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  • #91
    I have some good news for all!

    You can choose the stats if you transfer your Epic 95 to Unique 95

    Requirement is:
    EPic +20 to make Unique +0 TIer 1
    For Legend you need Unique Tier 2 + 20 to make it into Legend!

    Also some Bleed Phantom Skill names (according not known yet > sorry didn't checked all)

    - Phase Away (フェーズアウェイ)
    - Madness (マッドネス)
    - Soul Breaker (ソウルブレイカー)
    - Top Observer(?) (トップオブサファー)
    - Risaru Toucher(??) (リーサルトーチャー)
    - Phantom Pain (ファントムペイン)
    - Phantom Drive (ファントムドライブ)
    - Blood Sign (ブラッドサイン)
    - Descarm(?) (デスカーム)
    - Deadline (デッドライン)
    - Draw Blood (ドローブラッド)
    - Shadow Step (シャドーステップ)
    - Air Receive(?) (エアレシーブ)
    - Comeback Transmission (カムバックトランスミッション)
    - Chain of Pain (チェインオブペイン)
    - Paperize (ペーパライズ)
    - Blood Phantom (ブラッドファントム)
    - Shadow Overdrive (シャドーオーバードライブ)
    - Cruel Mode(?) (クルーアルルモード)
    - Blood Sign Enhancement A/B
    - Strenghten Paper A/B
    - Madness Enhancement A/B
    - Blood Phantom Enhancement A/B

    I wil post more once I am done with more.
    Some skill translation are also there.


    • Noctaelius
      Noctaelius commented
      Editing a comment
      NasagiChan do you know how to get the new talisman FD (95) ? are they easy to get or hard to get ?

    • Jeezus
      Jeezus commented
      Editing a comment
      ya here's the video of tier upgrade

    • Jeezus
      Jeezus commented
      Editing a comment
      Noctaelius NM store has magic grade pouch for 1000 nm points
      it gives Ultimate and limitation talisman also
      but very small % chance

      for Rare grade when u craft at berlin
      it will be unsealed talisman gives random stat
      again u can gain ulti or limitation from it

  • #92
    So, with the updated November Event Calendar, it seems that Oracle Elder will be coming to DNSEA earlier than expected [see comment #155.1]. Is it safe to assume that they'll be combining 7/6/2017 & 8/3/2017 Patches? or they'll be doing something different?


    • darkb1ader
      darkb1ader commented
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      so any goblin in slayer only drops gold? not slayer equipments?

    • Jeezus
      Jeezus commented
      Editing a comment
      only boss has slayer part drop

    • darkb1ader
      darkb1ader commented
      Editing a comment
      oh ok thanks, i finally won't feel regret about the goblin i missed when i dc'd

  • #93
    Is there no limit to the amount of power stone we can craft? its seems too good to be true


    • Skyros
      Skyros commented
      Editing a comment
      Do you mean on the Powerstone Grade Conversion (Epic Powerstone->Unique Powerstone; Unique Powerstone to Legend Powerstone; Legend to Unique). If yes, then there is no limit, however, upgrading requires a small amount of Gold and a pre-fixed number of the Powerstone of lower grade (e.g. In order to craft an Unique Powerstone, you would need 20 Epic Powerstones and a small amount of gold)
      Last edited by Skyros; 11-06-2017, 04:49 PM.

    • Jeezus
      Jeezus commented
      Editing a comment
      they changed it to 15
      so 1 Legend > 15 Unique > 225 Epic stone or reverse order

      1 Legend to Epic will cost 200g avg to exchange with VIP

  • #94
    DN Indonesia Patch notes 9th Nov

    Contents :-
    Oracle elder
    Nightmare 95
    Skill balance - Loli dispensor , Raven , Arti and RM changes
    Lv95 Talismans Magic and Rare
    Enhancement Stone Crafting ( Old method )

    Extra changes
    Unique Heraldry costs less to Replace
    Volcano Nest nerfed
    Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


    • Jeezus
      Jeezus commented
      Editing a comment
      our last chance is waiting for our patch notes
      but dint see tier upgrade in indo patch

    • darkb1ader
      darkb1ader commented
      Editing a comment
      ok thanks, guess i have to wait 12 months for the tier conversion just to feel the same power as that of IDNL LOL(more or less IDNL)
      anyway thanks guys...

