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Bot got the Blessed Buff

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  • #16
    Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post

    When did I say remove it from player completely?. There something wrong with your IQ. I'm suggesting it as alternative when bless buffer not on. They can set it to when any given time bless buffer is not on this NPC will be active to bless buff for player. Oh by the way KO soon they going to implement blocking of Blue bird spammer so the server don't have to deal with your spamming +1 this great idea.

    PS: Instead of bashing other people idea you should think of an better idea first.
    First of all if it is an alternative almost 90% of people who need the buff will just talk to the NPC waste an extra 10-15 heck even 30g from the set price of 20g for instant buff. That creates LESS GOLD FOR ECONOMY.

    Oh and thats genius, make a way that detects when a random player who got blessed buff isnt online so an NPC can spawn and give the buff. Do you think before you speak or do you just spew stupidity?

    It does not matter if you remove it from player or not, giving an npc buffing abilities negates getting it and will make the buff straight up useless.

    Block of blue birds? wow cant wait when we get this in 3 years. I will care so much. Heck if we get it tomorrow I wouldnt care. You seem to think if people cant see my birds once a week it'll hurt me ego. Oh my god. This guys just a genius today.

    Oh and your bashing atleast 3 other people in this thread alone so how about you stop trying to act all innocent. Your telling me Lux needs blessed buff to grind 80k GP? Your telling me Lux needs to go from 1 hitting everything in a dungeon to 1 hitting everything in a dungeon? Someone test this guys IQ.

    PS: We did give a better idea, ban bots. Simple. Easy. Wow.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheKo View Post
      Block of blue birds? You seem to think if people cant see my birds once a week it'll hurt me ego.
      Yes, I do believe it would...


      • #18
        Originally posted by ILLbeURdeath View Post

        Yes, I do believe it would...
        Nah this games got more problems than people blocking me from birds. Besides I havent birded in a month until yesterday. Finally done gearing for a bit so you better hope it comes fast.


        • ILLbeURdeath
          ILLbeURdeath commented
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          You've been birding nearly everyday(for what seems like years)... you were just spamming birds last night..."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"... sound familiar???

          This is all just a waste of time tbh.
          Last edited by ILLbeURdeath; 01-30-2017, 12:33 AM.

        • TheKo
          TheKo commented
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          I just told you "until yesterday" and no I was not birding nearly every day. I took 2 weeks off game actually and I started farming gold for about 4 weeks now when I came back which includes no spending on fun. You just dont notice because theres a lot of people named "Fina(i)Ko, FinaalKo, Finialko and ect' who want to be like me when they grow up.

      • #19
        KO you remind me of Naruto. Naruto was acknowledge by his village and he mature. So if we acknowledge will you grow up?. Its already implement in Korea Mr know it all, there a function where u block blue bird spammer. Also he was trolling he obviously have buff and shard of will when he farm. Anyway KO I ummm acknowledge you so please mature up.

        PS: People need to learn between insulting and criticizing player ideas.
        Last edited by OneMysteriousGuy; 01-29-2017, 06:52 PM.


        • Milithistorian
          Milithistorian commented
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          "subpar" theanos got me 5 minute RW runs.....

        • barcode
          barcode commented
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          When I say subpar, I mean like +13 nightmare/desirous theano stuff

        • Milithistorian
          Milithistorian commented
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          yeah but how many players have that or above? bless buff can help players that have crap gear quite a bit and at a higher gear level you don't need bless buff to farm dungeon thats the whole point of gearing up

      • #20
        banning bots doesn't guarantee that a player gets the bless stone or that they'll know what to do with it

        giving it to NPC for extra price lets people desperate for it get it while guaranteeing they'll go to a player who has it FIRST

        and besides what's the bless buffer doing with the 20g? probably enhancing, giving it to NPC anyway


        • ILLbeURdeath
          ILLbeURdeath commented
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          BOOM +1, think this convo is done now yes?

      • #21
        Originally posted by Buttmunchkin
        Typical DN players: "waah waah waah gimme gimme gimme waah"

        Lol. Please grow up. Actually never mind don't. It's so funny seeing how pathetic you all are.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	0fb.png
Views:	180
Size:	643.8 KB
ID:	50270
        Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Peter Dager in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America.


        • #22
          Originally posted by OneMysteriousGuy View Post
          Listen queen bots should be ban there no doubt about it but how many bots are there in the server do you even know? the point I'm suggesting is we should have an alternative so if there no buffer on player will be able to buy buff from another source. If you look at the forum we been plague with bots since day one till now.
          >bots should be banned in the first place

          aka gms can just delete the stone buff from that bot and ban them, ezpz fix considering legit anyone who is on can report it to the gms, but again, its depends on them.
          ur solution is more complicated than mine considering theyd have to change a feature of the game, which gms would need to contact ed and actually have it "valided". its would take way longer too.

