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Encountered No Damage Dealt In-Game? Post Your Ign Here.

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  • Majestria
    IGN: BrokenMemory

    Certain skills aren't working.

    Firewall EX (awakened)
    The pyro 50 (forgot name but awakened)
    Meteor (Active pyro awakening)

    Meteor animation isn't even there
    neither is firewall
    nor pyro 50.

    What's going on -_-

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  • lDemonRav
    lDemonRav , lSetoKaiba , lLionDark , LionDark (Screen frezze and client crash many with destroyer )

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  • fylakas
    IGN : zdestroyer

    I can not damage monsters again. I was helping one of my pupils grind and I started to do no damage again.

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  • Kyulon
    commented on 's reply
    Its working fine before Arch Heretic patch.

  • Yurella
    commented on 's reply
    Sorcs skills are glitchy since the patch.

  • Kyulon
    commented on 's reply
    My problem still not fixed.

  • Kyulon
    IGN: KyuloN

    My "Mystic Mischief" buff doesnt work and my "Gravity Well" doesnt do any dmg. Also my crest are bugged and i couldnt even take it off

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  • Steinx
    IGN : xAgHunter

    My skills hit yet no damage is done to mobs occasionally while my skills go on CD.

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  • xEternity
    IGN EternalZeus

    I've posted here before and I'll do it again cause Saint awakens so buggy (excluding bubbles). I've gotten zero dmg results roughly 50% of the time with Pool, Blessed Sign, awakened Grand Cross. Literally only awakens that are missing and majority of my damage. Yaya

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  • PsycoLove
    IGN: PsycoLove
    thanks T_T

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  • ShilTheFacade123
    IGN: LeoEsperanto

    Whenever I use Gladiator's Hyper Drive, it just tends to deal damage sometimes, other times it completely does nothing, even point blank.

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  • fylakas
    My Main Account
    IGN: zdestroyer

    My Guildmate Account
    IGN: zRuina

    I don't know what happen, but i stop doing damage after a disconnect. Before the disconnect I was helping my guildmate grind at Zephria Plains. When i reconnected into the game I started to do no damage. Soon after my guildmate also encounter the same problem. We have no idea why this happened. We would greatly appreciate it if you can help fix this problem for us.

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  • Psych1011
    MiryokuTeki it only started to happen after I logged out and came back in :/

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  • notkris
    I don't have this specific issue, but I was told to post here for being flagged as a bot.

    My main,

    IGN: Kris

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  • xEternity
    IGN: EternalZeus

    My both in pvp and any places in pve their are many instances of GC awaken not making all contacts/damage. The other is that blessed sign for awakened saint isn't doing any damage and not hitting either. Idk what is causing it.

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