    • spicylousy
      spicylousy commented
      Editing a comment
      May I know which difficulty of VN will be nerfed , and how much it is nerfed. Thanks

  • #95
    Just wanted to help with the translation of KDN DPS ranking posted by BlazingSkies

    The image title is 'DPS Rank by Class'

    Apparently, the first list is about 'Class Usage Rate' sorted by ascending order starting from the most commonly used ones. (This is the one from daitran2093 post. If you're too lazy to translate them all, just find your main class and compare them with the rest of the table).

    The middle lists are titled 400k/500k/600k characters respectively. Though the meaning is vague at best, I assume it's referring to the DPS rank based on their atk power. Do correct me if my interpretation is wrong.

    The last two lists are separated into 'All Characters' and 'Overall Average'. Again, they are extremely hard to interpret, but judging by the ranking below them, I'm confident enough to assume the former is 'All Stages DPS' (e.g the entirety of IDN HC or 50B BTG Golem test) while the latter is 'Maximum Burst DPS' (exclusively during burst window period or 5b BTG Golem test).

    All Stages DPS rank: Ray Mechanic > Abyss Walker > Artillery > so on.
    Max Burst DPS rank: Spirit Dancer > Abyss Walker > Majesty > so on.
    Last edited by NearLawlet; 11-08-2017, 09:47 PM.


    • #96

      Korea DN November Patch Developer Blog

      If anyone can translate whole thing will be good
      I m just translating main points
      Sauce -

      Contents :-
      Bleed Phantom - Assassin spin off
      Mist nest Reboot
      Engineer Skill boost GM / SS
      New main quest and side quests
      PvP Patch Delayed to December

      Extra Changes :-
      Reduce waiting time for Slayer test grounds
      Reduce stage clear time DQ
      x4 Slayer Test ground future mode
      ( 4 times ftg consume with 12 monsters )
      Slayer Drop rate is being reviewed
      Improved Stack limits to 999 for some items
      Get Guild Points in Slayer mode and Test Grounds
      Remove server storage fees
      Remove Skill plates and Dimensional Frag drop
      Get 20% Crystal points when disassemble costume
      Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


      • NasagiChan
        NasagiChan commented
        Editing a comment
        oh nice.. that sounds good! I really hate the skill Plate drop...
        makes totally no sense

      • vjdarktm
        vjdarktm commented
        Editing a comment
        Yey for no server storage fees!!!

    • #97
      some Datamining info

      Slayer potion future item
      <message mid = "1000122630"> <! [CDATA [Increase Slayer Raising Rate]]> </ message>
      <message mid = "1000122631"> <! [CDATA [Region Drop Rate Test Potion]]> </ message>
      <message mid = "1000122632"> <! [CDATA [In Slayer Nest for 1 hour: \ n # y Drop Rate 50% increase]]> </ message>

      Crusader Huge Boost
      Google translated strings here if anyone interested
      Link -

      Engineer Strings ( Only few lines for now )
      Link -

      More info from Korea patch itself on 16th
      Last edited by Jeezus; 11-14-2017, 03:08 AM.
      Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


      • #98
        here i am waiting for the patch notes to be translated )
        I'm a slow learner, that's true. But I learn.

        I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. I'm not a child.
        I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home.


        • #99
          THIS SHOOKT ME:

          ◆ ******창고 ***용 ******템 확***

          • 슬********* ****** ********* ******템*** 창고***동*** ***능***도록 변***됩******.
          • ****** 창고 ***용*** ******료*** ***폭 ***향되었습******.

          Google Translate:

          ◆ Expansion of server warehouse items

          • Slayer equipment pocket items are changed to enable warehouse movement.
          • Fees for server warehouses have been significantly reduced.

          oh so it's just the pouch ^^

          anyway, yes for 10 copper server storage fee ♥
          Last edited by theredgumball; 11-15-2017, 04:33 PM.
          I'm a slow learner, that's true. But I learn.

          I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. I'm not a child.
          I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home.


