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Will there be Level 95 Genesis Accessories?

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  • Will there be Level 95 Genesis Accessories?

    Is there a plan to release Level 95 Genesis accessories? Are they available already in other servers such as DN Korea?
    Azonia Teh 110-pound Dancer
    BoRaCay Guild

    Semper Fidelis

  • #2
    Yes, level 95 Genesis Accessories were released together with GDN Time Attack in KDN. Said patch is also estimated to arrive in our server around April 10th.


    • #3
      To correct the statement above, Genesis accessories were adjusted to Lv 95, to allow use of Lv 95 jades. There is no "new" Lv 95 Genesis Accessories with updated stats.
      Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
      Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
      Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


      • #4
        NearLawlet may i ask what is the estimated arrival for the glad/moonlord skill cahnges?


        • NearLawlet
          NearLawlet commented
          Editing a comment
          June 5th or 12th

          Edited: Earlier I said may, which is a slight miscalculation on my part. Since the difference between our servers is 4 months, SM/Sorceress boost should arrive in June. Sorry for the confusion.
          Last edited by NearLawlet; 03-09-2018, 04:24 AM.

      • #5
        Xenocho hello master, no need to correct NearLawlet's info, it can cause other members who read this topic assume that his info is wrong, you should use 'add' as a choice of diction instead of 'correct'. I think, it is more polite in such a forum to respect other members.
        Last edited by anisayunita; 03-09-2018, 12:19 AM.


        • anisayunita
          anisayunita commented
          Editing a comment
          He corresponded to what the question was. The question was also actually about future plan of releasing and availability of level 95 Genesis in other servers. Does not matter to end up with asking again, more discussions in a topic make a forum more life, doesn't it?

          Now, you say that your comment actually is an additional info, that's why I give you suggestion above, If my suggestion is not useful for you, just ignore it.
          Yes, this topic one is good enough, then I mean, later members can help explaining to the comment which is not clear enough with appropriate words.

          Pardon me, now I am misunderstanding to your last sentence. Do you mean the admin will bring thread which is not good enough to police? as far as I know, the highest sanction who break the rule is permanent ban. Or do you mean policy in your last sentence? because police and policy is far different meaning. Please be careful with words or it can cause a misunderstanding. Once again, it's just a suggestion, though.

        • Knee
          Knee commented
          Editing a comment
          To police in this context is the way you try to regulate other people's post.
          Xenocho choice of word is spot-on, no misunderstanding at all.
          There's alot other thread that contains nonsense replies but you choose to police on this thread.
          This thread works perfectly fine.

        • anisayunita
          anisayunita commented
          Editing a comment
          Knee Thank you for your reply, it makes the comment clearer.
          I just stopping by in this thread accidentally and I see a comment that make my fingers tingle to participate.

      • #6
        Thank you all for your answers and comments. The reason behind my question is to try to glean whether participating in the current spending event (Top up 170K EYET), which is due today (March 10), is well worth it. The Geraint accessories reward are too good to ignore.
        Azonia Teh 110-pound Dancer
        BoRaCay Guild

        Semper Fidelis


        • NearLawlet
          NearLawlet commented
          Editing a comment
          Geraint Accessories are only good if you can afford 2 Legend jades for each piece.