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XIGNCODE initializing Failed?!

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  • XIGNCODE initializing Failed?!

    Hello everyone!

    I've been experiencing this start up problem where after starting the launcher it says XIGNCODE initializing failed!! Error code: 0000007E. I have no idea how to resolve this issue so I can play DN again. I tried to redownload the game twice, the first time through the launcher and the 2nd time through the zip pack. Nothing works and it stated the same issue. Please help thank you!

    Kind Regards,


  • #2
    Alright, first off, make sure your computer and stuff is up to date.

    Second, perhaps this link will be able to help you:
    it'll have you download a working version of the XIGNCODE folder I believe. Download at your own risk and whatnot.

    If that doesn't work, maybe try the Steam launcher or upload a picture of what's inside your dragon nest folder I can try to look to see if anything is missing.
    Or, you can try setting up DN through this method:

    Hope it works out~


    • Abstract
      Abstract commented
      Editing a comment
      What do you mean by up to date? As in updating my windows? I also tried both the options provided by you, however the first one the files are deleted and I already tried the second option which did not solve my problem. I am currently downloading the game via steam and keep you updated with the result. I really appreciate the time and effort trying to help me! Thank you very much!

    • Abstract
      Abstract commented
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      Downloaded the game via steam, same results.

    • SkitzoRoy
      SkitzoRoy commented
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      Yeah, updating windows and other important programs.
      I'm sorry about that first link, I didn't bother checking the link to see if it still worked.
      Odd that the second link and steam didn't work though.

      Have you tried starting the game with your antivirus disabled? Also, maybe try having Dragon Nest as the only program running (besides Steam if you're using that launcher).

      Try uploading a picture of your dragon nest folder and your XIGNCODE folder. If anything is missing or looks odd, I can try to give you whatever file you may need.

      And its no problem, I'm not the best at this stuff but I do want to help.

  • #3
    Tried all those options as well. Here is the picture of my IGNcode folder


    • #4
      Now, I don't exactly know how XIGNCODE works, but you do seem to be missing x3.xem, so I zipped up my XIGNCODE folder and put it here
      I don't believe you'll need the log file, as that's just a log but you could also try putting that in your folder as well. If putting x3 and the log inside your folder still doesn't work, send me a picture of what your dragon nest folder looks like.


      • Abstract
        Abstract commented
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        After using your files my game still does not work. Instead of error code 0000007E it's now errror code 0000005. I will attach 2 pictures of both the updated error and my dragonnest file

    • #5


      • #6


        • #7
          Hmm, I'm honestly running out of ideas at this point. I couldn't find anything about a XIGNCODE 0000005 error from google and your dragon nest folder seems to be the same as mine (I'm not sure if any of your files are corrupt as I don't know the size of each file from your picture, but it seems unlikely that both the steam and game client versions would become corrupt in the same/similar way).

          But just to be sure, you've tried disabling any unnecessary startup programs and trying to use Dragon Nest first thing after restarting your computer, you tried replacing all the files inside your XIGNCODE folder with the ones I sent you, and you've tried both the steam and game clients (including trying the full game client and the game client split into different parts), correct?

          If so, I only have one or two more things to try.
          I found a link to the XIGNCODE folder for the regular launcher (I don't think there will be a difference but it's worth a shot). Try using the other launcher and replacing the XIGNCODE files with the stuff found here:

          Besides that, I would have to say to try sending in a ticket to customer support. Sadly the reputation of that isn't too great from what I hear.. Or maybe try posting in the General Discussion section of the forums. That place is a bit more popular than here and others may be willing to help.

          If I find anything else on this I'll be sure to let you know. Good luck.


          • Abstract
            Abstract commented
            Editing a comment
            Thank you very much with your efforts and time. I just downloaded the game on my laptop and it seems to be working. However my desktop is being a pain. I'll give your other options a try again. Otherwise i'll make a copy of my dragonnest from my laptop and transfer it to my desktop and hope for the best. Yeah I updated and turned off everything and nothing much has changed. I'll definitely log a ticket. Good news is that I can play temporarily on my laptop, however IDN will have to be stopped. My IGN is Abstract so please feel free to add me! Thank you so much once again!

          • Nah
            Nah commented
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            Yo Bro. is the Xigncode folder you're sharing here the same to what you shared on the first place?
            is it different?

          • SkitzoRoy
            SkitzoRoy commented
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            I believe this was someone else's XIGNCODE folder but they were using a different launcher. I don't think it makes a difference, I just wanted him to try it just in case.

        • #8

          help idk how to fix this

          Click image for larger version

Name:	xincode.png
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ID:	170289

