Fan Art: しょぼん◎
- DN Korea Update on 5/17/2017 about Lv95 contents BUT not all was released In SEA.
- For More Info, just simply visit the latest patch notes at the main site links.
- If anyone going to use any English information I authored and in my threads as a basis, do credit me.
- Just to let you know, I know most if not all DN related sites(Even used VPN to locate it). I will be surfing the internet in these to spread my information with links.
- I can guarantee that my information are detailed. If not, call my attention and I can make it more detailed as ever than those others who share the same information.
- I despise using google translate nor blindly following the translation.
- Unlike other DN related sites, videos, and articles that slap you with new information(Some doesn't provide sources), All my threads are subject for discussions and any changes regarding new information, and everyone are encouraged to discuss any useful information.
- Be sure to stay updated to this thread for new important information.
I encourage everyone thoroughly read the information before asking the same questions.
The sources and useful links I posted in SECTION E are not always reliable and consistent. That's why I already stated in my notes above that I make my information as detailed as possible. And if there's anything you don't understand the wordings and concept while reading in my thread (NOT including outside links/sources), then call my attention and I will make it understandable to you.
As stated in the disclaimer below, whenever I remove certain KDN update XX / XX / 20XX related information and moving some or few to FAQ, it means that MOST of its contents in that KDN update have been released in SEA. And please DISREGARD using those information in that removed update as a basis and read the updated official SEA patch notes and recent future updates instead.
I will put unreleased old removed update contents in the ARCHIVE section so that you won't bother looking for old updates and ask.
If there are no information regarding your queries and not based on any sources, then expect that we have to wait for updates that I will post in the future.
And finally, do note that information I present are subject for changes, so therefore stay tuned to any changes I made, it can be changes in the sections, criteria, or outline etc.
And for those who complain that this thread is long, please understand how this forum function, We know for a fact this forum is bugged compared to CC forum. I am very IRRITATED because of this.
- The updates contain titles and topics to be discussed.
- Every title will get links. It may contain external links.
- Every update in SEA, All the related information here will be carried over to the FAQ thread.
- All server contents and information are mostly followed under DN Korea updates.
- DN Korea is the only server advanced in terms of update contents.
- Closest servers from the latest contents are DN China, Japan, and Taiwan. And the rest of the servers are 3 - 5 months away from the latest contents and one year delay from certain cash item releases.
- I won't include bug fixes and errors unless it's very serious. Eg. Ray Mechanic OP bug BUT you can refer to this LINK and Vahr's (Blog divinitor) KDN translation under bug fixes section.
- I only use SEA terms on released content changes, and Korea terms for new content not released.
Outline (Click the Title POST LINK to skip a section).
A. Latest Korea Update(This Section)
B. Previous Updates
C. Future Class Balancing Information
D. Developer K's Notes
E. Speculations, Datamining, Sources & Useful Links
A. Korea Update 10/19/2017
The newest contents released.
The newest contents released.
Outline: Numbering of Content Information
A. Banquet Hall
A.2 Stage Progression
A.3 Reward information
A.4 Stage Composition
A.5 Banquet Store Information
A.6 Elemental Talisman Enhancement Growth
B. Store improvement
B.1 Nest Point Store
B.2 Nightmare Point Store
C. Party rewards
C.1 Change of Party Rewards
C.2 Add Community Points
C.3 Cengin's Box - Time Box Content/Sealed Chest Box
D. Kairon Island: Abyss Dungeons
E. Title Tooltip
F. New Character Voice
G. Other
*Lancea Awakening Information will be in SECTION C and Halloween events in Unreleased Future Cash Item thread.
A. Banquet Hall

◆ A.1 Admission Information
• Entry level: Above Lv93
• Admission: 1-2 people
• Number of Weekly limit: 7 times
• No resurrection
※ Need Banquet Hall Admission Ticket to enter.

• Look for the Templar Elijah in front of Garden of Time and Space Portal at St. Haven.
• You can purchase one at a day for one cooper and the period of use is one day.
Added Guide Quest > Remote Quest > Lv93 Banquet Hall
◆ A.2 Stage Progression
Stage Goal
• Challenge the highest floors to get more rewards.
