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GM(Gear Master) build advice :)

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  • GM(Gear Master) build advice :)

    Here we go, my first guide (kind of) for GM's (Gear Masters). Let us start off with the build, pretty basic, my build uses all awakenings hence this will be a pure GM build. It is impossible to be a hybrid GM (one that uses SS (shooting star) skills along side GM skills) AND use ALL awakenings.

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    GM+Awakening tree omitted for obvious reasons, take everything on those two trees. The tinkerer tree you can do whatever you wish, I went with a maxed out Bubble for raiding. If you don't want to raid, leave it at 1 or 0 and put the points elsewhere. You can't deviate with the engineer tree, you need most of the GM skills to be maxed for our Awakenings (which were much needed and quite good) which will require nearly all of our available points for this tree (you can see how the "hybrid GM" is now gone).

    So, what's the point of this class, what is it we do? Simple, we're a tactical class, you need to think ahead and anticipate where you'll need to be and how to setup things etc. We also act as the ele debuffer in nests/raids and can support a little bit with yum-a-tron (if it drops food ).

    So, how do we maximize our dps? Simple, keep your towers up at all times and within firing range (towers can be wiped/targeted now, they do and will die before their 90 sec duration is up at times), keep your chem grenade debuff up indefinitely and spam mech mode aka MM whenever your bombs are on cooldown. Also, remember to keep summoning your ducks, it is imperative that you keep spamming Quackum Crash every time it comes off cooldown. If at any time you're running around not doing anything, you're not playing the class right and you're losing DPS. However, you can be lazy and just drop towers and run around like a chicken with its head cut off and clear nearly everything in game, chainsaw tower is that strong. However if you wish to maximize your damage, here is the proper rotation:

    (Quackum Crash if you don't have at least 3 ducks summoned yet) Drop Frost>Cannon>Gatt towers while leaving Chainsaw tower for last>Immediately upon dropping Chainsaw tower you go straight into MM(if done quickly and correctly the damage buff from MM will also be applied to your Chainsaw Tower)>Chemical Grenade>Awakened Gravity Grenade (for two reasons, group enemies together if needed and to proc our instant Giga Bomb, they no longer share cooldowns )>Giga Instant>Normal Giga Bomb>Mecha Bomb>Kami Quackum>Quackum Crash...


    (Skip to next paragraph if you are unable to get in close) Depending on several conditions, you'll go up close and start using MM: get as close as possible when firing Chainsaw MM, it does a lot of damage the closer you are then while waiting for the 5 sec cooldown do Frost MM and spam Cannon MM til cooldowns come off then...

    Repeat the rotation (spam Cannon MM from a distance if you need to wait a few more seconds for the Giga Bomb cooldown) and drop towers if needed (if they were wiped, they bugged out when you moved them etc, they ran out and died, whatever) and simply keep repeating this.

    The better you get at playing a GM, the more you'll be able to use MM. When played properly this is the damage breakdown of a current GM: Chainsaw tower will do around 30-35%, Giga Bomb+instant will do around 25-30%+, MM will do around 15-30% (+/- dependent on several factors), Mecha Bomb varies greatly between 5%-15%+ (how often you can use it, how often it passes through bosses and how many ducks are still alive etc are all contributing factors when determining Mecha Bombs overall damage production) and your other 3 towers and patrol/shock/misc skills will make up the remaining 5-10%+/-. So as you see, you really want to get good at MM but don't and I mean NEVER neglect the towers.

    #1 priority is our Towers
    #2 is keeping our debuff up
    #3 is keeping our ducks summoned at all times (needed for Mecha Bomb which does a ton of damage)
    #4 spam Giga Bomb
    #5 using MM during downtime (waiting for cooldowns etc)

    That's pretty much it for skill rotation, next is build for gears etc:

    Pretty easy again being an agi class but what we need in end game is FD and lots of it so this build (agi) gets very expensive when gearing for raiding/end game.

    Stack agi

    Convert (to light or dark, helps since you can use Tech rings w/ L/D on them w/ dam instead of the 4 ele+crit (we're agi, we don't need crit chance) until one day you have Genesis Accessories
    Tech Chainsaw Tower and Giga Bomb, trust me. You won't be using any non tech acc's until you have a lot of FD, A LOT. Only exception is earrings, I recommend the idnL earrings with agi for the nice stats until you get a Genesis Earring as well

    Stack ele

    Start to build FD

    When/If you can/get/acquire a limit plate then we can start taking building up crit damage seriously. Being agi means we don't get the benefits of str/int in the regards of building crit dam but however we build crit chance and we max it out quite easily with our +50% agi passive (cap for crit chance is 90% btw, it's a visual glitch that only shows 89% in game). You start to naturally build up crit damage once you start getting end game geared from gems and other gear and costumes etc.

    This is just a basic guide, feel free to tinker with it as you see fit.

    Will add to this if needed, others that main GM's too (there's so few of us :c) feel free to add your expertise as well.

    Thanks for reading and enjoy!

    Be good people
    Last edited by ILLbeURdeath; 04-26-2017, 09:00 PM.

  • #2
    Nice guide! I like how you listed the best way to maximize DPS, I'll probably send this to my friend who's trying to main GM. Asking for said friend since he doesn't have a forum account (I think he's too lazy to create one lol), what skill crests are best to run on the GM? He hasn't gotten any because he wasn't all too sure about it (because when we go around SH we hardly see GMs in general just adepts or SS) so he doesn't have a good idea of which ones would be best to craft for her.


