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SEA Future Contents Information & Discussion!

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  • #46
    Hi , wandering if you convert your RuDNL to calypse, will the enhancement be retain or it will be dropped to 0?


    • BlazingSkies
      BlazingSkies commented
      Editing a comment
      Yep, It's not permanent. It'll stay in 1 month then by next patch gets removed. We're not sure if ED will implement that but let's just wait for that in next official announcement/patches.

    • Reyisaki
      Reyisaki commented
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      About the bonus conversion reward. When you enhance RuDNL to +12 and convert, will you still get the bonus reward even during patch ? or you can only get that bonus reward when you enhance RuDNL to +11 up before the patch?

    • BlazingSkies
      BlazingSkies commented
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      We can only play after the official patch is done. And that patch will be our next update on October, and we're not sure if that bonus reward will get implemented in that patch. IF it really was implemented, then we can get that bonus in 1 month AFTER the patch is done on October and it will expire BEFORE the next patch on November.
      Last edited by BlazingSkies; 09-28-2017, 06:10 PM.

  • #47
    I will be moving Argenta in Swimsuit from datamining section to Future cash item thread and some other contents soon.

    It seems there's a trend that after all hero transformation set are released AFAIK after Aisha hero.
    We might get a re-released of the old hero sets that will start from Geraint in Sport uniform, Argenta in Swimsuit, Velskud(No releases yet) and so on.

    Do note that DN Japan and China are slightly ahead in cash item updates than Korea.

    Geraint in Sport uniform set transformation from DN Japan September update & China March update


    • #48
      I wanted to know if there will be any updates for the gift shops (golden goose, cassius and free adventurers). Cassius shop really need a update, do you know anything about it?
      Thank you in advance.


      • BlazingSkies
        BlazingSkies commented
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        Hi, Sadly there are no updates on those Stores you have mentioned. We'll just have to wait for future updates.

      • Nkruma
        Nkruma commented
        Editing a comment
        Oh okay ;-; Ty anyway

    • #49
      I am confused with all the equipment tiers. Neris has only 2 right (base and tier 1)? Medea has 3 (base, tier 1, & tier 2 as of the current patch)?. So how does this work when converted? For example, when I use a Base +20 Neris then convert it to Medea then it's already at Tier 1? or do I need a Tier 1 Neris +20 first before I can transform to Medea +0 Tier 1?

      Basing this whole tier thing with this and the Divinitor Blog KR 05/17/2017 - LvL 95 Cap Patch because it says there that we have a base equipment then we tier up to 1 when we reach +20. Then it doesn't say here at the current patch (9/14/2017 KR) what Tier Neris needs to be to be able to be upgraded to Tier 1 Medea.


      • Skyros
        Skyros commented
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        I think the base is considered as Tier 1 and as far from what I understood, Neris has no available Tier Conversion only a direct conversion to a Tier 1 +0 Medea. For now, only Medea has the Tier 2 converter.

        Basically, Neris Tier 1 +20 -> Medea Tier 1 +0; Medea Tier 1 +20-> Medea Tier 2 +0; Medea Tier 2 +20-> Calypse Tier 1 +0 (only 3 conversion/upgrades for 95 equipment, do note that Medea Tier 2 to Calypse Tier 1 is a "coming soon" feature)

      • CLYMAX
        CLYMAX commented
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        im still waiting for the slayer gears, to which they will come out the same time as the convertion of tier 2 medea gears into calypse, i wanna know the slayer modes of each gear im going to equip my class with, but i think i have to wait longer for that, i hope it gets released next year

    • #50
      Do you need a certain upgrade for the RUDN L to be able to convert it to calypse? Like do you need it to be +10 - +13 to be able to convert?


      • BlazingSkies
        BlazingSkies commented
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        If you have time to read the information above, yes.

      • miyazumi
        miyazumi commented
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        Sorry missed that bit xD

    • #51
      Originally posted by vjdarktm View Post
      I am confused with all the equipment tiers. Neris has only 2 right (base and tier 1)? Medea has 3 (base, tier 1, & tier 2 as of the current patch)?. So how does this work when converted? For example, when I use a Base +20 Neris then convert it to Medea then it's already at Tier 1? or do I need a Tier 1 Neris +20 first before I can transform to Medea +0 Tier 1?

      Basing this whole tier thing with this and the Divinitor Blog KR 05/17/2017 - LvL 95 Cap Patch because it says there that we have a base equipment then we tier up to 1 when we reach +20. Then it doesn't say here at the current patch (9/14/2017 KR) what Tier Neris needs to be to be able to be upgraded to Tier 1 Medea.
      We can just simply assume Neris from +0 - +20 as Tier 1. Eg. +0 Tier 1 Neris , +12 Tier 1 Neris , +20 Tier 1 Neris.

      Since Neris has no Tier 2, It's understandable that we don't need to label it with Tier 1.

      It's very clear that under Section A.4:

      • Lv.95 Epic [+20 Neris] equipment can be converted into Lv.95 Unique [+0 Tier 1 Medea] equipment.

      Don't base the information above on older updates , especially information on update 5/17/2017. Some information in that update haven't been implemented but AS an announcement that the developers may decide to release soon. And those announcements made from past updates are not 100% accurate.

      Anyway guys, IF you're encountering the same or similar topics and titles on certain Updates X / X / 20XX, The most reliable source is the recent update.

      Korea Update on January has similar/same topic on December.

      Amswer: Korea Update on December is the most reliable source.
      Last edited by BlazingSkies; 09-29-2017, 05:26 AM. Reason: GRAMMAR CORRECTION


      • vjdarktm
        vjdarktm commented
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        Jeezus Unlucky. Got confused 'cause of the ones present in the gearsim github one. It had the version which DN SEA has and another version where it was upgraded and can be +20 again.

