Hello everyone I'm Lyyra! I sorta came back to DN so its been like 6-7 years now. So I remade a new account to try out DN again since I do love the game style in some ways. So I am looking for an English speaking active guild out there if DN is alive o 3 o
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Looking For An Active English Guild
Most guild's just want to use members for guild point generation, that's why the harsh rules. I would avoid those elitist, hypocritical guild's if I were you. I know what guild you're talking about too. Look for a guild that actually cares about its members and not just what they can get out of ya. Good luck o/
Absolute guild does not kick members after 3 days inactive. Only after 4 days if you are low level, sometimes longer. High level mems are given a week or so. Of course, if we have noticed someone being active in the guild before, then the "inactive kick time" is much longer (Because we don't want to kick people who are normally active).
The real reason for this kicking method is to avoid having people's alt characters which they barely play. As a newer guild, we need to make room for active players.
Thank you.
ILLbeURdeath Told me he was not talking about absolute guild.
URdeath is not wrong. The main purpose of in-game "guild" is the rewards gotten by guild points. That's why, when you join a guild, you should please look to also join their Discord server. Discord is the real "guild" as far as being where you will find the active players easily. It allows to message for help through ping or DM even when others are not ingame (work, school, etc) or are on a character not in the guild (can't see guild chat).
For example, absolute guild messages inactive members on discord before kicking them to ask if they have quit playing and gives instructions on how to rejoin if kicked for inactivity. Please PM me here on forums if you need help on how to join or use discord.
Guild servers are close-knit which is good for if you are shy or looking to making friends. But I also recommend DNCD server.
Thanks for your time.IGN: Slimer, Chainsaw
I wasn't even talking about your guild (thought she/he was referring to another) but if you have a 3 day kick policy too then... well some people might not agree with it(3 day inactive boot policy is a bit extreme imo, as you can see I'm not the only one who thinks so
Sounds like you got a chip on your shoulder and got some beef with meh xD, whatever floats your boat yo o/, more power to ya.
P.S. My response to the OP was constructive, just not from your point of view
Btw, " Lyyra He's not wrong." - Thanks for agreeing with me! Also remember, at no point was I ever talking/referring to you, thank you for your delightful response, have a nice day!
Sorry sir. Lyyra was talking about Absolute guild on the post you commented on, so I thought you were trying to call us elitist and hypocrite. That why I sounded salty haha. And as for the kick policy, I explained in the last paragraph of this post here that we don't kick people after 3 days. Thanks
Well I did join their discord group but it has so many diff rooms, bots and people so I do not know if all of the members still play DN but I'll just stop talking don't wanna start anything here or cause an issue. I just came back to look for a nice guild and meet new people.
(Plus I use discord a lot in other games I play)