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Possible FPS fix for GeForce users (nVidia)

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  • Possible FPS fix for GeForce users (nVidia)

    I have a lot of guildie asking for a possible fix.
    I have used these settings for a higher fps in most games.
    (I am not responsible for breaking ur graphic card :P)

    You will have to go to Nvidia Control Panel by right clicking on your desktop screen.
    After that you will need to find "Manage 3D settings".
    Upon clicking it a list of setting should pop up and you can see Global Settings and Program Settings.
    In the Global Setting, you will want to keep "Power Management Mode" on "Prefer maximum performance".
    Scroll down a bit and you should see "Texture Filtering - Quality", set that to High Quality.
    Also if Triple Buffering is turned on, turn it off. That will get rid of your graphic card's "self-limit" power. (It kinda works like v-sync but kinda not)
    Hit Apply and you should see some increase.

    NOTE: DN has been highly "praised" for being badly optimized so if no increase in performance is presented, simply set 3D setting back to default (theres a default botton).

    My Specs are:
    Intel 4th Gen i7-4790 (NOT i7-4790K)
    16GB ram
    Window 10
    MSI GTX 970

    My FPS: 40-70

    Hope this helps
    (I almost forgot, im not sure if the 3D setting resets upon updating driver. AND IF YOU DIDNT UPDATE YOUR DRIVER, WELL, GO DO IT!)

  • #2
    No settings change if you just update. You have to completely remove the driver to lose settings in nVidia Control Panel.

    Just as an aside, triple buffering is completely worthless anyway if you don't use Vsync.

    If you want the absolute best performance you can have on any game, get an nVidia GPU that supports G-sync and then get a G-sync monitor. Then set Vsync in the control panel to adaptive.

