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Are you excited, nervous, or both?
I'm always nervous when a game changes publishers, no matter if it's a default back to the Developer or what it is.
I made sure *not* to buy anything during their sales they were having on stuff in game near the end at Nexon. Nexon isn't going to publish the game anymore, I need to save my money to spend when it moves here to show them that the game is still worth hosting and still making money.
It's one of the better games out there that are online really, it's a terrific action game with lots of interesting story lines. It's sad that people don't look at games they think are a little older. Really some of these games that are a bit older have had so many patches and content updates they've got a wealth of things to do and see. They're actually far better games usually after this amount of time.
I don't know if it was the way Nexon was handling it or what but a game this good should have a lot more people coming in even if it isn't brand new.
Anyway I'm nervous, I've a lot more to do in the game and don't want to see it go anywhere. I'll have to make sure to get on a lot more often and I'm going to definitely put aside a budget to spend just in this game each month (I'm not a whale or anything but every bit adds up!).
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Like it wouldn't be fair if people cant use their old heros in the re-opening of the game because they get their email extrmely late that they would either make a new character or give up playing the game. That wouldn't want anyone to play it. What i think they should do first is make sure every E-mail did get sent and maybe or maybe now send a second version of the email to make people feel confident that it went swell. Then extend the part thing for at least a week or 2 if people got their email late. That is my concern the most.