    • ILLbeURdeath
      ILLbeURdeath commented
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      I personally use: chainsaw tower CDR (towers get wiped quite easily and you never want to not have your chainsaw tower out due to long cool downs so best to get this one)

      Giga bomb CDR or dam, I went dam since debuffs are now capped and typically in party play someone has the damage debuffs. Also, when you get geared giga bomb does a TON of damage

      Slip-n-slide CDR, pretty self explanatory.

      Quackum crash CDR, to help keep the most amount of ducks out at all times (Mecha bomb is our strongest, single hit skill )
      Last edited by ILLbeURdeath; 04-01-2017, 02:02 PM.

    • ElpheltGG
      ElpheltGG commented
      Editing a comment

      Thank you I'll let him know!!!

  • #3
    Great guide death.

    Some additional tips:
    • If you left click during Quackum Crash, you can summon two ducks instead of one.
    • MM Gatling is good at pushing objects.
    • When using Kami-Quackum, your ducks are invulnerable until the detonation (pretty useful esp in the pvp field)


    For Crests I would recommend getting:
    • Chainsaw Tower CD (mandatory)
    • Quackum Crash CD (optional)
    • Gigaton Quack CD/DMG (optional) (personally I use CD)
    • Frost Tower CD (optional)
    • Kami-Quackum CD (optional)

    Again, nice guide.


    • #4
      I just started a GM. level 70 right now and planning to main it. I started regretting making my Arch Heretic RH when I heard Gear Master was so good ._. This guide will help me alot.


      • #5

        Two hybrid build which I think is viable
        Will sacrifice gravity grenade awaken for the extra points. In my opinion it only redirect aggro which most nests these days only have 1 target so not that necessary.
        will still have access to gigaton/big bomba instant as it is an ex so only require lvl 1 gravity grenade


        Alfredo tank is taken, and also have access to alfredo stomp if that matters
        This is more for face tanking as you have alfredo tank and MM dmg reduction i.e lag or have difficulty doing runs
        suggest taking alfredo tank CD crest


        take SS ulti Bullet Barrage, reload is taken to use the SS ulti. It is possible to leave GM ulti lvl 1 and have 2 extra sp allocated elsewhere.
        Note that you will need to reload 2x in order to use SS ulti
        Suggest taking Bullet Barrage CD Crest

        This build is for using SS ulti under MM mode to boost dmg. It does decent dmg cd will be 90s with unified + CD crest.
        I see SS ulti as a Mecha Cannon with a available right click iframe

        Ideally use this when
        all towers are out,
        gigaton duck /big bomba + instant in CD
        mecha bomb in CD
        debuff in cd
        and Mecha Cannon in CD

        Usually in this situation you are usually spamming MM machine gun + chainsaw. SS ulti should net you a higher dps during this duration.
        SS ulti will have higher dmg than Mecha Cannon but it is over a duration (8.3 secs) so there is that.
        This build requires some level of mastery on rotation as you will need to manage bullets along with the original GM skills as stated by OP

        I play a little GM and I am also aware that I am not the best one around. Feel free to criticize!
        Last edited by Peanut; 04-17-2017, 06:49 AM.


        • #6
          Not an alch -420/11 IGN


          • #7
            Bump for visibility

            Strange this guide isn't stickied like the rest, has more views than most threads in tink section...

            GM hate is mightily strong still today, oh well all one can do is continue to outdps them fools.

            Here's to blissful ignorance o/


            • #8
              Originally posted by ILLbeURdeath View Post
              Bump for visibility

              Strange this guide isn't stickied like the rest, has more views than most threads in tink section...

              GM hate is mightily strong still today, oh well all one can do is continue to outdps them fools.

              Here's to blissful ignorance o/
              Hello! I would think that it is not that the forum moderators hate Gearmaster... perhaps they either overlooked it, or it wasn't as in depth as the other ones.
              To quote you, you said "This is just a basic guide" [This is just an example though]
              However! I bring you some good news. You can always mention a GM and request it to be reviewed for getting stickied!
              Hello Sir! Please free to mention me or send me a private message if you need any assistance! I will try my best to help you to the best that I can!

              -Subscribed to every forum section except Trades-

              Discord: Couplord#5195
              NA IGN: SirCoup


              • ILLbeURdeath
                ILLbeURdeath commented
                Editing a comment
                You wouldn't know though would you

                Peace o/

            • #9
              Nice guide, sir~
              I hope GMs will again be loved haha~

              Originally posted by Peanut View Post

              Alfredo tank is taken, and also have access to alfredo stomp if that matters
              This is more for face tanking as you have alfredo tank and MM dmg reduction i.e lag or have difficulty doing runs
              suggest taking alfredo tank CD crest

              this is kinda similar with my build.
              But I got the gravity grenade awakening, and dropped chem grenade to 6, then level 1 alfie tank

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              • ILLbeURdeath
                ILLbeURdeath commented
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                Going ice wouldn't do you any good, only frost tower and frost MM would benefit and both skills are rather weak compared to our other skills.

                You can convert to any ele on GM's, I merely suggest light or dark for the tech rings since we're agi, the 4 ele+crit rings are wasted on us, we'd be better off using the light/dark rings that give extra damage instead of crit that we don't need. For any DPS class you want to go pure DPS to maximize your classes potential.

                The biggest contributor to what ele to choose is raiding, what raid you plan on running usually determines what ele to convert to. For example RDN you want to be ice to do the most damage, for IDN you want two complete ele builds that you'll swap out depending on the boss you're fighting. Everything to maximize damage, if you don't plan on raiding then what ele you convert to doesn't matter.

                Cheers o/

              • Fourth
                Fourth commented
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                i think ele + crit isn't really a waste on me cuz 'm just a casual player, i rarely do raids, though.

              • ILLbeURdeath
                ILLbeURdeath commented
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                There ya go o/