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S> Genesis Ring service

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  • S> Genesis Ring service

    light, darkness, and space cubes are mine.
    you only provide the time cube(500 pcs).
    price : 40kg

    mail me to negotiate
    ign: FqingRaven

  • #2
    Attached Files


    • #3


      • #4
        Please excuse me for asking an honest question as I am unfamiliar with this kind of trade; why would you sell the service instead of the finished product (Genesis Ring)?

        500 Time Cube x 105 g = 52500 gold. Combined with your 40k price, that's 92500 gold. Current cheapest Genesis Ring in the market is around 95-100k gold.

        Granted, your offer does seem like a cheaper option. However, judging from a buyer's perspective, it is much safer to buy the completed product instead since there's no risk of being scammed.


        • prkchp
          prkchp commented
          Editing a comment
          Its simply because I dont have enough gold to craft it xD and i dont spend much time on DN anymore so i cant farm that much gold faster than i'd like to. I'm using my main char to sell this service so I hope its enough to make people trust me xD. Thnx for the comment tho.
          Last edited by prkchp; 03-07-2018, 08:17 AM.

      • #5
        Hello, i am interested, can you pm me either ingame (IGN: Streeder) or here. Your settings to receive private messages seems to be disabled. Image already added

