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IDK my pupil hasnt graduated yet he's lvl93

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  • IDK my pupil hasnt graduated yet he's lvl93

  • #2
    Hello! With the new mentor system your pupil has to manually choose when to graduate after hitting level 93!
    Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!

    -Subscribed to every forum section except Trades-

    Discord: Couplord#5195
    NA IGN: SirCoup


    • #3
      Originally posted by Couplord View Post
      Hello! With the new mentor system your pupil has to manually choose when to graduate after hitting level 93!
      omg what if he doesnt graduate or chooses to!?


      • #4
        Changes have been made to the Master-Apprentice system.

        Now you can register other players as a Master or Apprentice when there is a difference of 1 level.
        Apprentices can be up to Level 92.
        Apprentice’s level up reward has been changed. When the Apprentice reaches Level 30, 60, 90, and 93, both the Master and Apprentice will get [Master-Apprentice Points] item via mail.
        You will earn [Master-Apprentice Points] when Master and Apprentice play the game together in a party.
        [Master-Apprentice Points] can be attained when you clear dungeons and Nests and you will get a little more points for Nests.
        [Master-Apprentice Points] can be used to buy items at Heraldry Scholar Stas.

        There are also changes in registering Master introduction.
        Respect Points that only the master used to get in the past has been removed.
        Changes have been made to master’s [Self-introduction]. Master can register a [Self-introduction] to appear in a list of Masters that Apprentices can see.

        Whenever you renew the self-introduction message, you will be shown at the top of the [Master List]. When you [Cancel Introduction], you will be removed from the [Master List].
        The number of times Fatigue is deducted for a Master for entering dungeons has been changed to 20 times.

        Graduation level for Apprentices has been changed to Level 93. (Previously it was Lv90.)
        Now the apprentice can graduate at Level 93 and can also choose whether to graduate immediately or not.
        Apprentice can gain Graduation Points from the time he or she has attained maximum level and will graduate automatically when Graduation Points have reached the maximum limit. Or the apprentice can choose to graduate immediately by clicking [Graduate] button.
        After reaching max level, you can get more Master-Apprentice Points if you play Nests with your master.

        When the Master and Apprentice play dungeons and Nests together, they can get Master-Apprentice Points. You will get 5 points for all dungeons and more points can be obtained in newly-added Nests.

        Credits to Cherry Credits for the copy and paste, too lazy to write out all of this information when there is an easier way haha!
        Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!

        -Subscribed to every forum section except Trades-

        Discord: Couplord#5195
        NA IGN: SirCoup

