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Way too many people are quitting Please do something about it!

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  • Way too many people are quitting Please do something about it!

    Please hurry up and implement some suggested fixes so this server doesn't turn into a ghost town.
    Edit: I have now sorted this in order of most pressing issues at the top, and done alot of changes now that I managed to get onto a computer. I was using my phone earlier, was not fun.

    -Make conversion costume able to be listed in marketplace / Keep It In Free Eggs.

    This is honestly the main problem, such a strong costume can't be traded basically killing any free player's hopes at being as strong, not to mention EU allows the listing of this item, why is this server any different? This is what most people who have quit said led them to quit, please let us trade the thread if not the costume piece itself 1 time in the Marketplace to resolve this, some players feel as if it would be better to restart on a new server since this one seems to keep getting the short end of the stick.
    Also, consider lowering the event tiers, doing something like a 400$ = 1 Piece or Buy one Get one free Will not do much to help players afford this.
    Another great idea, would be to move this into normal eggs, and keeping it in there like the Epic Synthesis Weapon Coupon: Leaving this item in the game and thus not time limited, could help players save up to obtain it, ... at least extend the time it's in (Hopefully Normal )eggs until a certain time after summer vacation starts, where logically you will be at the most busy due to the increase in gamers getting out of school and going on break to play.

    EC / Cash Shop Item Trading:

    I have looked into the reason this server doesn't have this ability, and I have found out that it was denied due to the possibility that the server's economy could get messed up.... But in all honesty making the system the same as Dragon Nest SEA would benefit the server and the happiness of the population entirely, this is good for you too as happy players makes it more likely for them to spend money, thus more income for you. I do not think that the server's economy could get worse than it already has... It would only really help this server, because players already sell EC via discord to other players. Players already buy tons of Jellies or synthesize costumes to get gold, implementing this would only help players get the items they need. If you think that the mass inflow of Cash items being listed would crash the market, perhaps allow a limitation such as only sell one cash item from a set per account per week on the marketplace.
    It would be better to work to find a solution rather than reject the entire possibility all together.

    -We need a free player Gold generation Event:

    This server is obviously the poorest, it is hard for new players to gear due to the poor economy, you gave us a gold egg event but required spending money, sure this will cause an indirect gold inflation, but all the players who could not spend 60 dollars for the event at minimum will be left behind, We need some sort of event that can put a good amount of gold into the server, and one that everyone can manage to do!

    Some Suggestions For the gold generation event!

    -300% Drop rate for a week straight if not longer.
    -Gold Egg event
    -Magnify Glass event from SEA
    -For 30 minutes Gold goblins spawn in every abyss dungeon at 100% Rate at a chosen time.
    -Increasing the amount of raw gold dropped in each dungeon to 20 gold per run with FTG.

    Anything that helps would be great honestly, this is just some ideas I came up with that could somewhat help...

    Originally posted by Community Focus 4/20 View Post
    The focus for this week is a post from a veteran guardian who goes by the name of CraZyZeus. He has given us alot of advice and suggestions to our team via forum.

    Each and every suggestion is being discussed not only for NA but for the entirety of the DN live service area. ( For the original post because I made this easier to understand~ )
    I understand that you are discussing it, but it would mean alot to me and the other players if you could possibly provide a temporary solution during the patch tomorrow, and let us know how the discussion meeting goes!

    Dragon Nest is a very fun game, and I would hate to see it die due to some poor choices... Once people sell off their gear and quit they likely won't come back, which is why i can't stress enough that the best resolution for this would be to put in a Gold Generation Event for Free players, and Conversion costume /EC Items needs to be listed in marketplace, or we need to at least have word if it will be able to be traded in the near future ( hopefully next patch ) . this alone could stop many players from quitting!

    There are also more problems such as the Wise gem being 3.2% Intellect for far too long, Increased Ice Dragon Difficulty... Lack of Light / Fusion cube events, and the Ice Dragon Legendary Equipment having lower stats on this server, but I wanted to address the greatest problems.

    Thanks for reading my opinions!!

    @[GM] SMILE @Yaya
    Last edited by Couplord; 04-26-2017, 11:04 AM.
    Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!

    -Subscribed to every forum section except Trades-

    Discord: Couplord#5195
    NA IGN: SirCoup

  • #2
    didn't take CoupLord very long to figure all this out EyeDentity.

    let's see..

