Ladies and Gentlemen,
After some effort and hours of researching... I finally managed to run DragonNest with almost non issues on a Linux distro (ArchLinux, to be more precise), but i believe that it could work on another distros with some tweaks. Actually, i'm playing on humble laptop using NVIDIA/Intel hybrid graphics. I'm willing to share this achievement to DN community because i found topics about these attempts, but virtually no "Official Help" or step-by-step tutorial. So, here we go:
1) Using your distro package manager, download wine-staging package (NOT PlayonLinux or the common wine branch... I've tried it before and run into several issues that made me give up). Another problem here is that some versions would not work. Actually i'm using the version 2.21-1 but *some* older versions should work.
2) Create a 32bit environment (Usually typing WINEARCH=win32 wineboot). If it ask to install wine_gecko/wine_mono, you can skip it.
3) Using your distro package manager, download Winetricks. It's necessary to download some dependencies like the Directx stuff
4) Type winecfg in your distro console. Go to Staging and check the "Enable CSMT for better graphic performance" and "Enable VAAPI as backend for DXVA2 GPU Decoding". It will bring better performance.
5) Using your distro package manager, make sure to install some intermediary dependencies before the winetricks step: libtxc_dxtn (32 bits), openal (32bits), libpulse (32bits), mpg123 (32bits) and gst-plugins-base-libs (32bits)
6) Here comes the tricky step: The winetricks dependencies. What should i install to make the Client work? Unfortunally, i have dozens of Windows stuff using the same wine folder (Office and so on), so i have dependencies that DN dont need. So, for sake of convenience, i'll share the command line to install everything and later, i'll update the guide with only the necessary:
OR you can install manually using the GUI (You should install the zenity package). Select the "Select the default Wine Prefix" -> "Install a Windows DLL or component" (For directx, vcrun, gdiplus, ie8 and so on) and "Install a font" (For calibri, cambria, tahoma, corefonts, lucida and so on)
7) Download the Official Client Downloader or the Direct Full Link. MAKE sure that folder path DO NOT have any whitespaces... For caution, unzip everything on drive root (C:\ or whatever). Under wine, the folder is generally occult under the /home/ partition (~/.wine/drive_c)
8) Make sure to have your GPU drivers installed and working. For hybrid NVIDIA graphics (my case), have sure to install the Bumblebee stuff and the Primus package. The respective wiki guide:
9) VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure that all DN files are under the correct file permissions for READ/WRITE/EXECUTE. The client or the XIGN will CRASH without the right permissions. Here is a good tutorial to use chmod and chown commands:

Obviously, this tutorial is a simple draft. I'll update later (Now i can't because Christmas and New Year) with more images, better formatting and instructions using common Linux distros like Ubuntu or Fedora and workarounds to some issues in game (Like glitches and weird mouse behaviours that must occur).
Report any issues.
Merry Christmas
After some effort and hours of researching... I finally managed to run DragonNest with almost non issues on a Linux distro (ArchLinux, to be more precise), but i believe that it could work on another distros with some tweaks. Actually, i'm playing on humble laptop using NVIDIA/Intel hybrid graphics. I'm willing to share this achievement to DN community because i found topics about these attempts, but virtually no "Official Help" or step-by-step tutorial. So, here we go:
1) Using your distro package manager, download wine-staging package (NOT PlayonLinux or the common wine branch... I've tried it before and run into several issues that made me give up). Another problem here is that some versions would not work. Actually i'm using the version 2.21-1 but *some* older versions should work.
2) Create a 32bit environment (Usually typing WINEARCH=win32 wineboot). If it ask to install wine_gecko/wine_mono, you can skip it.
3) Using your distro package manager, download Winetricks. It's necessary to download some dependencies like the Directx stuff
4) Type winecfg in your distro console. Go to Staging and check the "Enable CSMT for better graphic performance" and "Enable VAAPI as backend for DXVA2 GPU Decoding". It will bring better performance.
5) Using your distro package manager, make sure to install some intermediary dependencies before the winetricks step: libtxc_dxtn (32 bits), openal (32bits), libpulse (32bits), mpg123 (32bits) and gst-plugins-base-libs (32bits)
6) Here comes the tricky step: The winetricks dependencies. What should i install to make the Client work? Unfortunally, i have dozens of Windows stuff using the same wine folder (Office and so on), so i have dependencies that DN dont need. So, for sake of convenience, i'll share the command line to install everything and later, i'll update the guide with only the necessary:
winetricks calibri cambria comctl32ocx comctl32 comdlg32ocx consolas corefonts dbghelp directx9 droid gdiplus ie8 lucida msls32 msxml6 ole32 opensymbol riched20 tabctl32 tahoma unifont vcrun2008 vcrun2010 winhttp xmllite
7) Download the Official Client Downloader or the Direct Full Link. MAKE sure that folder path DO NOT have any whitespaces... For caution, unzip everything on drive root (C:\ or whatever). Under wine, the folder is generally occult under the /home/ partition (~/.wine/drive_c)
8) Make sure to have your GPU drivers installed and working. For hybrid NVIDIA graphics (my case), have sure to install the Bumblebee stuff and the Primus package. The respective wiki guide:
9) VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure that all DN files are under the correct file permissions for READ/WRITE/EXECUTE. The client or the XIGN will CRASH without the right permissions. Here is a good tutorial to use chmod and chown commands:
Obviously, this tutorial is a simple draft. I'll update later (Now i can't because Christmas and New Year) with more images, better formatting and instructions using common Linux distros like Ubuntu or Fedora and workarounds to some issues in game (Like glitches and weird mouse behaviours that must occur).
Report any issues.
Merry Christmas
