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Phishing and possible hacker

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  • Phishing and possible hacker

    Xz4g3ntX44 this ign will shout if the other player want to join a pvp event and if you reply to him yes he will give you this site
    other player have already been hack by this modus please take action on this matter
    this 3 is the accomplice

    if i got some screenshot that they are finding another victim, i will post the screenshot here

  • #2
    Phishers do so by sending e-mails that are designed to collect an individual's sensitive information. To make phishing messages look like they are genuinely from a well-known company, they include company logos and other identifying information taken directly from real company's website. The victim receives an e-mail that appears to have been sent by a known contact or organization. The fake email conveniently includes a link you can click on to resolve the problem which you're told you need to do. These e-mails are clever fake and the information you provide goes straight to the crooks behind the scam. Because these e-mails look like from legitimate companies and victim trust them and enter their personal information.
    What are phishing scams ? How Do I Avoid Them ? Phishing is a type of online scam where a targeted individual is contacted by email or telephone that appears to be from a legitimate institution asking you to provide sensitive information. What Exactly Is Phishing & What Techniques Are Scammers Using?


    • #3
      Hi ED and everyone. Lately we just experienced some guild storage wiping out. but i found out that this is the reason why. a former vgm somehow managed to log our GM's account and edited the withdrawal authority settings so that sgm's and vgm's are able to took it. this are the proofs. pls do something to this guys. hope it will be solved and punish the scammers and hackers..
      Hacker and Scammer IGN's CHAI321 and ValkyrGirl . ValkyrGirl is the one who hacked the settings and CHAI321 is his companion. they now made a new guild of their own with the stolen goods from us.


      • #4
        Do you have a ticket already?
        We all hate Scammers and Hackers. Click [HERE] to learn more about their methods.

