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Dq troller

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  • Dq troller

    This guy afked and keep on dancing while were on DQ. shes been afk for almost 30mins and while im creating this she's still afk lol. please do something for people like this. or do some option for kicking party mates for being afk.

  • #2
    IINM, you can kick him if he's away to the point that there's 'zzz' on his head.


    • #3
      Kick option appears in the party chat when the char starts to have the "zzz" bubble above it. However if your troller often move his char before it appear, you won't be able to kick him that way.

      -Just a tip, if you are strong enough to do DQ it's better to do it with a friend or solo. Pub's pretty toxic that I haven't partied with the pub for a very long time (solo DQ & nest) but since it's kinda boring when your friends are also offline I haven't gone OL for a while already.


      • #4
        ^^Follow his advice, you'll get 200+ gold every dq or more if there's a goblin roaming, plus all garnets yours! The gap is not that big on dungeon time run when soloing compared to in a pub pt that is, if you're strong enough to do it.


        • #5
          Man if only you can earn cp running solo that would be bliss * A * ) .... But instead you hab to run with random pt and you get this x'D