Stage Rules
• Recover HP and MP when clearing the general stage.
• A dead player is resurrected when the boss stage is cleared.
• When all players are eliminated, stage ends.
※ User stats are equalized. *Compensation On
※ Mercenary and Potion items can't be used.
◆ A.3 Reward information
- Reward items can be obtained from boxes 4th, 7th, 11th, and 12th floor clears.
- If you're entering the hall in a party of two, the number of cubes you can acquire for each floor may differ.
- However, the number of party members has no effect on the minimum and maximum number of cubes that an individual can acquire.
For example, if you clear 4th floor in Party A, you got 2 pieces, whereas in party B you got 9 pieces.
Conditions for Obtaining the Rewards
Just CLEAR the stage by eliminating the BOSS.
All treasure reward box contains Ancient Elemental Cube fragments with varying quantity.
• 1st treasure box: 4th floor - Cube fragments 2-9 pieces
• 2nd treasure box: 7th floor - Cube fragments 5-20 pieces
• 3rd treasure box: 11th floor - Cube fragments 10-50 pieces
• Last treasure box: 12th floor - Cube fragments 15-80 pieces, Dark Stone, Golden Goblin Coin
※ On the 12th level treasure boxes, you can acquire Dark Stone and Golden Goblin Coin with low probability!
◆ A.4 Stage Composition
• When entering general stage, you're going to randomly enter one of the stages.
• When clearing the third floor., the number of stages clear is subtracted.
*The floor contains a mob of monsters to fight in the location name. And have a boss on certain specified floors.
1ST Floor
Chapel Idealist and Manufacturing Facility Hobgoblin
2ND Floor
Ghoul x Skeleton and Hallway of Treasure Weapons
3RD Floor
Dimensional Guardian and Mirror Statue
4TH Floor
Fallen Warriors' Temple
BOSS *1st treasure chest
5TH Floor
Asai Warriors Holy Land and Traitor Cedric's Stand
6TH Floor
Elven Forest Abandoned Runes and Dancing Orc
7TH Floor
Fallen Warriors' Arena
BOSS *2nd treasure chest
8TH Floor
Executor's Trap and Follower's hideout
9TH Floor
Contaminated Elena Ghost and Goblin x Minotaur
10TH Floor
Dark Elf's Canyon and Black Major's Gate
11TH Floor
Fallen Warriors' Haven
BOSS *3rd treasure chest
12TH Floor
Tacitus' Invitation
BOSS *Last treasure chest
◆ A.5 Banquet Store Information
Get Ancient Elemental Cube fragments = Can buy items at Templar Elijah: Banquet Store.
It can be exchanged for Talisman or Elemental Cube.
What's in the SHOP!?
Ancient Elemental Cube - 10 pieces of Ancient Elemental Cube fragments.
Elemental Talisman Enhancement - 30 pieces Ancient Elemental Cube fragments.
Banquet ticket for all - 1 Cooper.
◆ A.6 Elemental Talisman Enhancement Growth
-Purchased from Banquet Store, It is a talisman with property of all four attributes: silver, water, light, and darkness.
-The initial attribute stats of [Elemental Enhancement Talisman] purchased from the shop are 0.5% per attribute.
-[Ancient Element Cube] can be used to amplify/enhance the attribute energy, [Elemental Enhancement Talisman] can grow more powerful.
-When using [Ancient Element Cube], the attribute value of [Elemental Enhancement Talisman] increases by 0.1% per cube.
-[Ancient Element Cube] once used, it's gone.
-[Elemental Enhancement Talisman] attribute stats can grow up to 5%!

B. Store improvement
- Change of Store Names.
- The Erosion Store from Gosuk has been merged to Point Store.
◆ B.1 Nest Point Store
- Nest Point Store Items have been changed.
- Evolution Hammer pieces needed to grow old items have been removed.
