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  • Gone?

    I've been playing Dragon Nest SEA since the year it was released. It has been my favorite game for the past six to seven years. I grew up with it.
    Needless to say, I've created a lot of characters and obtained a lot of items since then.
    The last time I played was last December 2017, when I transferred (I had trouble logging in because I didn't know the username was the e-mail address).

    I tried playing again today, and I'm distraught to see my account literally bare. All my characters are gone.

    Did I miss something these past few months? Was there a crash or something?
    Dragon Nest has been something really important to me as a kid, and I would really like to get my characters back.

    Any information or assistance is greatly appreciated.
    If I don't get my characters back (though I doubt I'll ever play again if I don't), I would at least like to know why this happened.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Alright, first thing's first.

    What do you mean "Gone" ?


    • #3
      Thank you for responding. I contacted support a couple of days ago, and until now I haven't heard back from them, so I thought my case would eventually just go unnoticed.

      I logged into my account and the first thing that popped up was the "Returned Hero" window, and then the new character screen appeared.
      I thought the new character screen was there just because of the new Bleed Phantom update, but when I went back to my actual character screen, my character list was empty.
      I believe I had 16 or 17 characters, but now there aren't any (the list said 0/17).

      I asked one of my friends recently, and he said my character (ign: Lacewings) was still friends with his character, though. So I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a system problem.

      I actually have two accounts. Both of them are empty. I'm not really sure why, since I remember logging in last December (and both of them had characters in them).


      • #4
        Try reinstalling the game. your client is probably corrupted. your waiting for your ticket answer anyway. what's a day or 2 in downloading the client.


        • #5
          Alright, I'll try that. Thank you!


          • #6
            Hey OP, is it alright now?

