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so what's the minimum required gear for IDN?
Originally posted by BigBeefThe absolute MINIMUM requirements: it's doable with well enhanced 90 epic/non ice dragon unique gear , a well constructed party, good skill planning and skilled players. anything above that just decreases the run time.
people who say L-grades or say you need high FD are delusional or trash at the game and/or use overpowered gear to compensate for how trash they are. think about it. why would the normal version of the raid drop evo nightmare shards to make evo nightmare weapons or unique ice dragon gear when neither of them are better than 80 L-grade gear?
normal version of the raid was made for above average gear levels at 90 cap but not necessarily top tier gear levels. we already have people crocking the shit outta the normal version of the raid in 25-30 minutes and individuals doing 100m dps by themselves. the hc version of the raid only needs 94m dps total for the entire party to clear the timer. with ex debuff stacking still in place reaching that much dps shouldnt be a problem.
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90 unique weapons or better
unique or lgrade armors, only epic armors considered are cornura/ultimate theano for unnerfed idn
awakened classes/good party comp
a tank that turns the first boss (not necessary but makes it easier)
your biggest obstacle gear-wise is the 1st boss dps check, if you cant time skills correctly or get the optimal rotations your team needs to 1) work on rotations or 2) get op gear to compensate
obviously the teams that clear first 1) are pre-established teams so they already trust each other and saves time, at most have to recruit a few people 2) have the best gear because good gear makes it take less time.
Trust me if your ragtag team are all in +12 theano epics they're not going to clear in a timely fashion because 1) everyone needs to be trained how to raid and work together, and recruiting/training takes far longer than gearing
i made a new team with various people, most who don't use the forums, and we only practice once a week. i've already had to replace and drop members, find subs, etc for 5 weeks. If 1 person dies during the run progression slows down a lot. If someone DC's we have to stall because the loss of a dps prevents us from making checks. I have to give new members grace periods and any subs who use idn4-man strats cause wipes, and most of all you cant be frustrated because it's only natural that people make mistakes and accidents happen.
You need better gear than theano epics for unnerfed IDN abyss because gear is a minimal commitment compared to actually raiding. Even in teams with all skilled lgrade dpsers, 1 death drags all progression. What makes you think just theano epics is enough?*
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Originally posted by ceruulean View Post90 unique weapons or better
unique or lgrade armors, only epic armors considered are cornura/ultimate theano for unnerfed idn
awakened classes/good party comp
a tank that turns the first boss (not necessary but makes it easier)
your biggest obstacle gear-wise is the 1st boss dps check, if you cant time skills correctly or get the optimal rotations your team needs to 1) work on rotations or 2) get op gear to compensate
obviously the teams that clear first 1) are pre-established teams so they already trust each other and saves time, at most have to recruit a few people 2) have the best gear because good gear makes it take less time.
Trust me if your ragtag team are all in +12 theano epics they're not going to clear in a timely fashion because 1) everyone needs to be trained how to raid and work together, and recruiting/training takes far longer than gearing
i made a new team with various people, most who don't use the forums, and we only practice once a week. i've already had to replace and drop members, find subs, etc for 5 weeks. If 1 person dies during the run progression slows down a lot. If someone DC's we have to stall because the loss of a dps prevents us from making checks. I have to give new members grace periods and any subs who use idn4-man strats cause wipes, and most of all you cant be frustrated because it's only natural that people make mistakes and accidents happen.
You need better gear than theano epics for unnerfed IDN abyss because gear is a minimal commitment compared to actually raiding. Even in teams with all skilled lgrade dpsers, 1 death drags all progression. What makes you think just theano epics is enough?
For weapons any 90 uniques is good, perhaps 93nightmare weaps but the time it takes to get them is too long and by then idn is nerfed and a lot of my points will be moot. If you want to go for hc, get some rdnl armors for more damage now, or 90 unique armors so yo have the gems ready for your lgrades, or find an op team to carry you