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Tiyara's Nest Revamp- Modified Nests and Tiered System

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  • Tiyara's Nest Revamp- Modified Nests and Tiered System

    Tiyara's Tiered Nest System/Concept

    Hi, my name is Tiyara and I'm here with a nest renewal concept. So in this thread

    Dean said something about nest renewal and here's a loose skeleton really early concept and thoughts. These are inspired from other games. If you saw my post earlier on that one thread, its something similar to that.

    Nests right now as are either too easy or too hard, depending on your experience/gear. From my understanding and experience, the first 2 nests released are supposed to be easy and give newer players a feel for nesting. Daidalos and Granom were the next nests to be released and I think they were supposed to be around mid- difficulty for newer players. Finally, returned dragon nest aka Desert/Sea provided the most challenge to players who were not veterans.

    In my opinion, the problem right now is that there is no balance between the two. Also, the gap between epic/unique/legendary is really up there right now. Gear also needs a rework imo but that's not what I'm here for. My proposal is to make nesting into a crafting system separated by rarity and tiers. I also want nest entries to be a reward/drop in abyss dungeons to reward dungeon grinding.

    Tiered Nesting System

    In this system, nests will have three available sockets which players can use cores in. Cores modify and enhance nests while rewarding players who can complete them. Cores would come in three rarities- rare, epic and unique. Rare nests will have 5 entries/week, epic 3/week and unique 2/week There will be a 4th- legendary but that's for later. This system would also remove hardcore nests. Don't worry, hardcore nests are not gone just changed to fit the Tier system. Because this system allows the players to modify the nest, it becomes harder to run out of a challenge or feel like the bosses are not threatening. Also, difficulty becomes more gradual which balances out the concerns that players may have.

    Feel free to make suggestions to core ideas because I actually have no solid ones right now. Something about general and specific.

    General cores

    Rare cores

    Epic cores

    Unique cores

    Core crafting/conversion- Three rare cores= One epic core. Three epic corse= one unique core.

    Nest Tiers

    Tier 1- Basic nest stuff. Indicators, players have unlimited revives, etc etc

    1C- One rare core

    1B- Two rare cores

    1A- Three rare cores

    Tier 2- Starts to become more challenging? Players have five revives, bosses have increased HP, damage, upgraded moves, etc etc. Some mechanics are upgraded.

    2C- One epic core

    2B- Two epic cores

    2A- Three epic cores

    Tier 3- Challenging stuff that hopefully will keep the veterans satisfied. Players have three revives, most move indicators are removed, bosses will use EX moves at the beginning of the fight instead of halfway. Increased stats to bosses also applies.

    3C- One unique core

    3B- Two unique cores

    3A- Three unique cores

    For Tier 2B, Tier 2A, Tier 3B and Tier 3A, you can fill the empty socket with cores of a lower difficulty. This will increase the drop rate/item rarity chance.

    Reward/Drop System


    Tier 1-

    Tier 2-

    Tier 3-


    Tier 1C-

    Tier 1B-

    Tier 1A-

    Tier 2C-

    Tier 2B-

    Tier 2A-

    Tier 3C-

    Tier 3B-

    Tier 3A-

    Legendary Pass- 1 entry per week, 1 revive

    The legendary pass is a crafted item that shows proof of mastery of the nest. Beating a Tier 3 difficulty nest will give the player mail that has 1 Nest Mastery Token. Players can receive 1 token from each nest per week. Hypothetically speaking, in 93 cap, players would receive TKN, PKN, GRNN and RSDN tokens. Fusing these would create a Level 93 Nest Legendary pass.

    You would fight the bosses in the order of release and they would be pretty strong.

    So you fight Housebreaker Krag → Professor K Hulk → Granola Hedgehog → Deep Sea Dragon

    This is all I have for now, please feel free to read and comment for feedback/suggestions!

  • #2
    they should just bring back de imo cos it was goat


    • #3
      I think being able to choose the difficulty was good
      easy mode to solo/practice
      nornal mode for avg gear and drops
      abyss for most loot

      and make passes drop in dungeons or something

      like how ddn had to be accessed by clearing that one dungeon LOL

      imagine if idn 4 man required passes like the memorias
      Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
      Who guards the guardians?


      • #4
        If you want content to be difficult, even in nests... there should be no revive.

        The difficulty of a nest/raid becomes extremely simplified once an extra life is available.
        Dragon Nest Savior


        • ceruulean
          ceruulean commented
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          ive had a newer player say that they dont get enough revives in this game and 5 hearts daily isn't enough because in other games theres unlimited res
          i can see where if they have a lot of time to spend one day and they want to redo a nest over and over it's kinda annoying, in a way DN forces ppl to be casual
          probably because in korea they have that law to limit online playtime

        • Tiyara
          Tiyara commented
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          I feel like no revives should be left for the harder tiers


          rare- 3 revives

          epic- 1 revive

          unique- 0 revives

      • #5
        +1 for No revives. that right there for most players defines if that nest needs a saint and tanks for a clear just to be on the safe side.
        also makes you start asking the questions about gear requirements for the said nest.

        how about the idea of the attack line/zone indicators being removed?

        honest question :L sorry if it sounds dumb. just putting it out there.

        not so hard?
        or kinda ok in terms of difficulty increase?
        Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374


        • ceruulean
          ceruulean commented
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          the orange indicators are unnecessary but the devs seem keen on keeping them
          well at least theres mods to remove em if u hate em LOL but i personally aint gimping myself if they're gonna be required for some future content

        • Tiyara
          Tiyara commented
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          Tier 3- Challenging stuff that hopefully will keep the veterans satisfied. Players have three revives, most move indicators are removed, bosses will use EX moves at the beginning of the fight instead of halfway. Increased stats to bosses also applies.

      • #6
        +16 the idea of removing the attack line/zone indicators sounds joya, once you learn the animation you dont need to see the zone indicators, what about healing reduction (like the poison from gw2 or wound poison from WOW) and use the same cap system of the Dark Banquet HC
        it is not like money can't buy happiness, it is that money can't cure saltiness


        • Tiyara
          Tiyara commented
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          Healing reduction would be a mod

          I don't really know what numbers seem fair.