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Expansion slots

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  • Expansion slots

    I'am thinking of taking advantage with the bargain sale event. I just have some question about these expansion slots.
    1. Can Heraldy Expansion Slots and Talisman Expansion Slots be bought by using DNP (reward from DNP rebate)
    2. If I buy 2 Heraldy Expansion Slots and use 1, will both expire at the same day? (same with Talisman Expansion Slot)
    3. If I buy 2 Talisman Expansion Slots (90 days) and use both (If its possible), will the duration become 180 days? (same with Heraldy Expansion Slot)

  • #2
    1. Can be bought with DNP
    2. Cannot be stacked


    • EventHorizon
      EventHorizon commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for answering my questions ^_^

  • #3
    Question 2 and 3 is invalid because you cannot buy the expansion slots when one is currently active. The expansion slots are activated upon purchase (immediately after currency is deducted).
    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
    Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
    Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


    • EventHorizon
      EventHorizon commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for answering my questions ^_^