    5 Days of being active on the forums while helping as many people as possible like new players with tech issues, in-game queries and forwarding solutions to certain problems.

    not only that he has provided vast amounts of in-game knowledge that is very lacking in these forums due to a lot of peoples either greed of sustaining their 'im above you' status or just pure lack of interest in doing so.

    from my eyes. what Couplord has done is just one side of an issue.
    and the things i've seen him post and do here as well as his interactions across the entire forums is MUCH more useful than what your current [GM]s have to offer us.

    [GM] Ignacio <--- everyone on the server and discord thinks this guy is a joke. a clown/fool if you were to humanize him. either say or he is a bot/statue that stands in front of terminus gateway begging for pictures.

    Dean50 and Dragon Nest NA EyeDentity 'team' have stated that they have already taken in CrazyZeus's post/thread to heart and are working on solutions.

    how many posts and months has it been and yet this one user that was created 5 days ago already has the situation of just like ... 1/20th of the things that this game needs (i do not believe it's just this server from what i hear directly from players themselves from different servers) but also this server too.

    a lot of the people call for a revamp. this 90cap project. has flopped.

    it's about time EyeDentity admit it. not all of it should be taken as worthless though in fact a lot of good and new things that have brighten up the game came with the 90cap + project.

    however with 1 good came 5 bads.

    the fact that this Game Company does not take into consideration a vast amount of the community feedback is what has made people do the same.
    neglect the customers and they will neglect you in return.

    some of us are staying mainly because we like the taste of the cheese burger a bit more than others, but to any other consumer.. it's just a burger you see anywhere else.
    to them there's nothing special about it and they they not understand what's so good about it.

    you can't blame those people for having thought like that and that's because neither do a lot of us anymore.

    i remember Dean50 responded to a post about the growth and uprise of a game called warframe and how those game developers made a come back just simply from going of it's users. obviously not as simple and one sided as it sounds. a lot of wise choices had to be made however a huge difference it makes to have the communities input be factored into the said choices. EyeDentity don't even read and cannot comprehend what they are doing to their playerbase.

    at this point. people are in belief regardless of what you guys 'try to hype and leak' information about that Eyedentity is just killing the game and not putting back into it simply because are done with it.

    actions speak louder than words here.
    change your development directives at once Eyedentity because clearly some people behind you namely us. the player base cannot walk the same path as you and if that was the intent. so be it.

    remember how World of warcraft and other games (xbox netplay)had subscriptions that turned off a lot of gamers? but the thing is those subscription based games were well off bc of the income they got.

    what in the world is going on with Dragon Nest over these last 7 months??? Vip package is a monthly subscription hands down 100% it is. that's $30 aprrox every month and a lot of people have it on more than one character. well more than you think and then the spending 'events' ? are they even events... or donations for the developers pocket change.

    not everyone is this stupid to stick and actually invest into a hobby which reaps no returns. opinion based obviously, but yup... i think the player count and the actual context of what's mostly said on forums can tell you a something about what people think of you in general.

    wonder when this company make the hard choice rather than let the ship sink slowly giving all of us that false senseless hope we crave.

    Last edited by TheSomnangMao; 04-26-2017, 05:33 AM.
    Discord: TheSomnangMao#5374


    • RubyArt
      RubyArt commented
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      30$ for a game with such limited content is A LOT actually. Holy cow, I just realised WTH am i doing to pay 30$ per month to DN. I am a student and for 30$ i get nothing. (150 eggs worth of potions) . When other games are a lot less for subscription.

    • Zal919
      Zal919 commented
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      Exactly right RubyArt. A World of Warcraft subscription is $15 a month and the game is run so much better + the playerbase isn't two pages of active parties during peak hours. Content, playerbase, community, and communication with devs in WoW >>> DN...and it cost less to play it

  • #3
    +1, totally ;p.

    Edit: I don't think it's too late to save this server but I think ED needs to listen to what you guys and others are saying; I think they are good suggestions. Would be a shame to see NA go down.
    Last edited by Asal; 04-26-2017, 06:20 AM.


    • #4
      I don't understand why people want a direct give me free gold event so much compared to just lowering the cost of the only thing that actually causes significant deflation.

