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Encountered No Damage Dealt In-Game? Post Your Ign Here.

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  • drumbox
    IGN: PaperSpin
    IGN: iCarryAgun
    recently did the Roulette Board game with both char. and couldn't do damage afterward.

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  • Nullify
    IGN : Nullify
    Sever : NA
    Class : Gladiator
    Currently bugged and in need of assistance.
    Last edited by Nullify; 01-20-2018, 05:44 PM.

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  • hmglucky
    commented on 's reply
    Please comment to let me know when fixed. I would like to play soon, I bought 200% exp scroll for nothing.

  • Pieceofshift
    IGN: Dripping

    I have no idea why I was flagged lol.

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  • Dozerdeath
    Posting for a friend
    IGN: DCed

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  • hmglucky
    IGN: WaTaMoLo
    Please help! thanks!

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  • moonawpoe
    ign: mootatoe

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  • stevenzhen
    Please help i just repeat some level 1 guest and this happen.i couldn't do any damage on any dungeon / nest /pvp / but monster could hit damage on me. im dying without playing
    Last edited by stevenzhen; 01-18-2018, 01:21 PM. Reason: explain clearly

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  • LPKisLove
    IGN: Azurealm

    Pls Help me Fix my Char it can enter Dungs but it can't deal any damge at all and can't pick up items, I can also be attcked by mobs its been going for 3 Days.

    out of all my char this is the only one with this problem please Help me, ill lose my mood to play this game if this keeps on going.

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  • Dozerdeath
    IGN: DozerX

    Currently only affecting my Kali, my other classes can damage mobs. Wasted two Daredevil Faire tickets due to this bug.

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  • faelyon
    Alright it happend to me on my assassin before, i sent in a ticket it said wait until 0900 hours or something, my assassin can hit enemies again so the bugs gone for him. However in the meantime while waiting for a reply I decided to level an archer to fill the time, IGN: Faede and it has the bug now too, not doing any damage to monsters. The email response mentioned that it may have been locked by the system due to the detection of an illegal 3rd party device/software and if I am certain i don't have any modifications on my computer to provide details, witch i believe i do not. The only thing I can think of is that maybe its detecting a program called nox, witch is an android emulator, in witch i play another mobile mmo while im playing dragonest. In the mmo on the android emulator nox. Their is a feature built into the mmo game i play on the nox emulator that auto runs dungeons so while that game is playing i play dragonest separately and the two don't interact with one another in anyway that i'm aware of. That is the only thing i could think of that might be happening but in the end i don't know for sure. So to clarify if if my thoughts in reference to nox weren't of any use the IGN Faede is experiencing this problem. I will post more if this happens to any of my other characters again.

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  • Yurnero
    IGN : Yurnero

    class : gladiator

    For no reason I can not hit anything in dungeon or nests, but i do can get hit by enemies. Was playing well in the afternoon and it happened after board game at around 8:00PM PST. Please reply me as soon as possible I can not continue any regular game behavior right now. thank you

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  • ChaosAngel
    My account - MiniiChaos/ChaosAngel
    Posting for a friend - IROYALTYI

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  • chyuri
    IGN: Chyuri

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  • iGaymer
    Dean Yaya - Any updates? Can you please get Russel unflagged? It would be greatly appreciated.... thanks....


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