Hi everyone! Sign-ups have filled up so I'm now releasing the bracket and schedule. Please make sure if you signed up, you have a match scheduled. I don't think I missed anyone else, but if I did i'm very sorry <_<.
Dates: May 12-13 5-9+PM PST
First things first, I messed up the dates! I originally meant for the tournament to take place over the weekend (Saturday the 12th, and Sunday the 13th), but I got the dates wrong when I pushed it back and wrote the 11/12 instead
. I've messaged a bunch of people that signed up through discord if they preferred Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun, and most people either said that they preferred Saturday/Sunday or that they actually thought that's when it was happening anyways. As such, I've decided to make the official date of the tournament Saturday, May 12th and Sunday May 13th, as opposed to Friday, May 11th and Saturday, May 12th. If your originally signed up because you thought it was Fri/Sat and can no longer make it, please let me know and we can try and work something out!
If you would like to be put on the wait list, in case people drop out or there are no shows, please leave your IGN/Class (+Discord), and I'll contact you if a spot opens up.
Current wait list:
SenjuGod (forgot to add him
1st Place: 100k ET
2nd Place: 50k ET
3rd/4rd Place: 25k ET each
5-8th Place: 10k ET each
8th Place: Also gets 88 Worms.
Additional prizes:
Flashiest combo gets an additional 10k ET (maybe I'll hold voting after or something).
Top placed unawakened char gets an additional 10k ET
Top placed 2nd job gets an additional 10k ET
Top placed reaper gets an additional 10k ET
Top placed Mara gets 88 Worms. Note, either Mara can get this, or a Black Mara.
Better additional prizes:
The top placed person of each base class will get to select a custom-made key chain!! That means 9 in total. Dark Classes other than SH may take some additional time.
If you know ahead of time that you can't your scheduled time, please let me know on discord! thomaki#0419.
You'll have 5 minutes after your scheduled match time (or if we're delayed, whenever I start birding for you) to show up or respond. After that, you forfeit, Sorry!
Day 1 - Saturday, May 12 5:00PM PST until finish (est 9:00PM):
Top 32 (3 rounds):
Day 2 - Sunday, May 13 5:00PM PST until finish (est 9:30PM):
Top 16 (3 rounds):
Quarter Finals (3 rounds):
Semi Finals (5 rounds):
Third Place (5 rounds):
Finals (5 rounds):
Updated Rules, Format:
See below post.
Dates: May 12-13 5-9+PM PST
First things first, I messed up the dates! I originally meant for the tournament to take place over the weekend (Saturday the 12th, and Sunday the 13th), but I got the dates wrong when I pushed it back and wrote the 11/12 instead

If you would like to be put on the wait list, in case people drop out or there are no shows, please leave your IGN/Class (+Discord), and I'll contact you if a spot opens up.
Current wait list:
SenjuGod (forgot to add him

1st Place: 100k ET
2nd Place: 50k ET
3rd/4rd Place: 25k ET each
5-8th Place: 10k ET each
8th Place: Also gets 88 Worms.
Additional prizes:
Flashiest combo gets an additional 10k ET (maybe I'll hold voting after or something).
Top placed unawakened char gets an additional 10k ET
Top placed 2nd job gets an additional 10k ET
Top placed reaper gets an additional 10k ET
Top placed Mara gets 88 Worms. Note, either Mara can get this, or a Black Mara.
Better additional prizes:
The top placed person of each base class will get to select a custom-made key chain!! That means 9 in total. Dark Classes other than SH may take some additional time.


If you know ahead of time that you can't your scheduled time, please let me know on discord! thomaki#0419.
You'll have 5 minutes after your scheduled match time (or if we're delayed, whenever I start birding for you) to show up or respond. After that, you forfeit, Sorry!
Day 1 - Saturday, May 12 5:00PM PST until finish (est 9:00PM):
Top 32 (3 rounds):
- A01 - 5:00 PM PST: Khoala vs Royal
- A02 - 5:15 PM PST: Moo vs Miyrnn
- A03 - 5:30 PM PST: Foolish vs Velveeta
- A04 - 5:45 PM PST: ChaosSaviour vs ShootingEpy
- A05 - 6:00 PM PST: Kiyy (previously Doll) vs Darker
- A06 - 6:15 PM PST: DarkKaji vs Yixuon
- A07 - 6:30 PM PST: Enchilana vs CutePeach
- A08 - 6:45 PM PST: Drezthaz vs Viccl
- A09 - 7:00 PM PST: HokageAlex vs Das
- A10 - 7:15 PM PST: Aegendia vs Versalite
- A11 - 7:30 PM PST: RATMIR vs Rule
- A12 - 7:45 PM PST: Pyrosancer vs Ascente
- A13 - 8:00 PM PST: xXAlastorXx vs BanDazai
- A14 - 8:15 PM PST: FreyaBleu vs BlueNebula
- A15 - 8:30 PM PST: Hell vs JustWishh
- A16 - 8:45 PM PST: Zeus (previously Jess) vs Momo
Day 2 - Sunday, May 13 5:00PM PST until finish (est 9:30PM):
Top 16 (3 rounds):
- B01 - 5:00 PM PST: Winner of A01 vs Winner of A02
- B02 - 5:15 PM PST: Winner of A03 vs Winner of A04
- B03 - 5:30 PM PST: Winner of A05 vs Winner of A06
- B04 - 5:45 PM PST: Winner of A07 vs Winner of A08
- B05 - 6:00 PM PST: Winner of A09 vs Winner of A10
- B06 - 6:15 PM PST: Winner of A11 vs Winner of A12
- B07 - 6:30 PM PST: Winner of A13 vs Winner of A14
- B08 - 6:45 PM PST: Winner of A15 vs Winner of A16
Quarter Finals (3 rounds):
- C01 - 7:00 PM PST: Winner of B01 vs Winner of B02
- C02 - 7:15 PM PST: Winner of B03 vs Winner of B04
- C03 - 7:30 PM PST: Winner of B05 vs Winner of B06
- C04 - 7:45 PM PST: Winner of B07 vs Winner of B08
Semi Finals (5 rounds):
- D01 - 8:00 PM PST: Winner of C01 vs Winner of C02
- D02 - 8:20 PM PST: Winner of C03 vs Winner of C04
Third Place (5 rounds):
- E01 - 8:40 PM PST: Loser of D01 vs Loser of D02
Finals (5 rounds):
- F01 - 9:00 PM PST: Winner of D01 vs Winner of D02
Updated Rules, Format:
See below post.