      Also why is it bad that spenders get the gold that causes general inflation anyways because they end up giving the gold to me when they blow it on idn carries?

      and conversion costumes being tradeable in the market won't do anything unless they're put in regular eggs permanently
      Last edited by Lemon; 04-26-2017, 06:42 AM.


      • Lemon
        Lemon commented
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        iirc apple farming is also common in kdn unless that changed. If there's too much inflation in the economy than the gold you make from dungeons and gold pouches are also useless aside from rng drops and garnets

        Enhancing L grades is the only high fixed cost in dn and the next highest is like guild buffs which most players don't even have to deal with. Worthless items like theanos will stay relatively worthless and expensive items like 3rd stat crests will still be unaffordable to people who can't afford them now. Why wouldn't I sell something previously worth 5k for 10k if everyone got double the gold? It's better to choose lowering the cost of l grades instead of a sudden temporary gold injection from something stupid like the chest event sea had. Also the core problem isn't necessarily lack of gold than lack of circulation of gold. There's little things to trade and the tradeable items are either too easy to get or takes too long/extremely low chance to drop but that came from t5.

        The part with the selling idn carries to gold buyers was more to show that it doesn't matter who you give the gold to if you want inflation. Prices of items like garnets, fusion cubes, and ultimates also sells for more.
        Last edited by Lemon; 04-26-2017, 12:12 PM.

      • Couplord
        Couplord commented
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        The cost of L Grades was already pretty much reduced with the introduction of the 10% Enhancement potion sir.
        Last I Checked on KDN, Yes It has changed, I also suggested increasing the amount of gold dropped from dungeons, so that would not be rendering it useless.
        Many people would get angered if the cost is decreased further, and I personally find that a terrible idea, players who already have theirs would get shafted too!
        A temp. Gold injection leading into a permanent fix such as making grinding dungeons more rewarding over planting crops would be the best solution in my opinion.
        Last edited by Couplord; 04-26-2017, 12:18 PM.

      • Lemon
        Lemon commented
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        free gold event and permanently increasing gold drops from dungeons are 2 completely different things

        and im pretty sure the majority of people want inflation specifically for l grades. I personally spent around 150k in the last 2 caps on l grades but idc all I want on DN are more garnets.
        Last edited by Lemon; 04-26-2017, 01:01 PM.

    • #5
      Originally posted by Lemon View Post

      and conversion costumes being tradeable in the market won't do anything unless they're put in regular eggs permanently
      This, honestly. Making conversion costumes tradeable wont help. They are first of all so rare that even the whales have trouble getting them. And I doubt any of them would care to sell theirs for gold. Making the threads tradeable wouldn't help also, again, because of the extremely low chance of getting them. I think Eyedentity just saw a way to make a shitton of money with the costumes and they thought their playerbase so dedicated that they wouldn't mind shelling out thousands more just to get those costumes, again.

      But from their perspective: If people are spending money buying gold to enhance their L's or get their genesis accessories, why not make them spend that in shop? Unfortunately they made it a gamble. Unless someone has a mental disorder, they don't usually like gambling on a regular basis, eyedentity. Its a turn off for new players. People love spending cash for things they can actually get for sure.

      If anything, making WTD tradeable would help. Having events by which people can complete their sets would help. Making enhancing a little easier would help.
      I don't know ANY game that punishes so much with RNG. You grind mats or buy them at ridiculous prices, you buy jellies in the cash shop, AND forget leveling , the item actually drops two levels?!

      This is the reason newer people don't stick with the game. The game is just hard to grind with mediocre content. Trying to grind to get to the point of clearing Gran HC is not worth the shitty content honestly. And there are better designed mmo's that one can pick from and actually have fun with. Older players, well, everyone's talked about it. What are the reasons they liked the game? Do you clearly know, Eyedentity?

      As for your GMS: Look at the last event : it was a joke. An event should involve playing, a community coming together. Not log in at a certain time to get a question and then go on the forum to write up an answer. Everyone just copy pasted the answer above theirs. What does the forum have to do with actually playing the game????? Shouldn't an event involve doing something in game with other players or maybe even solo? Does it take a rocket scientist to figure that out? Atleast Nexon did a good job in this department.

      I for one find the management of this game astonishing. Why not hire better people more experienced qualified people to lead your teams? People with proven track records of making a mmorpg successful?

