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which is better? 9.5% att or 15% crit dmg

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  • which is better? 9.5% att or 15% crit dmg

    I am really confused if I should use memory of mist queen (STR) or fury hanger on my AH ....I'm not really familiar with what stat is better than the other.

  • #2
    This is highly dependent on your current stats. Best is use a gearsim to get the values and calculate which is better.

    The gearsim is very accurate when counting stats, with deviations less than 1% if done correctly and I strongly recommend it.

    And if you are interested in math, you can read my guide to see how it works. If not, divinitor statcards actually count the effectiveness for you.
    Remmystarr from Eden (Discord: Xenocho #8012)
    Please try to read my guide before asking questions on gear optimisation here;
    Old and outdated Engineer guide here; Selling FDN service for FDN weaps (Read here!);


    • Nimmienaticz
      Nimmienaticz commented
      Editing a comment
      MoonSplitterX We'll I can see it. :v It is shown as /element/ MDMG or PDMG on top left are of the gearsim.
      ex. Light MDMG / Dark PDMG / Fire PDMG / Ice MDMG

    • Xenocho
      Xenocho commented
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      The comparison in discussion is for gear selection. I may have understood wrongly but are you asking about classes? Output comparison between class is irrelevant in this context as we are using the same class, in TS case, AH. For the other case, output from the specific class is also not relevant because all skills are a multiplier from your gear stats. Using a skill dealing 1000% using 100 attack will always deal more than using 99 attack.

      The gear sim allows us to view the total output from gears by computing each stat's multiplier effect on gears. This allows us to determine the best combination of gears. Google dngearsim and you will find the site. I have a mini explanation of how that works in my guide due to its relevance.

    • MoonSplitterX
      MoonSplitterX commented
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      Nimmienaticz I see, thank you very much.

  • #3
    not sure about str. based character, for agi class mist queen necklace is definitely better than fury hanger, fury hanger only add 7% crit dmg to my GM.

