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Encountered No Damage Dealt In-Game? Post Your Ign Here.

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  • Rokanji
    Ign: Drome

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  • iGaymer
    Yaya Dean Hey, IGN: Russel. Please get this fixed? Thanks Please let me know when it's good to go. Appreciate it!!

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  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    Ty . I try to find u and send request for friendship. Cya

  • SkitzoRoy
    commented on 's reply
    Congrats!! I'm happy for you =). Hope you enjoy the game, and I'll send you a friendship request. My IGNs are HellRoyy and Skitz.

  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    Heyyy.. Roy . I am happy , i did it ! With full client download. Zip files.without problems. Hope i can meet you in game, would be nice. I am lvl 8 now. Send me inv for friendship if you like for Marylaine . Ty so much for your help , u nice . Cya soon i hope

  • SkitzoRoy
    commented on 's reply
    Launcher version 660 is correct.
    Now, before you give up, there are 3 different download ways I want you to try.

    1st way: click this button on the download page If this completely downloads, extract the .Zip File and then Double-Click dragonnest.exe to start the game.

    2nd way: follow the instructions in this forum post:

    Hopefully one of these ways work, but if they don't we'll try the Steam version.

  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    Yes 96 % , everytime the same client i have on pc, and is not the full client is the easy install . Launcher is verson 660. Is ok ? I want to download full client like u say. U didn t send me the link. I hope is good mine. I have head eak , ho long i read in Forum to find solution and a good way and link to download and install . I m afraid i give up , if don t work .
    Last edited by gabriela; 01-07-2018, 03:38 AM.

  • SkitzoRoy
    commented on 's reply
    The full client download only got to 96%?

  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    Same problem like first just 96% and told me Launch..pffff .. must download full version ..cya

  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    I try now with the same installer . Hope work. if not i try ather 1. Ty for luck. Maybe u are my luck :P

  • SkitzoRoy
    commented on 's reply
    Ok, good luck. Let me know if anything goes wrong.

  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    Ok i will try now. I am nervous ..want to resolve that. But i think take a bit to download.

  • SkitzoRoy
    commented on 's reply
    Ok, well, if its not there, you can either try an uninstalling program (like iobit uninstaller) and seeing if that can find/uninstall DN or just delete the dragon nest folders and try again.

  • gabriela
    commented on 's reply
    I am ussing NA ( Us ) . Well , is not is not instaled in my PC, verry strange. I have all files just in C: ,but not even there haveDN uninstall. This make me think that is not instaled completed. Btw i am ussing Windows 10

  • jessieGod
    IGN SexyBow
    i am still having the same issues . i can not damage to any monsters .

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