- Lv95 Unique and Legend grade jade option converter at Nest Point Store
*NP = Nest Points
*G = Gold
*Req = Level Requirement
*pcs = pieces
*NHP= Nightmare Points
• General Tab
500NP , Lv95+Req , weekly limit removed
Rare Monster Card Pouch
Epic Monster Card Pouch
Legendary Weapon Converter
6000NP + 2000G , Lv90+Req
Engraving Extractor
1,000NP , Lv95+Req , weekly limit removed
Light Cube
• Dragon Jade Tab
Epic Dragon Jade Fragment
800NP , Lv95+Req
Epic Dragon Jade Essence
17000NP , Lv95+Req
Unique Dragon Jade Converter
4000NP + 5pcs Epic Dragon Jade Essence , Lv95+Req
Unique Dragon Jade Converter
4000NP + 200pcs Epic Dragon Jade Fragment , Lv95+Req
Legend Dragon Jade Converter
10000NP + 1pcs Unique Dragon Jade Essence , Lv95+Req
Legend Dragon Jade Converter
10,000NP + 50pcs Unique Dragon Jade Fragment , Lv95+Req
*You can check some info and item icons at DN Gear simulator.
◆ B.2 Nightmare Point Store
- Talisman crafting materials have been added in Nightmare Point Store.
Magic Brilliant Talisman Fragment
800NHP, Lv95Req
Magic Brilliant Talisman Essence
17000NHP, Lv95Req
C. Party Rewards
◆ C.1 Change of Party Rewards
- The conditions and rewards of party rewards have been changed.
- Conditions and achievements can be accessed by pressing [O] key to open the Community tab and go n' see the Party Rewards tab.
* Developer comments:
In the world of Dragon Nest, the adventurers help each other! *HELL YEAH! HELPING IS GOOD! :v
We have reorganized the party rewards so that you adventurers can enjoy and have fun together! *Yay!
You can also change your rewards to [Community Points].
We have made it possible for you to choose your own! *Thank You!
*PP = Party Points
*ppl = people
Clear Dungeon (2-4ppl)
Clear Nest (2-4ppl)
Clear Raid (5-8ppl)
Clear Slayer Mode (2ppl)
3 person dungeon clear
4 person dungeon clear
3 person 4-man nest clear
4 person 4-man nest clear
Dungeon - New/Returning Hero Bonus (2-4ppl)
Nest - New/Returning Hero Bonus (2-4ppl)
◆ C.2 Community Points
- You can get 10000CP every week when you earn 10000PP.
- Party reward points will reset at 9:00 am every Saturday.
- Community points are not initialized and can accumulate up to 50000 points.
•Community Store
- Heraldry Scholar Stas -> Community Store has opened.
- You can purchase the items you want using Community Point directly.
- You can purchase Goddess Tears' Hat through Community Store.
*CP = Community Points
Magic Brilliant Talisman Essence
Epic Dragon Jade Essence
High Grade Garnet
Epic Weapon Enhancement Stone
Epic Armor Enhancement Stone
Unique Weapon Enhancement Stone
Unique Armor Enhancement Stone
Goddess Tears' Hat(No Stats)(Permanent)
Goddess Tears' Hat (Permanent)
Goddess Tears' Hat(No Stats)(3 Day)
Goddess Tears' Hat(3 Day)
◆ C.3 Cengin's Box - Time Box Content/Sealed Chest Box
*You can open the box when you perform various play mission conditions and can acquire Crystal Points if you meet the requirements to open it. -Prof. K's Notes
- You can get a sealed box from store purchase or certain drop.
- In order to open it, certain conditions must be met.
- Achieve your goal within a limited time, open the box and earn Crystal Points.
1. Cengin's Box - Time Box/Sealed Chest Box and Store
- [Cengin's Box] can be purchased using various kinds of points(eg. Nest Points, Dungeon Points and etc.),
and the opening conditions of each box are different.
- Every box has a one-time weekly purchase restriction, and the period of use is seven days from the time of purchase.

* Developer comments:
There are various points in Dragon Nest and some points can't be used properly depending on your playstyle.
Now you can take advantage of those points to buy Cengin's Box at the Store.
Also, users who do not have any remaining points have also been able to acquire the box through a drop at a specific nest and stage.