          • 16/11/2017 KDN SKILL BALANCING


            Mine Thrower
            - Damage increased 180% > 431%
            - Cooldown changed 0 second > 25 seconds
            - Bullet consumption removed

            Biochemical Missile
            - Damage increased 1862% > 3272%
            - Cooldown changed 0 second > 18 seconds
            - Bullet consumption removed

            Mecha Shock
            - Damage increased 521% > 1026%

            Mecha Bomber
            - Damage increased 1449% > 2124%

            - Bullet consumption increased 6 bullets > 10 bullets

            SHOOTING STAR

            - Damage Increased 321% > 869%
            - Recoil when firing is removed, character is no longer pushed back when using the skill

            Ammo Recharge EX
            - Cooldown reduction increased 3 seconds > 5 seconds

            Mine Thrower EX
            - Damage increased 50% > 100%

            Class Mastery I
            - Attack power increased 5% > 15%
            - Faster bullet generation 4 seconds > 2 seconds

            Class Mastery II
            - Attack power increased 5% > 15% (Current SS CMII increase attack power by 8%, not 5%. Not sure if this just a mistype on the patch note or actual boost to the skill)
            - Mine Thrower INS cooldown increased 1 second > 25 seconds
            - Mine Thrower INS does not share cooldown with Mine Thrower EX

            Summon Buster
            - Cooldown changed 42 seconds > 32 seconds

            GEAR MASTER

            Chain Saw Tower
            - Damage increased 2479% > 3930%

            Big Mecha Bomb
            - Damage increased 3672% > 8138%

            Mecha Bomb EX
            - Damage increased 30% > 100%

            Class Mastery II
            - Attack power increased 5% > 25%

            Mecha Cannon
            - Cooldown changed 45 seconds > 30 seconds

            [Awakening Passive] Mechanic Mode
            - Action speed increased 10% > 20%


            Mine Thrower
            - Cooldown changed 0 second > 25 seconds
            - Bullet consumption removed

            Biochemical Missile
            - Cooldown changed 0 second > 25 seconds
            - Bullet consumption removed

            - Bullet consumption increased


            • Translation of the latest patch notes are >>here<<.
              WahrBot developer | Divinitor developer | My | Discord: Vahr#9959

              I swear I'm an LK main


              • Gosh. The uncertainty of farming a slayer part. Not only because of very low drop rate, but also due to the lack of info on slayer skills especially now that there would be Calypse Tier2 +20 and we are uncertain if we'll have Slayer Tier 2 (which I doubt). It's like which part to farm actually? Kinda frustrating
                I'm a slow learner, that's true. But I learn.

                I do not need to be watched over or minded or cared for. I'm not a child.
                I am the Lady of Winterfell, and I am home.


                • SS can gather up to 12 ammo every 10 seconds (5 from CM, 7 from Ammo Recharge EX)

                  Up to 72 ammo per minute

                  Splash EX damage is 869% x 9 bullets = 7821%, with a cast time of less than a second.

                  72 ammo x 7821% = 563112% damage per minute just from Splash EX. Almost indifferent to nest mechanic since usage can be saved and used accordingly.

                  ^ I can support the idea of boosting engineer since they have been left behind for quite some time, but this is getting a bit too ridiculous...


                • New data mining info !!
                  Green Dragon Reboot is lv95 reboot nest upcoming
                  and New Upgradable Green dragon accessories Unique and Legend

                  Here's Unique for now

                  Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


                  • Legend Green Dragon not found for now
                    but Some Legend Geraint Rings came in files with it

                    Follow my Page for Latest Info on DN and Datamine info


                    • Wiiwoo
                      Wiiwoo commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Bye Genesis, hell-o Geraint access xD

                    • vjdarktm
                      vjdarktm commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Well...Time to probably sell my genesis acce.
                      Last edited by vjdarktm; 12-04-2017, 06:16 AM. Reason: !@#$%^ Friggin' DN and their item continuities.

                    • Skyros
                      Skyros commented
                      Editing a comment
                      This is probably a CDN-only event accessory, like how they had Argenta Rings with OP stats a few anniversaries back.