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  • Enhancement

    This topic is for the upcoming enhancement event and I just have a question which I also need a clarification because this confuses me. So, the enhancement event will be on 18 and 19. That will be on Sunday and Monday. As far as I know, on Monday there will be a buff of 7% success rate on the Hot Spring and the event will be 15% if I'm not mistaken.
    My question is that, do you guys think that the 7% buff from Hot Spring will stack on the 15% enhancement event on Monday?

    This is what I'm thinking....
    Hot Spring = 7%
    Event = 15%
    Chart base from +11 to +18 = 70%
    Total of 92%

    Hot Spring = 7%
    Event = 15%
    Chart base from +19 to 20 = 50%
    Total of 72%

    I need clarification please.
    Last edited by rhannie; 02-16-2018, 08:50 AM.

  • #2
    There has been no efforts to try to prove whether it stacks or not because no method is accurate or robust enough to come up with a confident conclusion.
    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
    Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
    Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


    • #3
      Originally posted by rhannie View Post
      This topic is for the upcoming enhancement event and I just have a question which I also need a clarification because this confuses me. So, the enhancement event will be on 18 and 19. That will be on Sunday and Monday. As far as I know, on Monday there will be a buff of 7% success rate on the Hot Spring and the event will be 15% if I'm not mistaken.
      My question is that, do you guys think that the 7% buff from Hot Spring will stack on the 15% enhancement event on Monday?

      This is what I'm thinking....
      Hot Spring = 7%
      Event = 15%
      Chart base from +11 to +18 = 70%
      Total of 92%

      Hot Spring = 7%
      Event = 15%
      Chart base from +19 to 20 = 50%
      Total of 72%

      I need clarification please.
      It is not additive, it is multiplicative.
      If ever they stack, 70% > 85% and 50% > 61%.
      But then again, we can't really verify if both buff stack on Monday.

      Forever your Majesty

