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Reporting chill roomers?

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  • Reporting chill roomers?

    I wrote this in a comment, but decided I will write a new post as well. I have never liked pvp. And so I am totally new at it. I hate the pressure of the orange rooms, or even some of the other ones. Half the time I cant even tell whats happening because of all the visual effects.

    I have been recently warned by a friend that he and his cronies are going to report me for participating in a supposedly "chill" room. And it may not have looked like fighting to this person, but the few people that were there weren't just standing around chatting, there were several 1v1s going on, and yes, it was light, People threw skills and countered or evaded. I actually enjoyed it. But according to this person, it was not actually fighting(guess it was not vicious or raging enough) and therefore a chill room.

    But the most ridiculous part of the matter is this same person had asked me to queue up in ladder because he knew he could kill me so he could increase his ranking last Friday(that was literally what he me I need 2200 points). And he doesn't see anything unethical about it. The thing is these people who complain about chill rooms aren't necessarily above being unethical when it is convenient to them.
    Last edited by Tara; 04-18-2017, 03:35 AM.

  • #2
    don't join the rooms if you don't like pvp, don't expect to be able to get the rewards by doing nothing without getting reported if you are "totally new" just learn and get good

    `talking in a chill room is not pvp
    `throwing light skills is not pvp
    `1v1 in a FFA ?
    `this sounds like a chill room not to mention i was personally there, you guys were chilling not pvping m8

    asking someone to que isn't against the tos or abusing the system unless kill themself on alts
    if someone knows they can kill you its not unethical ladder can be dead and reaching diamond took me several hours its your own choice to que up or not and what says you will get matched up with the guy anyway

    Originally posted by xEternity View Post
    So since arena exp can't be gained in a locked PvP room is it safe to say I can just make a chill room with the pw as the room name and just meet and socialize have, have fun, etc that way without having to be an offender? Lots of 1v1ers hate chill rooms and that's fine don't go in then simple. It's just another way for people to socialize on DN if they don't want to do PvE content and just sit in town. Problem solved.

    If you want to have fun like this lock the freaking room to not get the exp / medals, but thats the only reason your there right? proves my point lmfao

    I was spectating that chill room FYI, you were not pvping and after the entire game you didn't kill anyone, and only died once not counting the guildee i got to raid the chill room
    and the only reason i didn't report you is because your "friend" begged me not to

    tldr get good stop joining chill rooms
    we will be watching
    Last edited by Shadow; 04-18-2017, 04:23 AM.


    • Omnicide
      Omnicide commented
      Editing a comment
      he isn't lieing btw, i was that darksummoner and i have a picture lol
      not gonna shame tara though /shrug

  • #3
    But is that ethical...? Farming points that way is the same as farming anyway.

    That friend you are talking about had me join on alts so he could kill me, and yes we did get matched... and I know you all help each other out this way. As long as its convenient for you. But its funny how what is okay for you to do is the only right way. And you both are so blind you dont even see it.

    As far as the rest of your BS here, you were not there obviously. So keep your toxic bs to yourself. I'll join whichever room i want and play with whoever is fun to play with. Definitely that wont include someone as toxic as you. report away all you like. hahaha.
    Last edited by Tara; 04-18-2017, 05:04 AM.


    • Shadow
      Shadow commented
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      i was there id upload the vid if i didnt delete it but i dont need to prove myself to you
      and did you forget that darksummoner that came out of nowhere and killed you
      none of it is toxic or bs maybe you have memory loss? how does a chill roomer call someone else toxic

    • Tara
      Tara commented
      Editing a comment
      LULZ. Ofcourse. you "had a video but you deleted it".... And NOPE. There were two archers, one tink, and two warriors in my room. Also a sin who left early. Anyway im done with ppl like you. BYE
      Last edited by Tara; 04-18-2017, 03:29 PM.

  • #4
    Originally posted by Shadow View Post

    If you want to have fun like this lock the freaking room to not get the exp / medals, but thats the only reason your there right? proves my point lmfao

    I was spectating that chill room FYI, you were not pvping and after the entire game you didn't kill anyone, and only died once not counting the guildee i got to raid the chill room
    and the only reason i didn't report you is because your "friend" begged me not to

    tldr get good stop joining chill rooms
    we will be watching
    i dont know you but who do you think you are? chill room police? the next GM? the only reason i didn't report you is because your friend BEGGED?
    do you think you're top sheet or something? get off your high horse
    go bully someone else
    and why dont you get the report and shove it up your ...? oh wait theres no room cos you already got a stick up there.
    Last edited by Alluringg; 04-18-2017, 07:45 AM.


    • Alluringg
      Alluringg commented
      Editing a comment
      i ain't crying
      unrelated but ermagerd the two most entertaining people on forums commented on my post biggest fan keep it up guys. or should i say keepo it up :^) i'll see myself out
      Last edited by Alluringg; 04-18-2017, 08:21 AM. Reason: ahahahaha

    • Shadow
      Shadow commented
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      i am brutally honest i am not acting like i am in any position of power but the fact is my report could of gotten them banned
      we will never know now shall we... and as a matter of fact i am not bullying them they are just another system abuser in my eyes

    • Alluringg
      Alluringg commented
      Editing a comment
      Looks like the stick is stuck :| gl removing it o/

  • #5
    lul chill roomers thinking they deserve to chill in peace gtfo m8 take your shet back to Netflix and chill
    id report people for being in a chill room but its much more fun to kill them all chillers r bad 7-0 ez get keepod luul


    • Keepo®
      Keepo® commented
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      lul running away did i scare you im just starting to have fun lul make a discord room m8 hehexd

    • Tara
      Tara commented
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      Nah lil dudette. you just look like you need some timeout. Anyways, my thread was not about crying or making drama. Its infuriating when people threaten others with reporting and account banning simply because they want to bully anyone who doesn't fall in with their ideas, and they themselves blatantly break rules when its convenient for them. True, I could have chosen to laugh it off, but instead I vented here to make a point. And discord room?? sorry I don't talk to kids on discord. Live and let live, kid. Peace.
      Last edited by Tara; 04-18-2017, 04:53 PM.