      Have well designed events implemented across all of your servers. Well designed content across all the servers.
      Last edited by RubyArt; 04-26-2017, 07:13 AM.


      • ceruulean
        ceruulean commented
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        The events are fine. The GMs are doing everything they can to make the server lively. The quiz event is in addition to the Clear SDN event.

        Otherwise agree
        Last edited by ceruulean; 04-26-2017, 01:10 PM.

    • #6
      I agree with what RubyArt stated. Making conversion costumes tradeable won't really change anything because of how rare the item is. Most people won't be listing the item in the market place. People open the egg solely for purposes of obtaining the item as it is in a separate egg.

      I don't think it really matters at this point anymore. A lot of players who have quit already either extracted their gear for gold or have sold off their genesis accessories they worked hard for. They aren't returning even if changes are made. When you give players an opportunity to leave and see how much better other games are handled, they have no intention of returning.

      Anyways, NA is just a pile of mess right now. I feel like there is no sense of direction and leadership by the management team. Forums are getting worse as threads don't even get bumped anymore. I don't know how threads/users who are harassing other players with their personal photos are allowed to continue posting. In game pop-ups are pictures obtained via google images - this is very unprofessional.

      I feel like this should all be common sense and that the community shouldn't need to report/inform the GMs/management team about this. Don't you agree?
      Last edited by CraZyZeuS; 04-26-2017, 08:04 AM.
      Dragon Nest Savior


      • #7
        Absolutely, what Zeus says. It seems a very amateur set of people with no objectives or experience, have been allowed to manage NA.
        Last edited by Tara; 04-26-2017, 01:44 PM.


        • #8
          +1 make it tradeable and possibly in eggs forever like weapon coupons, but more so tradeable because that would help alot.
          such as if a player got the set, then got the extra pieces from the conversion costume after that... they can now sell the extra threads they got


          • #9
            Why would an individual who has full set continue to buy conversion eggs?
            Dragon Nest Savior


            • RubyArt
              RubyArt commented
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              IF your only problem with this game is the conversion, then there is really no reason to stop playing. You can grind the said gold, purchase EC and buy the eggs yourself. And ED might even make it tradeable. However, for a lot of people, including me, conversion is not the only problem. There is a whole bunch of issues that need fixing

            • Gold
              Gold commented
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              there are alot of problems with the game but i agree with the thread starter on saying that conversion costume / EC / economy is the worst ones
              and personally i think conversion costume is the biggest problem personally as it is TIME LIMITED

            • RubyArt
              RubyArt commented
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              There is no reason to quit the game at this moment simply because you do not have unique costumes. Is all of the current content clearable (and pretty reasonably efficiently too) with the epic costumes and whatever gear you have enhanced? Yes. (I am assuming you are a reasonably well geared player with some L's and atleast > +10 obsession weapons and gems.) Not being able to have the uniques is not a big deal for me. And similarly for other people like me. But some other issues in game are. Those are more serious, Simply having conversion costumes tradeable is not going to fix those issues.

          • #10
            If the game were to somewhat follow as SEA does with the vast amount of events (not only spending events) they have, I think NA would benefit a ton from that. As Couplord stated, one of the many events... the Bonus Magnifyque Chests from SEA would be amazing for NA. You get a possible chance at many beneficial rewards, possible costume items, a possible mount, as well as also generating a fair amount of gold among players. It'll be especially beneficial due to the 10 free magnifying glasses per week we have in NA among the many characters I'm sure people play, it will also make players more eager to buy magnifying glasses from the cash shop benefiting you guys also!

            It'd also be nice to see a little more frequent drop rate events, actually making use of dungeon grinding because at this point the amount of hours put into grinding is not so rewarding due to the economy.

            I just think it'd be nice to close the gold sink that is Dragon Nest NA

            BUT I trust you guys will whip up something nice to deal with the issues of our economy!
            Barbarian | Annihilator
            Raven | Tsuyoshi

            Discord: ₳₦₦łⱧłⱠ₳₮ØⱤ #8528


            • #11

              ᅠᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​ ​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​ ​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​ ​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​ᅠ​​​​​​​


              • #12
                Dragon Nest NA -MUST- SHUT DOWN and move all players to the SEA version with an incentive package and maybe just add a server in North America location.

