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Chaos Mage Skill Build

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  • Chaos Mage Skill Build

    Hey everyone! So I haven't been playing DN for the past few months and would like some help with a few questions:

    1. What should my skill build be? Can someone post theirs?
    2. What are my strongest skills (what should I spam under FF)?
    3. How should I gear up? I'd like to be able to at least attempt the newest raids.

    Thanks a lot!

  • #2
    I'd probably do something like this
    Last edited by Zeref; 10-04-2016, 11:57 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Echelos

      Lol. Please don't misinform new players with untested builds.
      What was wrong with the other build? It was fairly close to yours aside from preference filler skills (I would actually choose his between the two tbh)
      Don't really think you need to test builds out either sincd e it's not like cm's received any crazy revamp; the core skills remain the core skills.
      Pretty sure that's also Yuusaku (rip me if I'm wrong) and he knows the class pree well and wrote a guide on it.


      • Caramel
        Caramel commented
        Editing a comment
        Probably because he just rushed through making the build?
        Doesn't take much to take out something like shockwave and put charged missile in or just to take the awakening out.
        Also, maxed black hole and toxic spray sound pree awful in PVE compared to void and comet
        Last edited by Caramel; 10-04-2016, 07:51 PM.

      • Caramel
        Caramel commented
        Editing a comment
        Yes, you should try to stand on top of the boss the entire time but this is not going to happen due to mechs where you're required to move away from the boss, or they move away from you, etc. You use comet and void blast when they do this; it will not be in your rotations to maximize DPS ofc.

        Also, you tell me void blast is unreliable and that comet cast time is too long when black hole has a longer casting time, and toxic spray and black hole require the boss to stay in the same spot to maximize DPS. Void blast also has the same casting time as toxic spray. And why do you even bother to mention that you choose toxic spray so you can use it at point blank range when it probably won't be in your rotation?

        But as you said, these skills don't matter (which btw, agrees with my statement of not needing to test builds to know what to max). I just would rather choose Yuusaku's build because I think it makes more sense in terms of increasing DPS by that 1-2%.

      • Caramel
        Caramel commented
        Editing a comment
        I don't recall anywhere that I didn't play the game.
        Don't make assumptions yeah?

    • #4
      Originally posted by Echelos

      Also regardless of how well you used to know a class. Every level cap increase completely changes game play. So unless you play Chaos Mage right now in the current game. Your opinion is invalid.
      Once again, the class has not been revamped like crazy. The only change that you'll have is using focus gravity after throwing out the skills that you'll normally be using, and using reverse gravity after teleport. That is literally not that crazy to change a build completely.


      • #5
        Originally posted by Echelos

        - Your main focus as a Majesty/CM will be Gravity Blast and Triple Orbs considering they are the source of damage for your main nuke skill Focus Gravity.

        - Gravity Well got a major damage increase this cap, making it worth casting now, so of course every time its off CD throw it into combos.
        - Gravity Rush is the first awakening skill that Majesty's acquire in 93, the damage isn't the best and is definitely outclassed by Focus Gravity
        - Focus Gravity is the primary *focus* for every Majesty in 93 cap, it is our highest damage skill and best dps overall when nesting.
        - Teleport passive increases the casting speed of teleport and allows you to instantly cast the full hits of gravity well all at once after using teleport.
        Are you telling me that you're going to be using different skills then?


        • #6
          Not trying to throw gas into this fire but imho I prefer void blast over toxic.
          It's a great skill to use for effectively taking out mobs right after black hole has gathered them.

          It's also great for when you're approaching bosses to quickly dish the skill out, then close in on them for your core spam.
          And some bosses (raid dragons + some nest bosses) are so big that it doesn't matter how close to them you get, VB will still hit.

          As for black hole vs comet, I have comet maxed on my PvE build but tbh I might swap it over. It's peaking my interest


          • #7
            pls understand
            I am not saying to include void blast in your rotation. I am saying it is a situational skill used when you are unable to be in the close proximity that you are supposed to be.
            The only skills in your rotation should be the main skills discussed earlier; there will not be any room for other skills in the rotation, due to their short cds so it does. not. matter.

            And no, I do play the game. Also how bout we stop throwing out demeaning comments just because you've realized that you're contradicting yourself, and have nothing else to say.
            Last edited by Caramel; 10-04-2016, 10:25 PM.


            • #8
              This is what I'm experimenting with at the moment, will update later.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture11.PNG
Views:	1470
Size:	198.3 KB
ID:	12458


              • #9
                (1) It's important that build makers are actively playing Awakening, since it changed all of our gameplay. As noted already, WM's Laser Cutter awakening is goddamn awful, which is something that sounds all right on paper, but works out differently in practice. Similarly, Charged Missile isn't bad on paper, but clashes with people's playstyles. It's an awkward skill that disrupts your flow in PVE. Echo has already pointed out a bunch of other significant changes specific to CM AWK that I think are important to know while forming your build. We don't get a free reset scroll, either.

                While the argument about which skills to prioritize between Toxic Spray, Void Blast, Black Hole, and Summon Comet in PVE is rather fruitless to the outsider, it's still fun to talk about because we're all prideful sorcs and want to min-max as much as possible. Filler skills are a reflection of you as a player. If you're aggressive and always in the boss's face, then Toxic Spray would be good damage-over-time. The other skills require repositioning, which can kill your flow similarly to Charged Missile; however, they are safer for people who prefer to lie low until the main skills come off CD.