    • Keepo®
      Keepo® commented
      Editing a comment
      lul get good dont be chill garbo and people wont get mad at you for breaking the rules ez
      r u that dumb ? and ur scared to get on discord luuul id roast you so bad your dead grandma would roll over hehexd

  • #6
    bro... you got fiended on by new players.. MISS ME G..
    Discord - Steve#4350


    • #7
      Originally posted by inaros View Post
      bro... You got fiended on by new players.. Miss me g..
      finna gock yo ass if you dont finish the youtube series b


      • #8
        Originally posted by Tara View Post
        I wrote this in a comment, but decided I will write a new post as well. I have never liked pvp. And so I am totally new at it. I hate the pressure of the orange rooms, or even some of the other ones. Half the time I cant even tell whats happening because of all the visual effects.

        I have been recently warned by a friend that he and his cronies are going to report me for participating in a supposedly "chill" room. And it may not have looked like fighting to this person, but the few people that were there weren't just standing around chatting, there were several 1v1s going on, and yes, it was light, People threw skills and countered or evaded. I actually enjoyed it. But according to this person, it was not actually fighting(guess it was not vicious or raging enough) and therefore a chill room.

        But the most ridiculous part of the matter is this same person had asked me to queue up in ladder because he knew he could kill me so he could increase his ranking last Friday(that was literally what he me I need 2200 points). And he doesn't see anything unethical about it. The thing is these people who complain about chill rooms aren't necessarily above being unethical when it is convenient to them.
        PVP is dead. Sure, you live your whole DN career on PVP, but the fact it's godly broken with the AWK skills doesn't make it enjoyable. I still see your ass struggle in PVP. Yeah, I suck at PVP. What does that have to do with end game content in DN? What will PVP benefit you in the end? Nothing. Just ranks and skill-knowledge for PVP. Implant into PVE. You'll die. Yeah, PVE isn't for everyone, but that doesn't mean you should purely PVP. People like Steven moved from PVP to PVE. That's me, dawg. Fuck PVP. That shit is broken and I don't see why people still can enjoy it. But if I suck at PVP, why is PVE still an open door? Think of this. What will PVP give you in the end that PVE won't? Gold/P2W shouldn't stop you from playing the game. "It's a game." Tell that to the people who puts hours into any type of game. Tell that to the CoD players. Tell that to the League players. I take PvE very serious. It's not hard to adjust from PVP-PVE. The next nest is coming within half of a years time and you have enough time to gear up. In the end, PVP is dead. Chill roomers won't learn shit. I was once like that, but I moved myself away. Fuck PVP, dawg.


        • #9
          Several 1v1s in an FFA just sounds like you're chilling.

          Which is obviously met with stigma. You're getting rewards for doing nothing.

          Don't chill. You're complaining about the potential to be unethical while you are already being unethical.

          It's OK to be a hypocrite but don't try to paint it like other people being unethical makes your levels of unethical any better.


          • #10
            Nope. Im saying stop harassing people with your garbage.
            Last edited by Tara; 04-19-2017, 02:55 AM.


            • #11
              Originally posted by Tara View Post
              Nope. Im saying stop harassing people with your garbage.
              Nope. I'm saying stop chilling. Stop being garbage.

              It's hardly harassment, you went into a place called the bloody arena where you're supposed to kill each other, and you are surprised people are dying.
              Are you an idiot? You're getting rewards that should come from getting better by doing nothing.

              At least a chill farmer would learn how to deal with 1vsmany, since odds should be stacked against him. He's at least sort of earning his rewards.

              Its clear you came here for some sort of validation, you keep responding to criticisms with snarky remarks and hollow "haha"s but the fact of the matter is you want free rewards for being bad at the game and people are telling you that you suck and don't deserve them.

              Don't chill.


              • #12
                Originally posted by FinalGOD

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                01110000 01100101 01101110 01101001 01110011


                • #13
                  Wow. More garbage.

                  Originally posted by Anime Garbage View Post

                  Nope. I'm saying stop chilling. Stop being garbage.

                  It's hardly harassment, you went into a place called the bloody arena where you're supposed to kill each other, and you are surprised people are dying.

                  hmm where did I say I went into a place called bloody arena and im surprised people are dying? LOLZ.

                  Are you an idiot? You're getting rewards that should come from getting better by doing nothing.

                  --- seems like you are the idiot. Because you obviously cannot read. And a nincompoop when it comes to logic.

                  At least a chill farmer would learn how to deal with 1vsmany, since odds should be stacked against him. He's at least sort of earning his rewards.

                  -- a chill farmer. LOL.

                  Its clear you came here for some sort of validation, you keep responding to criticisms with snarky remarks and hollow "haha"s but the fact of the matter is you want free rewards for being bad at the game and people are telling you that you suck and don't deserve them.

                  -- Not really. I was angry. I am just telling people like you to keep your heads shoved into your asses. Because there is no logic to your anger. What you are reading into my post is in your head. Obviously.

                  Don't chill.

                  dont live.
                  The End.
                  Last edited by Tara; 04-20-2017, 06:37 AM.


                  • #14
                    wow when did ppl start arguing with chill room parasites? call him shit and spam the thread with spiderman memes like ur supposed to jesus.


                    • #15
                      since when? Since apparently the need to validate their cancer- aids. and harassment of anyone who doesn't automatically fall in with their blind cancerclub.

