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I dont know what to do next, NEED help!

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  • I dont know what to do next, NEED help!

    I recently reached level 93 for my first character(raven) and I don't know what to do next.. I got a full Theano Set for him( not enhanced), but I dont know where to go from here. I also have a saint that i made from the chronicle event, should i level up my saint to 93 before doing anything else? After getting Theano gears what should I aim for? I am also low on gold and I don't know how to properly earn money. If someone please give me tips and tricks or what can i do to get better gears and gold? Thank you

  • #2
    please refer to my efficient gold making guide:


    • Baykon
      Baykon commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for this, but wouldnt this take a while to make a lot of lvl 24 characters?

  • #3
    Yes, level the Saint to 93 first. That way you get an exp bonus for other characters you level. Did you do quests while you leveled your Raven? If so, you should turn in your Golden Goose badges and get the boost for the enhancement discount from Honest Ed's faction shop. This will help you cut enhancement costs by a lot. Be sure not to buy it until you are ready to use it, since it only lasts a week.

    If you haven't done quests on your Raven and just straight grinded to 93, make a new character and level up through quests on it. You don't need to pick up every single quest. Just pick up all the ones in the area and follow your story quest. When you reach a new area, forfeit all your old quests so you can get new ones. If you do all these quests, you should get enough funds to enhance your gear.

    But wait! You still need Garnets to enhance your stuff. However, I advise against buying the gems on market. There is a cheaper way to obtain Garnets, though it will take time. Max level characters get a Garnet for completing most quests (dailies, job change, and story quests are generally excluded). There's some dungeons you can complete lots of quests on at once to get a bunch of garnets plus the gold they give. Level 50-60 quests are best for this, since you can gather all the 50-60 quests in Saint's Haven, then do a quick round of the Crash Site dungeon (the one with Mutant Habitat, Mutant Temple, etc.). If possible, do this with a friend you are mentoring on that character, so you can cut down on repair costs. If this is not possible, then just take off all your armor and just clear the dungeons with your weapons. Golden Goose bonus can reduce repair costs too, if you activated it already.

    Once you do all 5 dungeons in that door, return to town and turn in all the quests. If you still find yourself short on Garnets, do quests in other level brackets. For now, get your weapons and armor to +6. Prioritize your weapons, since killing more helps you clear dungeons faster (make Dailies more efficient. Remember to do dailies!). After weapons, then it's shirt > pants > helmet > gloves/shoes in that order. Should be able to do most nests on Normal now. If you have jellies, try getting your weapons to +8 and armors to +7 for now. It's OK to take your time. (Unless you're in a rush oop)

    If you need gems, get 90 ones to start with. You can get lots by doing the Rhadames dungeons on Master mode. Get 93 gems from your dailies and daily tasks. One of the tasks usually gives a 93 gem pouch. Be sure to finish that one! Extra 90 and 93 gems, you should take to the extractor and sell the material on market for some monies, or hang onto them so you can enhance gems.

    What else...

    Oh right. If you have some free time, you should get other characters to 93. That way you can get more alts to do more stuff. Having maximum level characters also makes it easier to level new ones because they get a 50% exp boost for each max level character (up to 250%). That way you can straight grind more characters up to max, then go back and do lots of quests for monies and garnets. Also, you get more characters to play with, maybe figure out which class is your favorite. And you get a couple of characters to grow them 5 day apples on.

    Also do your weekly Daredevil Faire stuff! That way you can get mercenaries to fetch random free stuff for you. Most of it is useful. If you end up with something like an elemental conversion gem, don't be afraid to toss it into the extractor. Plates are always handy. At this point, you can just npc the lvl 80 purple plates and save your materials for the 90 purple plates. Also be sure to do the memory dungeons in the Faire. You can get the keys from doing abyss dungeons. The memory dungeons (or was it treasure dungeon? the other door in the Faire) give a box that has random NX stuff in it. Most of it is temporary, but there is also a chance the box might give you free jelly. Not too shabby. Also you get a few tickets to buy mercs so why not.

    And if you've the time, do Hero's Battlefield for Technique Fragments. You can save those up to craft special accessory later, or sell on market for extra money.


    • Baykon
      Baykon commented
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      Thank you for this very detailed guide, may i ask where i can get the quest you are talking about that i can turn in all at once.. also is it repeatable or its only viable once?

    • Potoo
      Potoo commented
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      You'll need to walk around town talking to the NPCs to get the quests and turn them in one by one. They're sidequests (blue exclamation mark), so you can only do them once on each character. If you haven't done them and can't see them, fiddle with the view quest options in your quest menu and they should appear.