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Ripper Players, How do you Build and Play?

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  • Ripper Players, How do you Build and Play?

    So, there's like No threads on Ripper/Reaper/Whatever the fuck the class is named. I really want to make one, but I kinda want a Build guideline before I make one.

  • #2

    This is what I mostly use for a build, you want to keep at least 18 sp left for the eventual awakening. But the build I use is mostly dump Rain of Death, Blade runner for debuff> Izuna/Purser, depending how much time you have > filler/ repeat. Obviously with this build you can change stuff for more sp depending on your tastes, like how Chain Chaser is kinda not really needed with Dash or maybe you don't use Burning Escape at all. Overall I'd say the class is kinda like playing a Gladiator. Hope that helps a little.


    • #3

      This is the build I have before awakening because as assassins, we are pretty far away from getting our awakening considering it hasn't even been teased yet. I maxed everything on reaper side except barrage because I feel this skill is nearly useless. I have 11 points into Iron Applause because of the 20% crit debuff and because it does a decent amount of damage. 11 points into crows because they are great filler plus under reaper ult, you can convert the damage. I also maxed burning escape because it is very good dps at 2k% on a 6 second cd, reaching almost as high as Flame Locust. In this build, I also have a tech for mortal blow.

      Edit: If you wish for me to explain how I play or go into my build further, feel free to ask!
      Last edited by Subverto; 10-04-2016, 10:19 PM.

      Discord: Infam0usPanda#3823


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture22.PNG
Views:	412
Size:	169.3 KB
ID:	12478
        This class you can do truly anything, only thing to keep in mind Flame Locust and Mortal Blow are your dps skills, they will make up over 40% of your total dps so max those and spam em whenever possible. The rest is really up to you, do take Iron Applause though as it's one of our debuffs along with Blade Runner.

        This build ofc will change once we get changes/awakenings

        I personally tech'd - Burning Escape, Mortal Blow, Locust and Persuer and crested - Shadow Rage, Mortal Blow, Locust and Persuer


        • #5
          Hey guys, was wondering if these are the most updated reaper builds??

          New reaper player, and was hoping you can give me advice for reapers
          Reaper(Main): Deishuu
          LightBringer(SubMain): llPhantom


          • ILLbeURdeath
            ILLbeURdeath commented
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            Pretty much, haven't gotten any changes yet. Assassin's are next for awakenings in KDN though so maybe 4-5 months from now we'll receive changes.

          • llStorm
            llStorm commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks a lot!! Im waiting for the awakening. Pretty excited

        • #6
          I hear reaper ulti got ninja buffed <(~)b might wanna plate that now
          Discord: Stardoom#4500
          Twitch YouTube
          Written - LK // Wrotten - Crusader
          Wrancid - Inquisitor // Wraider - Guardian
          Phonic - Destroyer // Chosen - Glad // Scribed - DA


          • #7
            Hope this helps ^^
            Welcome to the Wonderful (Read: Sociopathic) World of Reapers Yo! My name is Dreadwoe, and I decided to make a reaper guide because I like helping people, and it would prolly help me to actually record all of this somewhere. I’m primarily a PvE player, participating and clearing on several raid...