      • Jeezus
        Jeezus commented
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        The enhance value of tier 1 will be added to base stat and it becomes tier 2 then u re enhance it

      • vjdarktm
        vjdarktm commented
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        Thanks and my bad. Was confused 'cause of the gearsim showing [] a sort of 2nd tier and with the current patch SEA mentioning Tier Upgrades (as well as the part about others being gradually released overtime) which made me think that it might be present already in KR or other servers that are more updated than SEA. And also the Tier count thing, wasn't aware that it starts at 1 and not at 0 (i.e. Tier 0 = base, Tier 1 = next level).

    • #52

      I encourage everyone thoroughly read the information above before asking the same questions.

      The sources and useful links I posted in SECTION E are not always reliable and consistent. That's why I already stated in my notes that I make my information as detailed as possible. And if there's anything you don't understand the wordings and concept while reading in my thread (NOT including outside links/sources), then call my attention and I will make it understandable to you.

      As stated in the disclaimer, whenever I remove certain KDN update XX / XX / 20XX related information and moving some or few to FAQ, it means that MOST of its contents in that KDN update have been released in SEA. And please DISREGARD using those information in that removed update as a basis and read the updated official SEA patch notes and recent future updates instead.

      I will put unreleased old removed update contents in the ARCHIVE section so that you won't bother looking for old updates and ask.

      If there are no information regarding your queries and not based on any sources, then expect that we have to wait for updates that I will post in the future.

      And finally, do note that information I present are subject for changes, so therefore stay tuned to any changes I made, it can be changes in the sections, criteria, or outline etc.



      • #53
        uhh skies just want to ask if you have the stats on the unique costume, how to attain it and what month may it come? thaaaaanks for the consideration!


        • BlazingSkies
          BlazingSkies commented
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          I have the stats BUT are different from certain server or other servers and we're not sure if that stats is the same for SEA. You can get those unique conversion costume from certain special boxes.

          And any questions asking when or the time of release like your question often results that we don't know exactly when the release. And we're not sure it may release or not. Only ED knows.
          Last edited by BlazingSkies; 09-29-2017, 06:57 PM.

      • #54
        Originally posted by Aocreion View Post
        uhh skies just want to ask if you have the stats on the unique costume, how to attain it and what month may it come? thaaaaanks for the consideration!
        Aocreion , you can check this video about unique conversion in EU server.

        I don't know why CC before didn't release it, probably they were busy milking us from the previous event. Not sure if ED will release this in the next patch.
        Last edited by BlazingSkies; 09-29-2017, 07:12 PM. Reason: LINK FIXED


        • Aocreion
          Aocreion commented
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          I see thaanks! But one last thing, can you vend it at th? Or the only way to get it is through opening boxes?

        • BlazingSkies
          BlazingSkies commented
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          You can get it by spamming boxes AND:

          If you read the video description
          - Can use warranty on the pouch but NOT after the pouch is open. -

          He meant before you can vend it at TH, you have to use trade warranty on the pouch(except if pouch is used already) to make it sellable.

          And for boxes, in the video description the EU term Dragon Egg is Altea Gacha Box in SEA. And the probability of getting is very low.

          You can check this information link at EU CC forum regarding unique conversion costume. Also read the post from forumers, they posted all the stats and function.


      • #55
        test post test post test post


        • #56
          I don't know why 2 of my thread in this section didn't get pinned.

          I can assure all of you that I can update it for I've been playing this game for a very long time. I started this thread originally since June at CC forum and has put a lot of effort on compiling and making this.

          And for those who complain that this thread is long, please understand how this forum function, We know for a fact this forum is bugged compared to CC forum. I am very IRRITATED because of this.


          • #57
            -Updated the main thread with warnings.

            TF on their right minds to no changing thread names and no spoiler tags in this forum. More bugs and its default setting is shet. WORST FORUM EVER.

            This is not a Chinese forum that every milliseconds, there's a new post, replies, and changes. Captchas are unnecessary.


            • #58
              really appreciate the work put into this thread

              keep it up and thank you!!


              • BlazingSkies
                BlazingSkies commented
                Editing a comment
                You're welcome! I will surely keep you guys up to date to any information I can share.

            • #59
              Here's my average calculation of my Total Slayer farming in Korea DN
              Tho I had RH Stone 100% drop rate for most of the runs ( just recently Korea removed it .-. )

              So I did about 200 Slayer Runs total in Abyss mode
              I got 9 Slayer Parts All wrong class ,
              Disassembled them and Bought 2 Slayer Shirt box
              Still got wrong class part ._. RNG Triggered !!

              and I Got like 10 Legend Enhance hammers , Made nice $$ from them xD
              and couple of Epic and Unique hammers did not count them

              I stopped Farming in Korea already xD ,waiting to farm in Sea

              Well that was my Experience , Good luck with Slayer mode
              Its really Fun and addicting
              Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


            • #60
              A.2 Wonderful Theme Park Store(Magician Sanders)
              • Some contents has been changed!

              -Added Lv95 Chaos Plate
              Must be Lv95.
              1250 Wonderful Theme Park points.

              -Added Mercenary Potions(A trash item from Altea Gatcha box that improves the mission success rate in Remote Dungeon Exploration)
              Must be Lv90.
              1000 Wonderful Theme Park points.

              Question: these two items has "purchase limit"
              if so how many per day or per weeek?!


              • BlazingSkies
                BlazingSkies commented
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                Jeezus , any idea about purchase limit of these items at WTP in game? CMIIW Chaos plate lv95 can be bought 1x a day..

              • Jeezus
                Jeezus commented
                Editing a comment
                No daily limit, can buy infinite haha
                Better start saving wtp points now