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Top Tier INT DPS class

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  • Top Tier INT DPS class

    Hi guys , currenly i got inquisitor and already gear it to average . So I was planning to make a few characters that deal quite huge DPS .
    Can you give me the DPS tier list for INT class ? so i can just share the armors and equipments to my subs!

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    If you are planning for future class balances, the list would most likely as follows.
    1) DS
    2) Arti
    3) Black mara
    4) Moonlord
    5) Adept / Smasher
    6) SB (not confirmed)
    7) SE
    8) SH

    Roughly something like this i would say.

    They appeared, gleaming and victorious. Our Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds,the ceremonial Naga drums. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. They were not stoic and silent. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.
    When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by divine blades.The drums,the Empire, fell silent forever.


    • Chelly
      Chelly commented
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      1) RM
      2) DA/ awk Flurry / Raven
      3) AW / Dancers / AH
      4) Gladi / Sniper

      I cant tell for machinas because there is lack of evidence and too little players are playing them to give a proper list. Those physical classes not listed here probably has least significance in dps.

    • dondon2xx
      dondon2xx commented
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      is this in order(the int tier)? or in any order? ty
      Last edited by dondon2xx; 11-07-2017, 08:55 AM.

    • Chelly
      Chelly commented
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      yes in order.

      i would also like to add in that this is from my POV from many many countless runs from RUDN HC so i would PERSONALLY tier them this way, call it bias or what, however if you require any pictures with evidence of the DPS you can gladly ask from me.
      * in case some sensitive players come and flame me elsewhere for tiering this kinda of stuff LMAO. *such as discord*
      Last edited by Chelly; 11-07-2017, 08:52 AM.

  • #3
    You will have to eventually choose 1 char to make strong among all of them. Best of luck when that time comes.
    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
    Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
    Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


    • Rezai
      Rezai commented
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      I'm really not planning to have an end-game gear or so , so pretty much enjoying what class I got and right now I want to try some more class,

    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      I see. Just refer to the post below for changes in gear which make them not transferable. Have a good day.

  • #4
    the best is be a bandwagoner bcz everything can be pass now using server storage mostly.


    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      All can except for 95L armors weapons and 95U armors and weapons. 95B talisman will also not be able to server storage if follow other servers.

    • ArvinALQ
      ArvinALQ commented
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      93L RuDN can right? so its better i stick to 93L RuDN until new 95L of Forest DN comes out right?? bcz it can be convert

    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      There are not much competitive content which requires you to be very strong at the moment. If you are not competing for 95 raid, it should be okay to do so with 93 L atm. It is very unlikely to clear 95 raid without Hero Calypse. Also, most likely 95L of Forest DN will not be able to server storage too, based on the developer's comments.

  • #5
    Artillery is int? im using agi XD..


    • lBlakesl
      lBlakesl commented
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      yeah i was... XD ...

    • nvLite
      nvLite commented
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      oh pity.

      you can also check on your character window.

    • lBlakesl
      lBlakesl commented
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      from bowmaster it was agi. so i didnt check it again XD. thanks btw.

  • #6
    Do you guys have an artillery guide? thanks in advance