          Originally posted by Bishoujou View Post
          all i know is in other servers people complaining about bless buff got the thing removed from the game entirely
          if thats true, rip buff, it was nice knowing u.

          Originally posted by TheKo View Post
          Blessed buff makes players about 10-20kg a week with it. Its another way for people to make gold and is one of the only things not RNG based in the fact that every week a player will get it and make gold. Making an NPC have the ability to buff removes this gold from people every week. Your argument is stupid and you should feel bad.
          that statement is highly, highly wrong considering stone buff is pure rng to get. yeah u can higher ur chance to get it with vip pass, but even then theres still a 2/4 chances u dont get it (and thats excluding the fact that bless buff has a *kind of* low rate to appear).
          but i do agree its means less gold.

          Originally posted by Milithistorian View Post
          banning bots doesn't guarantee that a player gets the bless stone or that they'll know what to do with it

          giving it to NPC for extra price lets people desperate for it get it while guaranteeing they'll go to a player who has it FIRST

          and besides what's the bless buffer doing with the 20g? probably enhancing, giving it to NPC anyway
          1. idgaf about the players that doesnt know what to do with it (and nobody should care about that considering those kinds just happens and we cant really alternate that, just deal wif it bro) - our problem is that its been 3 week straight that bots gets it when they arent even human, making it so people struggle to get buffed for their raids etc.
          2. view my comment on mysteriousguy's solution
          3. this last sentence is so dumb. in any game you will make gold in, its will always be consummed into a npc sooner or later (unless u decide to gold sell but thats not my point). again if u like ruining our economy even more, sure put the buff on npc 10/10 solution - even more gold will be sinked right away into the npc instead of having it traded between players then later consummed.

          olook, another rare day where i make a paragraph.
          AYY LMAO BAN HAMMER.png


          • #23
            finna get blessed wen i go 2 da church in saints haven

            roll up with ma raid squad erry day to get dat op blessed dps


            • #24
              What does blessed buff do and why is it important?
              TypeNull - Bleed Phantom


              • #25
                This is why DN NA top the list. You don't see that much drama on others server forum.


                • #26
                  Well... This chat is slowly becoming toxic.... Haha dn toxic.... Yep...

                  Yeah botting is an issue. That sort of comes down on the players not reporting and the game creators for not having the software to detect bots like some other games do and/or the response time to view reported bots.

                  What I think should be done.
                  Reset PvP so That PvP stone buff can be aquired so that there are 4 stone buffs available again. The person who can get the stone buff if I am correct no longer is active.

                  Make stone buff a redemable coupon with an hour window to claim. So that way if it is a bot it would not give the both the actual buff for the week. Instead the buff coupon would disapear and would put the buff back into rotation immediately.


                  • #27
                    Does anyone remember the fact that stone buff is paid for because players made it that way?
                    Pls implement NPC that buffs for free :]

                    oh wait, it'll hurt player's income lol.


                    Banning pots - impossible
                    Giving stone to NPC for gold price - losing gold in economy to an NPC every 24 hrs (as buff lasts that long) imagine how many players would be rebuffing everyday..

                    All I can say is, we need ED to actually ban the bot holding the stone buff for the week.
                    They don't have to ban every bot because all were really asking for is that one bot that holds the stone buff..
                    what is the point of all the other arguments in the thread again?

                    IGN: SachiMizora | Class: Pyromancer | Discord: Sachi #2301 | Hangs out @ Ch7 | Pyromancer Guide | Tumblr
                    Other Characters:
                    Saint/s -
                    Generosity, SaeyoungChoi & Pure
                    Light Bringer - Aussie, KaidenMizora
                    Ice Witch - SachMizora
                    Valkyrie - Sachi


                    • #28
                      Originally posted by SachiMizora View Post
                      Does anyone remember the fact that stone buff is paid for because players made it that way?
                      Pls implement NPC that buffs for free :]

                      oh wait, it'll hurt player's income lol.


                      Banning pots - impossible
                      Giving stone to NPC for gold price - losing gold in economy to an NPC every 24 hrs (as buff lasts that long) imagine how many players would be rebuffing everyday..

                      All I can say is, we need ED to actually ban the bot holding the stone buff for the week.
                      They don't have to ban every bot because all were really asking for is that one bot that holds the stone buff..
                      what is the point of all the other arguments in the thread again?
                      To get 1mil views yes? Plz subscribe haha lol.


                      • #29
                        Can we just buy the buff for 5 aura a week

