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  • Mistake

    Shit i made mistake let me ban 421 players

    K fixed thanks all take 6 no rng eggs for your alts that didnt get banned

  • #2
    If I were working for ED in a position that had influence, I would have handled it a bit differently. First off, banning players for running content that people normally run anyway is not a healthy choice. If people ran BHT and opened boxes, but didn't circulate their gold into the economy or use it to benefit their characters then there is no reason to ban them. The bans should be for people who ran BHT all day and distributed their gold throughout the game which helped crash the market. Gold left on characters from people with restraint can just be removed hassle free. Tracking gold circulation through the market and enhancing items/trading with other accounts is where running queries can get complicated. There are better ways to handle this issue even if a rollback wasn't possible. It may take more man hours and work to fix a mistake made by the company and not the players, but it would have saved face and many people in mine and your situation (i'm assuming) wouldn't have to contemplate jumping ship.