CYP = Crystal Points
Mission Condition to Open the Box: All Reward is 10000CYP
Clear Forest of Illusion Dungeon 50x
Clear Guardian Nest Hardcore 12x
Clear Abandoned Marina clear 50x
Clear Volcano Nest Hardcore 12x
Clear Hidden Underwater Cave 50x
Clear Ancient City Ruins 50x
Stay online for 30 hours
From the Store: Various Points to buy Cengin's Box
a. 7000 Dungeon Points
b. 7000 Nest Points
c. 5000 Wonderful Theme Park Points
d. 10000 Free Adventurer Points
e. 10000 Cassius Points
f. 25000 Nightmare Points
g. 800 Ladder Points
2. Volcano Nest Normal, Guardian Nest Normal, and Treasure Stage CHEST.
- In the CHESTS that can be obtained when nests and stages are cleared, Cengin's Box drops/appears randomly.
The period of use of Cengin's Box, which can be obtained from the chest reward is 3 days from the time of acquisition.
*The boxes are different in terms of opening conditions.
Mission Condition to Open the Box: All Reward is 2000CYP
Clear Kairon Beach 15x
Clear Volcano Nest Normal 5x
Clear Guardian Nest Normal 5x
D. Kairon Island: Abyss Dungeons
The difficulty of the abyss dungeon monsters is reduced.
General monster HP: -40%
Boss monster HP: unchanged
All monster damage: -50%
Abyss Difficulty is a farming place where you can get enhancement materials for equipment.
However, users who have already reached the MAX level and wearing weak gears will experience frequent death because of high damage taken during stage play. Due to the high HP/stamina of the monster, it has been confirmed that the play time is considerably longer than master difficulty.
It takes a long time to match the regular stage party except daily quest, and it's not easy to form a party for newbies. So abyss difficulty has been reduced to provide more comfortable play!
However, you will have to adjust to battle with Nest Boss rated monsters that will unfold in the future. *Chaos Difficulty?
The Stage Boss Monster's HP is kept at the same level as before to provide a full combat experience with boss-rated monsters.
Boss monster HP: unchanged
All monster damage: -50%
Abyss Difficulty is a farming place where you can get enhancement materials for equipment.
However, users who have already reached the MAX level and wearing weak gears will experience frequent death because of high damage taken during stage play. Due to the high HP/stamina of the monster, it has been confirmed that the play time is considerably longer than master difficulty.
It takes a long time to match the regular stage party except daily quest, and it's not easy to form a party for newbies. So abyss difficulty has been reduced to provide more comfortable play!
However, you will have to adjust to battle with Nest Boss rated monsters that will unfold in the future. *Chaos Difficulty?
The Stage Boss Monster's HP is kept at the same level as before to provide a full combat experience with boss-rated monsters.
E. Title Tooltip
- Tooltips have been added to Cover title and Ability title checkbox in title list.

◆Improvement of collection title
• Descriptions of titles and titles list of collection titles colors have been changed.
• Added information about which collection book rewards are available.
• Descriptions of titles and titles list of collection titles colors have been changed.
• Added information about which collection book rewards are available.

F. New Character Voice
◆Added voice to the following character's skills.
- Awakening Skills and Awakening Passive Skills: First 4 Original Class: Warrior , Archer, Sorceress, Cleric and their Spin-Off Class
Gladiator, Moonlord, Barbarian, Destroyer, Sniper, Artillery, Tempest, Wind Walker, Celeana, Eleestra, Smasher, Majesty, Guardian, Crusader, Saint, Inquisitor, Dark Avenger, Silver Hunter, Arc Heretic, Black Mara
G. Other
• Spin Off Dark Class Characters
- Can now be created at any time.
• Character slots have been expanded.
- Default created characters per account: From 14 to 16
- Maximum number of characters that can be created per account: From 34 to 36
- Can now be created at any time.
• Character slots have been expanded.
- Default created characters per account: From 14 to 16
- Maximum number of characters that can be created per account: From 34 to 36
Thread Updated and Lists are Subject to changes ~ 10/25/2017 5:48 PM GMT 8+