much of a hassle to gather people at certain times of the day so if bonuses were implemented that would mean everytime you solo you would feel like you've missed out on a lot. -> sadness

    btw same system maplestory uses for it's Reward points system. in which you earn Maple points that you can either use as a % discount when you use Nx credit/cash to purchase items from the cash shop or you can purchase from a special selection of cash shop items

    e.g. Item protection jellies x50 for 2500 DNP

    or buy Item protection jellies x300 for 12,500 Nx/Eye Credit/Cash and can use 25% of the cost as DNP as a choice.

    the DNP gains itself would be account bound too. so exactly the same way maplestory does it. you cant like do manticore nest x10 and gain 10x50. it would just be the 2x50 and that's it.

    also if the DNP items from the special store would be bound too. to prevent further multi-account abuse.

    one of the driving incentives for this is to have a main that can carry you.

    also rework the Dailies to include some relevant rewards as well evenly for both solo play and party play.

    spread the options around for additional content to do in Dragon nest from a more casual viewpoint.

    Currently Dragon Nest uses a weekly Nest restriction upon Nest completion/clears which is below

    3/3 - Normal
    3/3 - Hardcore
    per week.

    some specific entry limit's are a little different from the others. Namely the Dragons which are currently

    Desert Dragon, Red Dragon and Ice Dragon

    2/2 - Normal
    1/1 - Hardcore

    Now how about this for an idea. not original mind you, but i personally believe that if this was implemented it might just change what we know as Farming Nest and Grinding Nest and introduce what the newer players believe to be
    'Dragon Nest'

    simple put. this newer format simply copies the Maplestory bossing clear limits.

    so. if you know what i'm referring to basically in Maplestory (from my knowledge at least) our dailies.
    are just boss runs.

    sadly they aren't as interactive, but that may have been due to being on.. hmm i relatively low population server (GRAZED - el nido)
    so it's basically instead of fighting together and using our skills optimally.

    whoever is the strongest. carries/nukes the bosses and the guildies get a free ride.

    also the drop system isn't like Dragon Nests. it's Free for all to a point.
    so basically it's up the party members themselves whether or not to split stuff etc. (correct me if i'm wrong and ill informed somewhere. i wasn't a pro nor went totally into end game. lvl 216 AB with 1.3-6m no buff)

    . ok so they use a daily system for bosses in general.

    it resets everyday, but certain bosses. that have end game drops. once a week.

    i can't remember at the top of my head exactly but i do remember Hard Magnus was a once a week. (he can drop Tyrant gear which is has the same situation at IDN L armors. no jokes. same benefits and cost ratios)

    other then the hmm. BETTER heros battlefield imo which is Mu lung Dojo.
    in that mode you have scaled down damage and fight lot's of bosses going up a stage higher and higher till you reach the top. with harder and stronger monsters as your next opponent each stage clear.
    a true place where to test your dps management skills and compete not only against other people in the server in time attack, but also have a clear understanding of your placement within your character class itself :O


    in short went on a tangent again. my bad, but how does having every nest reset at a

    Regular Nests:
    2/2 - Normal
    1/1 - Hardcore

    with the Dragons being weekly

    2/2 - Normal
    1/1 - Hardcore

    ALSO dreaming of a Mu lung Dojo in Dragon nest. that actually sounds really cool for me
    going 1v1 vs lots of different types of mini-bosses and elite mob monsters in a closed off space and climbing your way up by defeating them.

    ofc yeah. support classes rip in there. that's ok though.
    i just hope support will always stay relevant in Dragon Nest to keep that MMO feel and variety


    thanks for reading.
    obv i will edit for typo's later.

    on't mind :<
    Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 03-28-2017, 09:05 AM.
    Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374