As an introduction, my IGN is Dzuy and I’ve played a crusader on Dragon Nest NA for almost a year now. This is my very basic guide on how I play my Crusader. Feel free to add anything (questions, comments or concerns) and I’ll periodically update as I feel needed.

Crusader is one of four clerics and the second branch of Paladin. Also one of the top damaging classes on Dragon Nest.

Crusader's Main stat: STR/INT (mixed) and I personally prioritize attack power / magic attack over all other things (even final damage)

Crusader's main element is light and attacks do light damage

Crusader's best skill jade is their Verdure jade in which my +10 was better than +15 blood moon jade / dreamy jade

These are my gear/ in-town stats as of 2/1/2021

... and My current best STG run is LB 17 3:33.

1) This is my current skill tree

2) My current skill bar with brief description (primary and secondary bar respectfully) and my personal rotation

3) My skill heraldry set up

-Holy Relic 86% damage increase
-Judgement Hammer reduce cooldown by 20%
-Divine Combo reduce cooldown by 20%
-Divine Avatar increase buff duration by 20%
-Judge's Power increase buff duration by 20%

4) This is an example of my rotation expressed in 2)

If there is anything else you want to know or ask let me know!
Thank you!