                (2) To answer your other questions, FF rotation changed from 90 cap in that you shouldn't just be spamming TO now. Echo and I discussed this, and while I haven't internalized his information yet, I can tldr that it's a combination of Gravity Blast, TO, and Focus Gravity, with a couple of Gravity Wells in there because its nuking power is back. Whether you cast Gravity Blast or TO matters for the damage of Focus Gravity. Echelos

                (3) Gearing wise, it would help if we knew what gear you had when you left. Highly enhanced Evo Coma weapons are more than enough to get through TKN and IDN 4-man. I would switch 90 epics to Theano unless you have Cor-nuras. And can someone answer if we can transfer 90 enhancements to 93? It didn't work when I tried.
                Discord: Fabulous #3971
                You will need to join DN Class Discussion, NA, EU, or SEA Discord servers to find me because of the emoji in my tag.
                Class Updates Document
                Chaos Mage/Majesty In-Depth Guide
                YouTube Channel


                • #10
                  As far as I know, we can transfer 90U's to 93 epics with zero loss. You cannot transfer 90 epic to 93 epic, I know we used to be able too (epic to epic) but we can't anymore, it even says we can't when you try. Is this a bug, probably not as we can transfer 90U's to 93 epics. I figure the devs knew most would have 90U's by now highly enhanced, then we just transfer over to a strong 93 epic that we plan on upgrading to a 93U. Also, you can transfer rdnL's to idnL's but at -2 loss iirc.

                  Somebody add to this if I left something out, thanks
                  Last edited by ILLbeURdeath; 10-04-2016, 10:36 PM.


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Fabulous View Post
                    (2) To answer your other questions, FF rotation changed from 90 cap in that you shouldn't just be spamming TO now.
                    The general start to a FF rotation would be:
                    1. Force Mirror > Gravity Crush (for debuffs) > Gravity Well (to put it on cd before casting FF) > Fast Forward
                    2. Triple Orbs instant about 3-4 times (until gwell is off of cd) > Gravity Well > Focus Gravity
                    3. Repeat step 2 until the duration ends (you'll should be able to cast gwell and focusg 2-3 times in total)
                    Last edited by Echelos; 10-05-2016, 02:30 PM.


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by Echelos

                      Lol. Please don't misinform new players with untested builds.
                      bruh please do NOT try to come at me with your bull lmao. It's one thing to point out what I forgot but its another thing to patronize me.

                      Edited first post to show that I had leftover SP for charged missile and simply forgot to include it. My majesty guide should be up again soon for those interested.


                      • #13
                        I don't even know what your problem is? All I did was provide a build to someone who asked for it. But for some reason you felt the need to discredit mine just to justify yours

                        Take your salt somewhere else because I have no need for it.


                        • #14
                          10/10 thread

                          Glad there are more people willing to provide Sorc Information compared to the last 4+ years of DN, where there was only a few of us willing to do it.


                          • #15
                            Thank you so much for all the information! I missed all the drama the forums used to have too.

                            Originally posted by Caramel View Post
                            Don't really think you need to test builds out either sincd e it's not like cm's received any crazy revamp; the core skills remain the core skills.
                            The reason I ask is because I played back when Gravity Well wrecked everything, but then it was nerfed, and now it's strong again. I think I got it now though: my main burst is Triple Orbs+Gravity Blast>Focus Gravity and I use Gravity Wells in between.

                            Originally posted by Fabulous View Post
                            Gearing wise, it would help if we knew what gear you had when you left. Highly enhanced Evo Coma weapons are more than enough to get through TKN and IDN 4-man. I would switch 90 epics to Theano unless you have Cor-nuras. And can someone answer if we can transfer 90 enhancements to 93? It didn't work when I tried.
                            I have DDN Ls (don't laugh at me pls). I have quite a bit of gold saved up, so what's good but not over the top expensive?


                            • Echelos
                              Echelos commented
                              Editing a comment
                              The only gear you could buy with gold straight up would probably be Theano or Ice Dragon Unique. Coma is untradeable so would take a little while to acquire from drops but of course is the least expensive to enhance, also when you upgrade Coma with Evolution Shards the stats become just as high as IDNU. Once you get in game just check out your options and see which of these sets you want to try. ^-^

                            • Fabulous
                              Fabulous commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Since you're starting from the new cap, I would go with level 93 Theano equipment. In 90 cap, they introduced a system where you could upgrade your epics to uniques, while retaining their enhancement. If they continue this trend, eventually they will have Theano unique upgrades, so you'd be ready. The best "good but not over the top expensive" gear at the moment are Evolution Coma/Nightmare, and Ice Dragon Uniques. A +13 Theano mainhand is about 4% less damage than +13 Evolution Coma. Because you have Awakening, which doubled our 90 cap potential, all of 90 cap content sans IDN should be a piece of cake. So I believe even +6 Theano would serve you well for 90 cap content, and level 93 TKN Norm is about as difficult as Daidalos HC.

                              Now, since kDN still doesn't have anything better 93-wise than Theano right now, and it's been about four months since they started 93 cap, you could probably go for Evo Coma. This requires about two months of nesting, and won't cost you much. The good thing about this path is that level 90 unique weapons can have their enhancements transferred to each other, and to level 93 epics. So in the event you need to make the switch to Theano, you'd be ready. And 90 uniques are the best cheap gear for the IDN raid. If you're interested in this path, just comment further and we'll give you the breakdown of how you should go about it.

                              Armor wise, I would go Theano as well to have the most defense and HP.
                              Last edited by Fabulous; 10-05-2016, 11:23 PM.