In other games you get to accumulate rewards and if you buy enough of their gambling things you can buy what you didn't get, like in the Elder Scrolls Online if you get duplicate items they are redeemed for a reward currency that, when you accumulate enough, will let you buy anything from the random boxes.
in dragon nest I dropped over 800 on eggs and i still have no wings?! All i want are a pair of wings and in all my time playing here I've never gotten a pair. Meanwhile my friends run around getting wings from free eggs or from less than 300 eggs, or have tons of duplicate wings. Like what the freaking hell?
I sent a ticket about it and they closed it saying, "We don't exchange duplicate items."
Since this game has no redemption system or even a way to trade EC items I'm done dropping money on eggs. I decided to whale out once, see what it was like and its absolute stupidity. I knew the risks going in but I expected to spend around 300, not 800.
in dragon nest I dropped over 800 on eggs and i still have no wings?! All i want are a pair of wings and in all my time playing here I've never gotten a pair. Meanwhile my friends run around getting wings from free eggs or from less than 300 eggs, or have tons of duplicate wings. Like what the freaking hell?
I sent a ticket about it and they closed it saying, "We don't exchange duplicate items."
Since this game has no redemption system or even a way to trade EC items I'm done dropping money on eggs. I decided to whale out once, see what it was like and its absolute stupidity. I knew the risks going in but I expected to spend around 300, not 800.