                Why? Eyedentity obviously doesn't care about our version. They are already powering this game with extra SEA staff to watch over the community every now and then. They are pushing us farther and farther behind in updates than we have ever been, and are pushing SEA to literally like a month behind KR version. This server didn't use to be the backup English version, but it quickly became it..

                It's time for a change. It's time for the inevitable to happen.. Shut DOWN the NA version and move us over to SEA in entirety.. Let go of the bleeding dream that is a sole NA version and open us up to the rest of the world, with updates that come at a good pace and aren't half-assed.

                Tl;dr: EYEDENTITY needs to stop wasting money on our NA version and merge us into the SEA version and make SEA a Global version. We'll all experience latest content and an actually active community of players that care about its future.


                • OneMysteriousGuy
                  OneMysteriousGuy commented
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                  Couplord if you actually play in sea you will know most of the guys are lack experience and skills as the NA players so this statement is incorrect. I have Join random party of IDN HC and Rune 8 man and players keep dieing to the same mech over and over with Clear instruction and yes those player with IDN L evolve and genesis full set.

                  NA player would do well in sea if they transfer our gear over I said it already this server won't last even if they merge us with KDN that won't last our last option would be merge with sea I would be happy if we pay a fees to transfer our account over .

                • Couplord
                  Couplord commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Honestly, you can't judge something like that on a few experiences.... There are plenty of skilled players on every server, you can't really compare like that... NA player's would do pretty bad in SEA especially if they are new and our economy's merge... Hardly anyone helps on SEA we honestly just need to have the same benefits SEA and EU has...
                  Last edited by Couplord; 04-27-2017, 03:06 PM.

                • OneMysteriousGuy
                  OneMysteriousGuy commented
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                  Do you play in Sea coup? Have you ever bird in sea and no one reply? NA been boring so I been using my friend account and play Rune and spend a lot of time in SEA trust me they more gear then us but most of them with good gear die a lot. Facts 1 Sea has more GOLD BUYER then us 100 buck = 100 k so more people with gears but no skills Fact 2 Most skill player and vet quit . Facts 3 every man for them self in Sea. Please don't say Join a guild I'm in Vongola. I play in both version so I can tell you that NA has better players and nicer players that's willing to help.

              • #13
                Originally posted by GatTheRipper View Post
                BUT I trust you guys will whip up something nice to deal with the issues of our economy!
                This is my personal hopes, this thread was to suggest some things and hopefully persuade them to do things for conversion costume and the economy problems tomorrow. But they did say they are listening and will attempt to do things about our problems in an upcoming meeting, so I would give them until summer personally to see the direction of the server before you guys pack your bags and quit.
                Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!

                -Subscribed to every forum section except Trades-

                Discord: Couplord#5195
                NA IGN: SirCoup


                • #14
                  I think you guys need to understand the real problem isn't that they don't know what the problem is, its that they know they just aren't doing shit about it. It'd be different if every patch they were making small steps to make the changes everyone thinks the community needs. They haven't done ANYTHING but take things away and make things worse.
                  If they don't know how to fix the problem with the thread CrazyZeus made then they won't ever know. All they have to do is make a roadmap, a schedule of things that will be implemented that the community wants.
                  Does anyone have any idea based on concrete facts what Dean50 means when he says "We will fix things step by step?" Nobody fucking knows for sure because they do not speak to the community and voice solutions to things that are complained about on a weekly basis, and the only things they have done are things nobody wants.
                  I was afraid that, at worst, Dean50 would just be a talking figurehead. Who has no impact on anything and is only meant to shut the community up, or temporarily ease concerns. And so far I was right. Why would a company stay quiet on something in which planned solutions are to be implemented regardless?
                  I think, that even if you are someone who is either, not affected by anything the community complains about and manages to enjoy the game, or is still riding on a prayer that things will change, should find another game to play, or other means to fill the void that is filled by playing this game, in case the inevitable happens and this version shuts down.


                  • #15
                    Eyedentity sees the NA servers as the boonies, as long as we pay our taxes they don't care about us. Throw out a couple subsidies here and there but their main concern are the more populated Asian servers

                    at least EU and SEA have Cherry Credits as an established publisher to host events. We had Nexon but now we got no one to represent us. We're literally left in the wild and whatever scraps ED throws at us
                    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
                    Who guards the guardians?

