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CC is better than EYET

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  • CC is better than EYET

    *****disconnection issues

    *****RAY MECHANIC can do 800m damage each skill even with just hero neris equipment

    *****high top-top requirements for what? ---->sh*ttty rewards???

    ***in CC****

    you can get:

    2pcs epic weapon costume cupon and 2 rare ring accessory ( only 65k CC) ( in EYET 50k you get decal and >>>15pcs JELLY<<< ) WTF??

    COLD MIRAGE SADNYTH (wing/decal/tail/neck) only 100k CC ( in EYET 170k you get {decal/abyss coupon/tail/wing] the rest is trash ) WTF AGAIN??

    ****entice us to do more top up, so you guys can make money out of this game***

  • #2
    EYET free u 5k dnp !


    • #3
      I wouldn't judge ED yet. Consider their service transfer as 'too rushed'. No proper site maintenance, no (noticeable) web developer and designer, too much bugs.
      Although, don't expect EPIC top-up rewards. ED isn't that giving as CC as far as I can see from NA events (yes, I stalked the DN NA site), however they had awesome events in-game mainly, a monthly EXP and Drop Rate boost, and casually an Enhancement Rate boost (sorry, I'm a pleb and I like these events). ED may also casually hold an almost free DNP giveaway.

      It has been a month at most when ED took over DN. IMO, it's too early to judge ED for now. Maybe we will be handled like NA, maybe not. Consider this as a 'teething' stage for SEA being handled by ED.


      • #4
        just wait ED spoonfeeds us in future.

        back in CC DN ECONOMY TURN CRAP bcz of tht shiity Magni rewards ez to get gold etc and turn pay to win game. especially 80cap worst cap ever. that rdn service 100kg for two mats wtf. absolutely turn P2W back then.


        • ArvinALQ
          ArvinALQ commented
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          your one of the worst players dont blame ED your mind is so kiddie as well immature lol

        • GeeGee
          GeeGee commented
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          You should have noticed that there was an inflation during cap 80 and cap 90 )

          And the value of RuDN drop due to later Raid Difficulties dropped significantly, which leads to many teams can clear them => competitive between teams looking for clients => lower price

          what is the chance of you guys can clear RDN and those raids b4 it in a pub team compare to IDN and RuDN now?

        • Skyros
          Skyros commented
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          Even with the factored inflation applied, the price of the wraths are still aren't the same. RuDN prices have been in the same price range as of now (even lower than 100k now) considering only the implementation of 95 Cap L-Grades can significantly reduce RuDN HC SVC prices.

          And one of the main reasons why the pub clearing potential on RDN is much higher compared to IDN/RuDN is because of the weekly BDN Wrath given when you attain a certain amount of achievement point, which means, even the poorest player can get BDN Equips as long as he/she farms for Achievement Points. That's why pubs are more likely to succeed in finishing RDN HC because they have an almost free means to get the previous cap end-game gear. Factor the massive gold inflation, enhancing these BDNLs are extremely easy due to a relatively easier attainment of gold needed for enhancement. IMO, RuDN mechanics are actually easier than RDN's however, the pubs cannot easily get the materials and gold needed to produce the past-cap end-game gears.

      • #5
        LOL CC done that when they are about in the end of their Contract..


        • elektric
          elektric commented
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          like you know anything about contracts.. their contract.

      • #6
        we still have a long way to go....


        • #7
          I doubt that DN SEA would live that long considering most of its loyal players quit already and with DN SEA's trashy stuff for beginners It's safe to say it won't live that long.
          Not to mention new contents takes too long to be released...
          Hope that it would be worth waiting specially the one that's coming this October.
          Discord: DarkB1ad3r #5361


          • #8
            i agree that it's still too early to judge ED based on just 1 month into handling DN SEA, given how buggy and atrocious the state DN SEA was in when CC returned the server back to ED. For now my stand is to be as supportive as possible and try not to add unnecessary pressure onto them, while they continue to fix the bugs and understand more about what DN SEA community needs.

            But with that said, its also not justifiable to fall back onto the excuse of 'we'r still new, give us more time to solve the current issues, etc' after a certain time, because there needs to be progress and a fine distinction between being 'new & still learning' and 'competent'. Each individual has their own threshold of tolerance, mine is till end of this year, about 4 months since the transfer which imo is very generous alrd, but so far im still relatively satisfied(partly due to most of the issues not affecting me at all). And its okay for new issues to pop up that's normal, but not okay if existing ones persist for too long without being rectified~

            Until then we should give them our support, because a happy and stress-free service & tech team would fix the bugs faster than a demoralized one

            P.S. my stand will take a 180 turn if there's no progress by EOY~


            • #9
              after this maybe someone come up saying ED not giving free scales


              • #10
                They are not loyal players if they have left the game permanently, there is no such thing as loyalty if they have doubted the game's future and already have quit and will never return


                • #11
                  people complain too much, "Greed" is in our nature, it can only be controlled, this is what's happening from when CC made a mistake of giving out free legend wraths in 4man RuDN HC for each run, and they switched it out to 8man, then just realized they should just do both, many players complained about this issue not just long ago before the take-over of ED, its their greed that is turning them into such savage beasts that talks like they haven't been taught of manners before, thats how i picture most of the players in the game, im sorry but its a fact, they even scam people just to take advantage of them, real buying and selling gold ingame is a trend in SEA server because of the players in the philippines, just so you know im not accusing, its happening for real, many of them are scattered around in facebook groups that is a haven for people selling ingame items for real money, ED can't resolve this issue, so they just ban people whoever they catch doing it live, or if a player actually reports an ongoing illegal activity of a certain group.

                  ED or CC, whoever takes over, player's should be wise and understand the situation of both sides why they have different plans for the game.


                  • #12
                    EYET Better EYET not pushing the game for P2W also KDN has plans to remove cash event


                    • #13
                      ED and that MF Tasha still busy banning IP

                      they don't care about you

                      most hardcore players have quitted since ED done their transfer: too many bugs, too lag, banning IPs without informing, esp no new contents

                      I think that MF Tasha ain't no good, all of what that MF has done so far is live streaming and taking selfies

                      p/s: nothing against that a girl is a PM, this has nothing to with that, I don't care if a PM got d*** or tits, just look at what that MF has done, terrible
                      Last edited by GeeGee; 10-14-2017, 10:50 AM.


                      • #14
                        More EXP Boost and Drop Rate events and less free in-game items giveaway and rewards like *ehem* wraths and farmable materials especially the cubes, honestly, it would be better if they stop giving away or doing events where we can get these items. For now, I like how they give these items which they call `SEA exclusive` items as rewards. Being casual isnt an excuse here, there are things that casuals can do and attain, and there are things that they cannot unless, they invested or commit on them.

                        Oh and ya, these captcha is still annoying af
                        Last edited by Vaddix; 10-15-2017, 04:51 AM.


                        • #15
                          LOL the replies on this thread always amuse me. so easy to judge and blame all on the p2w aspect... it's been just one month and already damning ED so much? don't most work probation goes up to 3 months no?
                          Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
                          Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
                          Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);

