Today i tried to create an alt acc and after i click on sign up, a windows pop up saying "Undefined", i check my mail and there nothing new there then i log on the website, i click on the resend and says "mail resend failed". i asked a friend to create an acc and the same happens to him....
PD: before i asked my friend to try it, i tried to create another acc with a diff pc and using a vpn, but same problem (i used a vpn because you can create one acc per IP per day). The account creation was working fine until yesterday because i created another alt acc (like 8 hours before the website and game died).
I dont use the temp mails shit, i used a Gmail account
Also the Second Password Reset on the website doesnt work (since like 3 months), you need to send a ticket

PD: before i asked my friend to try it, i tried to create another acc with a diff pc and using a vpn, but same problem (i used a vpn because you can create one acc per IP per day). The account creation was working fine until yesterday because i created another alt acc (like 8 hours before the website and game died).
I dont use the temp mails shit, i used a Gmail account
Also the Second Password Reset on the website doesnt work (since like 3 months), you need to send a ticket